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Illinois Board of Education determine capacity for state charter school


The Illinois State Board of Education met May 17 to determine capacity for the new state charter school campus.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

ILLINOIS STATE CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 17, 2016 1 The May 17, 2016 Commission Meeting of the Illinois State Charter School Commission was held at Prairie Crossing Charter School located at 1531 Jones Point Road in Grayslake, IL. Commission Chair, DeRonda Williams called the meeting to order at 3:00pm. I. Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance Commission Chair, DeRonda Williams conducted roll call. Commissioner(s) William Farmer, Dr. Kathryn Robbins, Troy Ratliff, Richard Van Evera, Catherine Rich, and Chair, DeRonda Williams were in attendance. Also in attendance, Commission Staff: Interim Executive Director – Hosanna Mahaley-Jones, Deputy Director – Shenita Johnson, Commission Office and Appeal Coordinator – Treyana Burris, School Compliance Coordinator – Bertha Rios, and General Counsel, Lisa Scruggs. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. II. Consent Agenda Commission Chair Williams asked for a motion to accept and approve the March 1, 2016 Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Robbins made the motion and Commission Van Evera seconded. A vote was called; 6 ayes, 0 opposed. The motion to accept and approve the March 1, 2016 Commission Meeting Minutes passed. III. Public Participation Geoff Deigan (Executive Director, Prairie Crossing Charter School) provided welcoming remarks to the Commission. IV. Report of the Chair Commission Chair Williams reported that the Governor’s office has confirmed that they are working to fill the Commissioner vacancies and at least one name has been submitted to ISBE. Commission Chair Williams also informed Commissioners that the Commission may be asked to appear in Springfield and provide testimony before the Senate Education Committee regarding recent appeal decisions. ILLINOIS STATE CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 17, 2016 2 V. Report of the Committees Schools Committee Commissioner Farmer reported that the Schools Committee met on May 11, 2016 to discuss the LEARN 10 Appeal, LEARN 9 Material Modification, recommended PCTC for recent appeals, and the annual reviews for three schools. Commissioner Farmer also reported that, over the summer, staff will work with the Committee on the school closure and intervention policy. Operations Committee Commissioner Ratliff reported that the Operations Committee met on May 12, 2016 to discuss the third quarter budget update and the proposed FY17 budget. Interim Executive Director, Hosanna Mahaley-Jones gave a brief explanation of the third quarter budget update. She indicated that the Commission is on track to finish the fiscal year under budget. She mentioned that Commission revenue was slightly below.05% of what was anticipated and the expenses for appeals were slightly higher than anticipated. She further explained that the Commission will have some carry over at the end of the fiscal year. Commissioner Ratliff further reported that the draft/first reading of the budget for FY17 will be presented at today’s meeting, but that action will be taken at the June 2016 meeting. He stated that amendments may be made to the draft budget and will be subject to approval. Commissioner Ratliff stated that there are two budgets before the Commission for review and consideration. The first budget allocates for five (5) campuses and the second budget allocates for nine (9) campuses. VI. Report of the Staff Legislative Update Interim Executive Director, Hosanna Mahaley-Jones reported a legislative update concerning HB 5918. She indicated that the bill is made up of two components: (1) to allow current authorizers to grant a charter term of up to 10 years and (2) an authorizer should not approve a school if it does not meet the authorizer’s standards. ILLINOIS STATE CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 17, 2016 3 Personnel Hosanna Mahaley-Jones reported that the Commission’s work has increased 200% within recent years and additional capacity is needed. Appeals Hosanna Mahaley-Jones reported that the Commission has received five (5) appeals this year; the fifth (5th) one was submitted by the LEARN Charter School Network after being denied by North Chicago to open their 10th school. She indicated that the two parties entered mediation and eventually came to an agreement. She referenced an article in the Chicago Tribune that provides further background of what happened during the mediation process between LEARN Charter School Network and North Chicago. She further stated that the Commissioners will be asked to accept jurisdiction and the withdrawal of the LEARN Appeal today. Commission District Ranking Hosanna Mahaley-Jones reported that the Commission currently has five (5) schools, totaling 2120 students, the Commission serves more students than 75% of school districts in Illinois. Material Modification Hosanna Mahaley-Jones reported that the LEARN Charter Network submitted a material modification for LEARN 9 Waukegan requesting to relocate to a new facility. She indicated that LEARN 9 is also requesting to increase their enrollment to 300. She stated that based on the school’s performance, staff believes that they are off to a good start. She further stated that staff recommends that the Commissioners approve the material modification for LEARN 9. She stated that prior to approval, the school must submit to Commission staff, a transportation plan, communications, and an executed lease. Commission Chair Williams asked how far the new location is from the current facility. Deputy Director, Shenita Johnson responded that the new facility is less than ten (10) minutes away from the current facility. Commissioner Van Evera asked if the new facility is a brand-new building and Deputy Director, Shenita Johnson responded that the building is under ten (10) years old and is still a relatively new facility. ILLINOIS STATE CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 17, 2016 4 Commissioner Robbins asked if the new facility has been used as a school before. Deputy Director, Shenita Johnson responded that the new facility was previously used as a community center but does have classrooms. Commission Chair Williams asked if the new facility contains capacity for the enrollment cap of six-hundred (600) students. Deputy Director, Shenita Johnson responded that the new facility does not contain capacity for six-hundred (600) students; however, the school plans to add on to the new facility as more students become enrolled. Commissioner Farmer asked if there are costs of the new facility. Deputy Director, Shenita Johnson responded that there are no major costs for the facility and a budget has been provided to Commission staff. Commissioner Farmer expressed concerns of the schools’ enrollment pattern. He indicated that he understands the intent to enroll waitlisted students; however, he expressed concerns regarding increases in future enrollment. Commission Chair Williams asked if LEARN 9’s enrollment cap remains under six-hundred (600) students, does the school have to still submit enrollment projections. Interim Executive Director, Hosanna Mahaley-Jones, responded that the school still has to submit enrollment projections even if their enrollment cap remains under six-hundred (600) students. She further stated that staff is aware and sensitive to the concerns of the Commissioners as it relates to this issue. Annual Reviews Hosanna Mahaley-Jones further reported that the Commission conducts reviews of Commission authorized schools, annually. The Commission conducted annual reviews for three schools this year. (Southland was renewed last year and LEARN is in its first year of operation) She stated that no action is needed as it relates to the annual reviews, but such reviews serve as progress monitoring tools for the goals laid out in the school contracts. Hosanna Mahaley-Jones also indicated that two of the schools are currently meeting Commission standards and one is not. She further stated that the Commission will develop a school intervention policy for schools that are not meeting Commission standards. Contract Certifications Hosanna Mahaley-Jones reported that the three (3) recent appeals that are in the contract certification process. She further indicated that each school has identified a facility and has until ILLINOIS STATE CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 17, 2016 5 June 1, 2016 to provide a facility plan to Commission staff. She stated that Commission staff is meeting every other week with each school to monitor progress toward contract conditions. PCTC Hosanna Mahaley-Jones reported that Commission staff is recommending that the new schools be funded at 100% of the PCTC. Staff presented an analysis of current revenue and expense of the three (3) schools. She further explained that each of the schools currently receive about $8100 per student from CPS. She also indicated that the school does not pay rent to CPS; however, the current value of rent is about $1250/student, totaling approximately $9338. She stated that the Commission may fund 75-125% of the PCTC. She further stated that each of the schools will serve as their own local education agency (LEA), thereby increasing their costs to operate. Commission Chair Williams commented that the Commission has never done an in depth analysis of the PCTC in the past and further recognized the staff for their efforts to provide a more in-depth understanding to the Commissioners. Commissioner Farmer indicated that he agreed with the staff’s recommendation to fund the new schools at 100% of the PCTC. VII. Report of the General Counsel Prairie Crossing Charter School General Counsel, Lisa Scruggs reported that Woodland’s petition for leave to appeal to the Illinois Supreme Court was denied (appellate decision stands). Waukegan Lawsuit General Counsel, Lisa Scruggs reported that a new judge has been assigned to the LEARN 9 Waukegan lawsuit and all briefs have been submitted. She further indicated that oral arguments were heard in March and the judge is set to issue a written decision on June 23, 2016. CPS Lawsuits General Counsel, Lisa Scruggs reported that all three (3) cases were transferred and reassigned to one judge. She further stated that CPS filed a Motion to Stay based on the Commission’s reversal of the revocation and nonrenewal decisions. She indicated that the matter is currently being briefed by the parties. She further stated that this case remains on an expedited schedule ILLINOIS STATE CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 17, 2016 6 and she is currently working with Commission staff to create an administrative record for all three (3) appeals to submit to the Court. She mentioned that each school has received winddown documents from CPS indicating a formal school closure processes that may end up before the court. Hosanna Mahaley-Jones further commented that CPS has sent letters to parents offering alternative options for their students to attend this upcoming school year. General Counsel, Lisa Scruggs stated that the District’s main argument in its complaint is that the Commission has exceeded its authority with regard to the reversal of the revocation and nonrenewal. She further stated that it is CPS’ position that, if the Commission considers a school to be performing poorly academically, then the Commission should affirm the District’s decision to revoke or not renew a charter. Commissioner Farmer asked when is the earliest anticipated legal decision, as it relates to the CPS lawsuits. General Counsel, Lisa Scruggs responded July 1, 2016 is the anticipated legal decision on the motions. She further stated that July 1, 2016 indicates the beginning of the school year and pursuant to the Illinois Charter School law, an authorizer may not vote to close down a school until the following school year. Ethics Training Lisa Scruggs also reported that Commission staff will be engaged in Ethics training until June 8, 2016. She indicated that staff will be able to complete this training electronically and that there will be a new training set forth for Commissioners to complete. VIII. Closed Session No motion to enter closed session was presented. IX. Action Items A. Accept Jurisdiction and Withdrawal of Appeal SCSC16-005, LEARN Charter School Network v. North Chicago Community Unit School District #187 Commission Chair Williams made a motion to accept jurisdiction and withdrawal of Appeal SCSC16-005, LEARN Charter School Network v. North Chicago Community Unit School District #187. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Van Evera. ILLINOIS STATE CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 17, 2016 7 Commission Chair Williams called for questions and/or discussion on the motion. There were no questions or discussion. A vote was called; 6 ayes, 0 opposed. The motion was passed to accept jurisdiction and withdrawal of Appeal SCSC16-005, LEARN Charter School Network v. North Chicago Community Unit School District #187. B. Accept Staff Recommendation to Approve Material Modification for LEARN Charter School Network for LEARN 9 to Move to a New Facility Commissioner Farmer made a motion to accept the staff’s recommendation to approve the material modification for LEARN Charter School Network for LEARN 9 to move to a new facility. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Robbins. Commission Chair Williams called for questions and/or discussion on the motion. There were no questions or discussion. A vote was called; 6 ayes, 0 opposed. The motion was passed to accept the staff’s recommendation to approve the material modification for LEARN Charter School Network for LEARN 9 to move to a new facility. C. Approve Staff Recommendation to Grant 100% Per Capita Tuition Charge for Amandla Charter School Commission Chair Williams made a motion to approve the staff’s recommendation to grant 100% per capita tuition charge for Amandla Charter School. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ratliff. Commission Chair Williams called for questions and/or discussion on the motion. There were no questions or discussion. A vote was called; 6 ayes, 0 opposed. The motion was passed to approve the staff’s recommendation to grant 100% per capita tuition charge for Amandla Charter School. D. Approve Staff Recommendation to Grant 100% Per Capita Tuition Charge for Betty Shabazz International Charter School Commission Chair Williams made a motion to approve the staff’s recommendation to grant 100% per capita tuition charge for Betty Shabazz International Charter School. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ratliff. ILLINOIS STATE CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 17, 2016 8 Commission Chair Williams called for questions and/or discussion on the motion. There were no questions or discussion. A vote was called; 6 ayes, 0 opposed. The motion was passed to approve the staff’s recommendation to grant 100% per capita tuition charge for Betty Shabazz International Charter School. E. Approve Staff Recommendation to Grant 100% Per Capita Tuition Charge for Bronzeville Lighthouse Charter School Commission Chair Williams made a motion to approve the staff’s recommendation to grant 100% per capita tuition charge for Bronzeville Lighthouse Charter School. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Van Evera. Commission Chair Williams called for questions and/or discussion on the motion. There were no questions or discussion. A vote was called; 6 ayes, 0 opposed. The motion was passed to approve the staff’s recommendation to grant 100% per capita tuition charge for Bronzeville Lighthouse Charter School. F. First Reading: Approve FY17 Commission Budget Commissioner Ratliff announced that this action item is not a motion to approve, but to receive and review the draft FY17 Budget for consideration. Commissioner Ratliff made a motion to accept the first reading of the FY17 Commission Budget. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rich. Commission Chair Williams called for questions and/or discussion on the motion. There were no questions and/or discussion. A vote was called; 6 ayes, 0 opposed. The motion was passed to accept the first reading of the FY17 Commission Budget. X. Announcements and Information Commission Chair Williams announced that the graduation for Southland College Preparatory Charter High School will be held on Friday May 27, 2016 at Millennium Park. Commission Chair Williams also announced that Commissioners are eligible to be reimbursed for travel. She further stated that staff would submit reimbursement on behalf of Commissioners. ILLINOIS STATE CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 17, 2016 9 Commission Chair Williams announced that the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting will be held on June 28, 2016 at the Michael A. Bilandic Building, downtown Chicago. Interim Executive Director, Hosanna Mahaley-Jones announced that Commissioner Sohoni informed staff that he would not be able to attend the May Commission Meeting due to a conflict in scheduling. Deputy Director, Shenita Johnson announced that there is a July meeting on the 2016 Commission Meeting schedule; however, staff does not anticipate any action. She further stated that the Finance Retreat will be discussed in greater detail at the June 2016 Commission meeting. Commission Chair Williams made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded. The motion to adjourn the meeting was passed. Meeting adjourned at 3:55pm.