
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Geneva Plan Commission approves site plan for Aldi Foods building expansion

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Geneva Plan Commission met Feb. 23.

Here are the minutes as provided by Geneva:


City of Geneva

109 James Street - City Council Chambers

February 23, 2017 – Meeting #1177

Chairman Stocking called the meeting of the Plan Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call followed:

Present: Commissioners Dziadus, Kosirog, Leidig, Mead, Slifka, Chairman Stocking

Absent: Commissioners Case, Stevenson, and Evans

Others Present: Community Development Planner Paul Evans; Recording Secretary Celeste Weilandt

Public Present: Mr. Peter Thomas, 1200 N. Kirk Road, Batavia; Ms. Niki Kaemerer, 975 E. 22nd Street, Wheaton

Approval of Minutes of January 26, 2017

Minutes of the January 26, 2017 meeting were approved on motion by Commissioner Leidig. Second by Commissioner Mead. Motion carried by voice vote of 6-0.

Chairman Stocking administered the oath to those individuals that would be speaking on the following agenda item:

Site Plan Review

Planner Evans read the contents of the file. Referring to staff’s recommendations in its report, Mr. Evans noted that staff’s Recommendation Nos. 2 and 3 were conditions that were previously approved on a landscaping plan located in the Aldi’s file, so there was no need to approve the two recommendations again. Also, with regard to staff’s Recommendation No. 6 seeking an updated Plat of Survey, Mr. Evans stated the applicant submitted an updated site plan which reflected all dimension details, including the addition. Staff accepted that as satisfying Recommendation No. 6.

A. Aldi Foods Building Expansion - The applicant is requesting Site Plan Approval for a 1,404 square foot addition. Location: 975 E. State Street; Applicant: Chris Stair, Aldi Inc. Mr. Peter Thomas, construction manager for Aldi, explained he is requesting the expansion for a future product growth which is to open in summer 2018. Upgrades will include LED lights and updated refrigeration equipment. The store’s facade will remain the same. Mr. Thomas stated the Wheaton and Darien stores went through the same expansion and he invited commissioners to visit the Wheaton store since the Geneva store would look similar to the Wheaton store.

A brief dialog touched upon the sales for the Geneva store as compared to other Aldi stores.

Commissioner Slifka asked about the stormwater detention, noting the system was currently using pipes but going to storm traps which was adding infiltration, wherein Ms. Kaemerer explained she was not sure of the soils condition, nor the permeability of the soil, so the traps would promote the infiltration and include a BMP quality aspect to it. The system was also more durable under the pavement. Asked if this type of infiltration system was used elsewhere, Mr. Thomas confirmed this would be a first for the site; otherwise the parking lot would have to be ripped up.

As a last comment, Mr. Thomas shared that during construction, the store will have to shut down for five weeks. Per a question, as soon as the engineering is approved, construction would begin. A grand opening was planned.

Positive comments followed from some of the commissioners.

Motion by Commissioner Mead, second by Commissioner Leidig to recommend approval for a Site Plan, subject to the conditions listed in staff’s report, specifically No. 1: the applicant shall install two (2) feet of landscaping around the entire base of the monument sign; No. 4: the applicant shall present a detail of the dumpster enclosure and its location to the community development director for approval. The dumpster enclosure should be of masonry construction to match the building and landscaped, if possible; and No. 5: final engineering shall be approved prior to building permit issuance by the City.

Aye: Dziadus, Kosirog, Leidig, Mead, Slifka, Stocking


Public Comment – None.

Other Business

Per Mr. Evans, at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the Stanton subdivision was approved with the Plan Commission’s condition that the sidewalk be located on Burgess Street. The Delnor application was also approved. The Graham’s 318 expansion was approved along with its fee-in-lieu for parking and for their site plan approval. Mr. Evans clarified that the numbers they used for tree preservation on the Graham’s application and the Stanton application were actually numbers to be used for sites over one and one-half acres in size. So those figures did not apply

Upcoming, a Geneva Commons application is tentatively scheduled for the March 9th meeting. The March 23rd meeting will focus on a text amendment regarding public notices.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:16 p.m. on motion by Commissioner Mead, seconded by Commissioner Leidig. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote of 6-0.