
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chicago zoning landmark commission considers law office's variance request


The city of Chicago Committee on Zoning Landmarks and Building Standards will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday to consider a variance request from the law office of Samuel Banks. | File photo

The city of Chicago Committee on Zoning Landmarks and Building Standards will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday to consider a variance request from the law office of Samuel Banks. | File photo

The city of Chicago Committee on Zoning Landmarks and Building Standards will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday to consider a variance request from the law office of Samuel Banks.

Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the city:





10:00 AM



DOCUMENT S 02016-3989

Common Address:


Change Request:

Multi-un¡t District

1934-1936 N Bissell Street

Alderman Michele Smith

RM-S.5 Multi Unit D¡strict to RT4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and

NO. 18681 (1" WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (3.16-16)

DOCUMENT #02016-1606

Common Address: 1516 W Huron St.




Change Request:


NO. 13694.T1 (1't WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (3.16.16I

DOCUMENT #02016-1619

Common Address: 2529-2537 W Fullerton Ave

Edyta and Andrzej Rogowski

Edyta and Andrzej Rogowski

Law Office of Mark Kupiec & Associates

RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RM4.5

Residential Mult¡-un¡t District

To demolish the existing building and build a new 4 story, 3 dwelling unit

residential building; 3 parking spaces; not commercial space; 4 story,

he¡ght 44'-11'




Change Request


Fullerton Properties LLC

Fullerton Properties LLC

Law Office of Samuel VP Banks

83-1 Community Shopping District to B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use


The Applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to permit

the construction of a new six-story mixed-use buildlng, at the subject site.

The new proposed building will contain approximately 2,380 square feet

of commercial/office space, at grade level, with nineteen (19) dwelling

units above (Floors 2 thru 6). There will also be nineteen (L9) interior

parking spaces, located at grade level. The new proposed building will be

masonry in construction, w¡th glass accents, and measure 65'-0" in height

NO. 18782 (1" WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (5-18-16I

pocuMENT f02016-391s

Common Address: 2425W Haddon Ave

Applicant: 2425HADDON INC

Owner: 2425 HADDON INC

Attorney: Law Office of Mark Kupiec & Associates

Change Request: RT4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit Distr¡ct to RM4.5

Residential Mult¡-unlt District

Purpose: To demolish the existing buildings and build a new 3 story, 3 dwelling unit

residential building; 3 parking space; no commercial space 3 story, height


NO. ].8851.T1 (1" WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (6.22.16)

DOCUMENT #02016-4769

Common Address: L739 N Humboldt

Applicant L&MC lnvestments LLC

Owner: L&MC lnvestments LLC

Attorney: Law Office of Samuel VP Banks

Change Request: RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RT4 Residential

Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District

Purpose The Applicant is proposing to develop the subject property with a new

three-story building containing seven (7) residential dwelling units. The

proposed building will be masonry construction, The proposed building

will be 37 feet 10 inches in height. Onsite parking for seven (7) cars will

be located at the rear of the lot.

NO. 18663 T1 (2"d WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (02.10-16)

pocuMENT f02016-554

Common Address: 2015-31" N. Mendell St.

Applicant: 20L7 Mendell Baker, LLC

Owner: 201.7 Mendell Baker, LLC

Attorney: Rolando Acosta

Change Request: PMD 2 Planned Manufacturing District No. 2, Sub. District A to a Business

Planned Development

Purpose: Four story 157'4" in height) building containing approximately 65,000 sq

ft for office use with 49 parking spaces and one loading berth.


NO. 18860 (2"d WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (6-22.16)

DOCUMENT #02015-4778

Common Address: 9 West Walton Street




West Walton Chicago lnvestors LLC

9 West Walton Condominium Developer LLC

Paul Shadle and Katie Jahnke Dale

Change Request: Residential Business Planned Development No. 1043 to Residential

Business Planned Development No L043, as amended

Pu rpose: The Applicant requests a rezoning of the subject property ResidentialBusiness

Planned Development Number 1043 to Residential-Business

Planned Development Number 1043, as amended to allow for

construction of a residential building containing approximately 7L

dwelling units, approximately 74 parking spaces, ground floor

commercial/retail space and accessory and incidental uses

NO. 18673 ( 3'd WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (02-10.16)

DOCUMENT #02016-665

Common Address: 3300 S. Federal St.

Applicant: Armour lnstitute, LLC

Owner: lllinois lnstitute of Technology

Attorney: Rich Klawiter and Katie Jahnke Dale of DLA Piper LLP (US)

Change Request: lnstitutional Planned Development No, 1 to lnstitutional Planned

Development No. 1., as amended

Purpose: The Applicant requests a rezoning of the subject property from

lnstitutional Planned Development No 1 to lnstitutional Planned

Development No. 1, as amended, to allow for the historic reuse of the

existlng 6-story building as a residential building containing up to 84

dwelling units,


NO. 18781 (22nd WARpI ORDTNANCE REFERRED (5-18-16)

DOCUMENT #020t6-39L4

Common Address: 3110-3250 S St. Louis Ave

Applicant: 3l-st Street Operations LLC

Owner 3L't Street Operations LLC

Attorney Law Office of Samuel VP Banks

Change Request: ML-2 Limited Manufacturing/ Business Park District, M2-1 Light lndustry

District and M3-3 Heavy lndustry District to M3-1 Heavy lndustry District

and then to a lndustrial Planned Development

Pu rpose: The existing one-story industrial building, located near the north end of

the property, will remain and be renovated (1"8,525 square feet approx.),

to include the build out of a partial mezzanine level (second floor). This

building will contain the business offices and maintenance shop for the

proposed operations. The other two existing structures will both be

razed. The subject site will operate as an automobile "salvage yard"-

including, as a part thereof: Class l, Class ll, Class lV-A and Class lV-B

Recycling Facility operations, with storage and sales of various

automobile parts, recycling of automobile fluids, crushing of used

automobiles, and on-site exterior auto storage. A new one-story building

(lI,4oO square feet) will be erected, at the south end ofthe property,

which will contain the facility's car crushing operations. There will also be

a total of one-hundred (100) parking spaces located on-site, The existing

one-story building is concrete and steel in construction and will measure

28'-0" (approx.) in height

NO, 18660 T1 (26th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (02-10-16)

DOCUMENT #02016-651

Common Address: 2041-59 W. Race Ave./51L-19 N,Hoyne Ave.

Applicant: Guardian Properties, LLC

Owner: Edward Simon

Attorney: Law Office of Samuel VP Banks

Change Request: RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to 82-1.5

Neighborhood Mixed-Use District

Purpose: Eight single family homes, three stories (40.5 ft) in height containing

approximately 3,300 sq ft and an attached two car garage in the rear


NO, 18674 T1 (27th WARD} ORDINANCE REFERRED (02.10-16}

DOCUMENT #02016-666

common Address: IO32-t042 W. Fulton Market

Applicant: 1032 W. Fulton Market Condominium, LLC

Owner: See Application for list of owners

Attorney: Rich Klawiter and Katie Jahnke Dale of DLA Piper LLP (US)

Change Request: C1-1 Neighborhood Commercial District to C1-5 Neighborhood

Commercial Zoning District

Purpose: The Applicant requests a rezoning of the subject property from C1-L

Neighborhood Commercial District Neighborhood Commercial District to

C1-5 Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District to allow a one-story

addition to an existing 3-story office building and the construction of a

new s-story office building with the 5th floor setback. The proposed

development wlll provide a total of 9 off-street parking spaces.

NO, 18861 (27th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (6-22-16)

DOCUMENT #02016-4779

Common Address: 100-136 N Carpenter Streeu 1033-1057 W Randolph St; 101-L37 N

Aberdeen St; 1032-1056 W Washington Boulevard




Change Request

1L0 N Carpenter St LLC

1"10 N Carpenter St LLC

Rich Klawiter and Katie Jahnke Dale

DX-3 Downtown Mixed Use District to DX-5 Downtown Mixed-Use

District and then to a Business Planned Development

Purpose: The Applicant requests a rezoning of the subject property from the DX-3

Downtown Mixed-Use District to the DX-5 Mixed-Use District then to a

Business Planned Development to permit the construction of an

approximately +/-I50'commercial building with a minimum of 87 parking

spaces, and accessory and incidental uses.


NO. 18866-T1 (27th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (6-22-16)

DOCUMENT S02016-4785

Common Address: 1"128 W Fry St

Applicant Vagabond Properties LLC

Owner: Vagabond Properties LLC

Attorney Law Office of Samuel VP Banks

Change Request: RT4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit Distr¡ct and B3-2

Community Shopping District to B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District

Purpose The Applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to permit the erection

of a three-story addition. off the rear of the existing two-story residential

building, which will connect to the existing detached garage, over which

the Applicant is also seeking to erect a two-story addition - which will

result in the establishment of a single (unified) building, at the subject

site. The existing two-story residential building, with the new three-story

(connector) rear addition, will continue to contain a total of three (3)

dwelling units, The proposed two-story rear addition, intended for over

the existing garage, which will be connected to the existing two-story

building (with three-story rear addition), will contain one (L) new

dwelling unit (between the 2nd thru 3'd floors) - for a total of four (4)

dwelling units to be established at the property. There will continue to be

onsite parking for a total of three (3) vehicles, within the floor of the

garage/ off the rear of the property. Due to its close proximity to the CTA

Blue Line Station, the Applicant is seeking a reduction in the amount of

required parking, at the site, from four (4) spaces to three (3) spaces - pursuant to the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Ordinance. The new

additions will be masonry in construction, to match the existing

structures, and will measure 38 feet in height.

NO. 18747 (29th WARD) ORptNANCE REFERRED (4-13-16)

DOCUMENT #02016-2659

Common Address: 2102-2L20 N Natchez Ave

Applicant: Mia Property Acquisitions, LLC -2120 Natchez

Owner Regal Beloit Corporat¡on c/o attorney Wayne Osoba

Attorney Law Office of Samuel VP Banks

Change Request: RT4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District to a

Residential Planned Development

Pu rpose The Applicant is proposing to develop the subject property with

fourteen (L4) three-story, six (6) unit residential buildings. Each building

will be masonry construction and measure 34'-7" in height. A total of 145

onsite parking spaces will be provided to support the residential

development. The total dwelling unit count and 4.76lot area trigger

planned development approval per Sec. 17-8-0513-4.


NO. 18721-T1(31" WARD} ORDINANCE REFERRED (4.13.16)

pocuMENT #02016-2594

Common Address: 4001-4059 W Diversey; 4018-4058 W Parker; 2733-2759 N Karlov; 2748-

2758 N Pulaski




Change Request

The Fields Retail LLC

Please see application for list of owners

Kevin Wolfberg

ML-1 Limited Manufacturing/ Business Park District to C2-1 Motor

Vehicle Related Commercial District

Purpose to allow for a proposed commercial development containing three retail

buildings with a total square footage of 56, L36 sq.ft. with 172 parking



DOCUMENT #02016-3896

Common Address: 2662 N Cicero Ave

Applicant Michael Motors Ltd d/b/a Windy City Motors

Owner MAC Series Two, LLC 2662

Attorney Pericles Abbasi

Change Request: 81"-1 Neighborhood Shopping District to C2-L Motor Vehicle Related

Commercial District

Pu rpose After the rezoning, the property will continue to be used as an

Automobile dealership and repair shop, No changes will be made to the

existing one-story 1,4,700 square foot commercial

office/showroom/repair garage building. There will be no dwelling units

There is not now and will not be customer parking(only inventory car

parking on the commercial lot),

NO, 18772-T1(3zNd WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (5-18-16)

pocuMENT #02016-3893

Common Address: 2465 N Clybourn

Applicant: l.L. Properties LLC

Owner: l,L, Properties LLC

Attorney: Paul Kolpak

Change Request: ML-2 Limited Manufacturing/ Business Park District to RM4.5 Residential

Multi-unit District

The applicant wishes to build a 3-story building with basement, a roof top

deck and a 3- car detached garage, no commercial space. Height of the

building: 39'tO".



NO, 18404 T1 (3zNd WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (6.17-15)

pocuMENT #o2015-4624

Common Address: 1"868-78 North Milwaukee Avenue

Applicant Michael Cordaro

Owner Michael Cordaro

Attorney: Law Offices of Samuel VP Banks

Change Request: B3-3 community Shopping District and B2-2 Neighborhood Mixed-Use

District to 83-5 Community Shopping District

Purpose The Applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to permit the

construction of a new six-story mixed-use building, with commercial

space and parking at grade level and dwelling units above. The new

proposed building will contain two commercial/retail spaces (2,638

square feet and 2,082 square feet), fronting Milwaukee Avenue, at grade

level, with thirty-eight dwelling units (apartments) above (Floors 2-6).

There will also be garage parking for nine (9) vehicles located within the

rear (grade level) of the proposed new building and twelve (1,2) exterior

parking spaces located at the rear of the building, for a total of twentyone

(21) on-site parking spaces. The proposed new building will measure

76'-5" in height and be masonry in construction, with glass and wood


NO, 18858 (32"d WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (6.22.16ì

pocuMENT #02015-4776

Common Address: 13L4-13L8 W Wrightwood Ave

Applicant: DSSG 13 LLC

Owner: DSSG 13 LLC

Attorney: Law Office of Samuel VP Banks

Change Request: C1-2 Neighborhood Commercial District to B2-3 Neighborhood MixedUse


Purpose: The Applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to permit the

construction of a new multi-unit residential building (Lot 23) and the

rehabilitation of the existing building (Lot 23). The new proposed threestory

(with basement) building, on Lot 24, will contain a total of three (3)

dwelling units. There will also be onsite parking, forthree (3) vehicles,

located in a new^ detached garage, at the rear of the building (Lot 2a).

The Applicant intends to preserve the existing three-story mixed-use

building, on Lot 23, and to convert the existing grade-level commercial

(restaurant) space into a dwelling unit. The existing four (4)dwelling units

- located on floors 2 thru 3, of the existing building, will remain - for a

total of five (5) dwelling units within the existing building (Lot 23). The

existing one-story addition, off of the rear of the existing building - however, will be razed to allow for the location and establishment of five

(5) exterior parking spaces at the rear of the Lot (23). Each building is

and/or will remain masonry in construction and measure less than 50'-0"

in height.


NO, 18712 (35th WARD} ORDINANCE REFERRED (3.16-16)

pocuMENT #02016-1637

Common Address: 3545 W Palmer St.

Applicant: 3545 Palmer LLC

Owner: 3545 Palmer LLC

Attorney: Andrew Scott

Change Requesti RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RM4.5

Residential Multi-Unit District

Purpose The applicant proposes to redevelop the vacant building to permit three

dwelling units and no commercial space. The project will also include

approximately three off street parking spaces. The height shall remain

unchanged at three stories.


DOCUMENT f02015-6411

Common Address: 5550 N Ashland

Applicant: AB Marathon Ltd

Owner: AB Marathon Ltd

Attorney: Law Office of Samuel VP Banks

Change Request: RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to c1-1

Neighborhood Commercial District

Purposer The Applicant is seeking a zoning amendment in order to permit a onestory

addition to the existing motor vehicle repair building located at the

subject property, The proposed building addition will contain 220 sq. ft,

of total building area. The building addition will contain a third

automobile repair bay on site. The proposed addition will be

approximately L7 ft. in height and match the exist¡ng building's height.

The ten (L0) onsite parking spaces will remain without change. The

gasoline pumping island and canopy will remain without change

NO, 18710 (42"d WARDI ORDINANCE REFERREÞ (3-16-16I

DOCUMENT #02016-1635

Common Address: 430-438 N LaSalle SU L42-50 W Hubbard St

Applicant: PG Development LLC

Owner: Hubbard LaSalle LLC

Attorney: John George, Schuyler Roche & Crisham PC

Change Request: DX-7 Downtown Mixed Use District to a Business Planned Development

Purpose: a 17 story 200 mixed use buildlng containing retail space on the ground

floors and 199 room hotel on the upper floors

NO, 18657 (42Nd WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (02.10-16)

pocuMENT #02016-648

Common Address: 7Ot-7tt N. Orleans St,; 300-330 W. Huron St.; 700-7L0 N. Franklin St.

Applicant: JFJ 300 Huron LLC

Owner: 70t-707 N. Orleans LLC

Attorney: Meg George at Neal and Leroy LLC

Change Request: DX-5 Downtown Mixed-Use District to Residential Business Planned


Purpose: Applicant intends to deVelop the vacant lot into a 24 story (298' high)

residential building with approximately 71 dwelling units, TL accessory

parking spaces, 13,000 sq ft of commercial space

NO, 18689 (44th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (3-16-16)

DOCUMENT #02016-1514

Common Address: 450-454 W Belmont Ave

Applicantr 450 W Belmont Properties LLC

owner: John G. Crowly

Attorney: Katriina McGuire/ Thompson Coburn LLP

Change Request: RM-6,5 Residential Multi Unit District to a Residential Planned


Purpose: 179 ft tall multi-family residential dwelling unit building with 95 dwelling

units, 50 parking spaces, and 95 bicycle parking spaces

NO. 18874 (48th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (6.22-16)

pocuMENT #02016-4800

comrhon Address: 6250 N Sheridan Road and62t7-2t N Kenmore Ave

Applicant: Convent of the Sacred Heart of Chicago lL

Owner: Convent of the Sacred Heart of Chicago lL

Attorney: Joe Gattuso

Change Request: lnstitut¡onal Planned Development No. 7BB and RM-6 Residential Multi

Unit District to lnstitutional Planned Development as amended

Purpose: The property will continue to be used as a school including related and

accessory uses.