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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Cook County Finance Subcommittee on Legislation met April 11.

Cook County Finance Subcommittee on Legislation met April 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Subcommittee:


Present: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)

Public Testimony:

Chairman Silvestri asked the Secretary to the Board to call upon the registered public speakers, in Accordance with Cook County Code.

1. Mr. George Blakemore, concerned citizen


Committee Minutes:

Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 3/7/2017

A motion was made by Commissioner Schneider, seconded by Commissioner Boykin, to approve 17-2733. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)


Presented by: Chaka M. Patterson, Deputy State’s Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau

Case Disposition Summary Report:

Civil Rights Section 3/8/2017 - 4/11/2017 

Labor and Employment Section 2/21/2017 - 3/27/2017

A motion was made by Commissioner Boykin, seconded by Commissioner Schneider, to recommend for receiving and filing 17-2477. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)


Presented by: Chaka M. Patterson, Deputy State’s Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau

Special State’s Attorney’s Invoices for Approval:

-Blanchard, Patrick v. Joseph Berrios 

Case No: 13 CH 1430 

In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney Alexander Polikoff and the Business and Professional People for the Public Interest 

Tab Item No. 1

-In Re: Level Assessment Litigation

Case Nos. 2004 Tax Obj. No. 05 COTO 3938 

2005 Tax Obj. No. 07 COTO 1618 

2006 Tax Obj. No. 07 COTO 0779 

2007 Tax Obj. No. 08 COTO 5700 

2008 Tax Obj. No. 09 COTO 6258 

Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney Steven Puiszis and the firm of Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP 

Tab Item No. 2

-Chicago Tribune Company v. Cook County Assessor’s Office 

Case No: 16 CH 4992 

In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney Steven M. Puiszis and the firm of Hinshaw & Culbertson, LLP 

Tab Item No. 3

-Amy Campanelli, Lester Finkle and Victor Erbring 

Case No. 2016IN04569, 2016IN04570 and 2016in0457 At the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission 

In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney Mary Patricia Benz and the Law Office of Mary Patricia Benz. 

Tab Item No. 4

-Stewart Title Guaranty Company v. Nicholas Grapsas 

Case No. 2015 L 4520 and 2012 P 3203 

In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney John H. Scheid, Jr. and the firm of Pretzel & Stouffer, Chartered 

Tab Item No. 5

-United States of America v. Cook County, et al. 

Case No: 10 C 2946 

In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney Paul O’Grady and the firm of Peterson Johnson & Murray Chicago, LLC 

Tab Item No. 6

-Grasso, Leonard v. Cook County Sheriff, et al. 

Case No. 15 C 10510 

In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney John C. Coyne and the Law Offices of John C. Coyne 

Tab Item No. 7

-Chatman v. City of Chicago, et al. 

Case No: 14 C 2945

In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney V. Brette Bensinger and the firm of Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP 

Tab Item No. 8

-Percy, Taylor v. Sheriff Dart, et.al. 

Case No. 13 C 1856, 15 C 5919 

Case No. 14 L 6617 

In Re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney James M. Lydon and the firm of Hinshaw & Culberton, LLP 

Tab Item No. 9

-Lanahan v. Blanchard, et al. 

Case No: 69 C 2145 

In Re: Reimbursement of Fees and Expenses for Special State’s Attorney V. Brette Bensinger and the firm of Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP 

Tab Item No. 10

-Avalos, Hector, et al. v. Robert Vais, et al. 

Case No. 14 L 1734

In re: Review of Attorney Fees and Expenses For Special State’s Attorney William B. Oberts and the Firm of Tribler, Orpett & Meyer, PC 

Tab Item No. 11

A motion was made by Commissioner Boykin, seconded by Commissioner Schneider, to concur with the recommendation of the Special State's Attorney and authorize payments for the following invoices, which are in compliance with the County's Attorney-Fee Guidlines 17-2476. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)


Presented by: Chaka M. Patterson, Deputy State’s Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau

Proposed Litigation Pending:

Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau

Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation

Case Name: William Burruss v. Thomas Dart

Case Number: 17-0517

A motion was made by Commissioner Suffredin, seconded by Commissioner Gainer, to concur with the recommendation of the State' s Attorney 17-2325. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)


Presented by: Chaka M. Patterson, Deputy State’s Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau

Proposed Litigation Pending:

Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau

Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation

Case Name: Laura Kissel v. Cook County, et al.

Case Number: 16 C 6429

A motion was made by Commissioner Suffredin, seconded by Commissioner Gainer, to concur with the recommendation of the State' s Attorney 17-2463. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)


Presented by: Chaka M. Patterson, Deputy State’s Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau

Proposed Litigation Pending:

Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau

Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation

Case Name: Raytelle Buchanan v. Cook County, et al.

Case Number: 14 C 0027

A motion was made by Commissioner Suffredin, seconded by Commissioner Gainer, to concur with the recommendation of the State' s Attorney 17-2466. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)


Presented by: Chaka M. Patterson, Deputy State’s Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau

Proposed Litigation Pending:

Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau

Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation

Case Name: Czarobski, Gerald v. County of Cook

Case Number: 14 L 9597

A motion was made by Commissioner Boykin, seconded by Commissioner Suffredin, to concur with the recommendation of the State' s Attorney 17-2483. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)


Presented by: Chaka M. Patterson, Deputy State’s Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau

Proposed Litigation Pending:

Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau

Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation

Case Name: Thomas, Bryan v. County of Cook

Case Number: 13 L 10318

A motion was made by Commissioner Suffredin, seconded by Commissioner Gainer, to concur with the recommendation of the State' s Attorney 17-2484. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)


Presented by: Chaka M. Patterson, Deputy State’s Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau

Proposed Litigation Pending:

Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau

Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation

Case Name: Harold Richardson, Michael Saunders, Vincent Thames, Terrill Swift v City of Chicago, et al.

Case Number: 12 C 9484, 12 C 9158, 12 C 9170, 12 L 12995

A motion was made by Commissioner Boykin, seconded by Commissioner Suffredin, to concur with the recommendation of the State' s Attorney 17-2489. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)


Presented by: Chaka M. Patterson, Deputy State’s Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau

Proposed Litigation Pending:

Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau

Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation

Case Name: Doe v. Cook County, et al.

Case Number: 14 C 8296

A motion was made by Commissioner Suffredin, seconded by Commissioner Boykin, to concur with the recommendation of the State' s Attorney 17-2553. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Suffredin and Tobolski (5)

Nayes: Gainer and Schneider (2)


Presented by: Chaka M. PattersON, Deputy State’s Attorney, Chief, Civil Actions Bureau

Proposed Litigation Pending:

Department: State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Actions Bureau

Request: Refer to the Board and/or the Finance Subcommittee on Litigation

Case Name: Edward Johnson v. Deputy DiPaolo, et al.

Case Number: 14 C 8189

A motion was made by Commissioner Suffredin, seconded by Commissioner Tobolski, to concur with the recommendation of the State' s Attorney 17-2583. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider and Suffredin (6)

Present: Tobolski (1)


A motion was made by Commissioner Boykin, seconded by Commissioner Tobolski, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Silvestri, Fritchey, Boykin, Gainer, Schneider, Suffredin and Tobolski (7)
