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Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Committee met May 18

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Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Committee met May 18.

Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:

Call Meeting to Order

President Mariyana T. Spyropoulos presiding, called the meeting to order at 11:35 a.m.

Roll Call

Frank Avila; Timothy Bradford; Martin J. Durkan; Barbara J. McGowan; Josina

Morita; Debra Shore; Kari K. Steele; David J. Walsh; and Mariyana T. Spyropoulos

Present: 9 -

Finance Committee


1 17-0542 Report on Cash Disbursements for the Month of April 2017, in the amount of


Attachments: April 2017 Cash Disbursements Summary


2 17-0543 Report on the investment interest income during February 2017

Attachments: Inv Int Inc 2017-02 att.pdf


3 17-0544 Report on the investment interest income during March 2017

Attachments: Inv Int Inc 2017-03 att.pdf


4 17-0545 Report on investments purchased during February 2017

Attachments: Inv Purch 2017-02 att.pdf


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Page 1

Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 18, 2017

5 17-0546 Report on investments purchased during March 2017

Attachments: Inv Purch 2017-03 att.pdf


6 17-0547 Report on investment inventory statistics at March 31, 2017

Inv Stat 2017 Q1 Inv.pdf

Inv Stat 2017 Q1 Fin Mkt.pdf



Procurement Committee


7 17-0500 Report on advertisement of Request for Proposal 17-RFP-28 Fleet Vehicle

Maintenance Management Services for a 36-Month Period, estimated cost

$1,440,000.00, Accounts 101-15000-612860 and 612080, Requisition 1461193


8 17-0505 Report on advertisement of Request for Proposal 17-RFP-26 Vision Plan

Administrator, effective January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020, Account



9 17-0526 Report of bid opening of Tuesday, May 2, 2017


10 17-0531 Report on rejection of bids for Contract 16-419-11, Rehabilitation of Elevators,

Main Office Building (MOB), estimated cost $425,000.00


11 17-0534 Report of bid opening of Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Authority to Advertise

12 17-0507 Authority to advertise Contract 14-263-3F, Melvina Ditch Reservoir

Improvements, estimated cost between $18,835,767.37 and $22,801,192.08,

Account 401-50000-645620, Requisition 1461610

Attachments: 14-263-3F Project Fact Sheet.pdf


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Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 18, 2017

13 17-0508 Authority to advertise Contract 13-806-2S Television Inspection and Recording

of Sewers and Manhole at Various Locations, estimated cost $2,100,000.00,

Account 201-50000-612240, Requisition 1463036

13-806-2S TV Inspection Recording of Sewers and Manholes




14 17-0516 Authority to advertise Contract 17-111-11 Furnish and Deliver Repairs, Service

and Parts for American Sigma /Hach Auto Samplers, Flowmeters and

Sampling Accessories, estimated cost $51,422.00, Accounts

101-16000-612970, 623570, Requisition 1458421


15 17-0517 Authority to advertise Contract 17-107-11 Furnish and Deliver a Lab-Scale

Fermenter, estimated cost $29,000.00, Account 201-50000-634990,

Requisition 1460689


Issue Purchase Order

16 17-0503 Issue purchase order to Mythics Inc. to Furnish and Deliver Oracle Primavera

Software Maintenance Renewal, in an amount not to exceed $17,851.90,

Account 101-27000-612820, Requisition 1463045


17 17-0504 Issue purchase order to Mythics Inc. to Furnish and Deliver Oracle Support

Renewal, in an amount not to exceed $231,501.14, Account

101-27000-612820, Requisition 1462111


18 17-0510 Issue purchase order and enter into an agreement with Unum Group

(Corporation), to provide group term life insurance for employees for a

one-year period, in an amount not to exceed $83,831.00, Accounts

101-25000-601250, 501-25000-601250, Requisition 1458951


19 17-0518 Issue purchase order and enter into a three-year agreement with Agilent

Technologies, for repair and replacement parts for Gas Chromatograph/Mass

Spectrometer Systems and consumable parts and supplies as needed, in an

amount not to exceed $128,031.24, Account 101-16000-612970, 623570,

Requisition 1462104


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20 17-0519 Issue purchase order and enter into an agreement for Contract 16-RFP-21

Professional Services for the Development of Phosphorus Removal Feasibility

Studies for the Kirie and Egan Water Reclamation Plants with Carollo

Engineers Inc. in an amount not to exceed $380,049.00, Account

201-50000-612430, Requisition 1432067


21 17-0520 Issue purchase order to enter into an agreement for Contract 16-RFP-21

Professional Services for the Development of Phosphorus Removal Feasibility

Studies for the Hanover Park and Lemont Water Reclamation Plants with

Greeley and Hansen LLC in an amount not to exceed $476,734.00, Account

201-50000-612430, Requisition 1464038


22 17-0524 Issue purchase order to 72 Hour LLC, DBA National Auto Fleet Group, to

Furnish and Deliver one 2017 Ford Transit Connect refrigerated van under the

National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Purchasing Contract No. 120716-NAF,

in an amount not to exceed $31,805.00, Account 201-50000-634860,

Requisition 1464242


23 17-0525 Issue purchase order for Contract 17-105-11, Provide Analyses on High

Strength Organic Material Samples, to Environmental Monitoring and

Technologies Inc., in an amount not to exceed $11,400.00, Account

101-16000-612430, Requisition 1441306


Award Contract

24 17-0533 Authority to award Contract 17-753-11, Contract Farming at the Hanover Park

Water Reclamation Plant, to Oros & Busch Application Technologies Inc., in

an amount not to exceed $452,100.00, Accounts 101-67000-612520, 612530,

Requisition 1452796

Deferred by Frank Avila

25 17-0538 Authority to award Contract 17-656-11, Repair and Improve Rockwell TARP

DCS Computer Systems and Allen-Bradley Equipment at Various Service

Areas, to WESCO Distribution Inc., in an amount not to exceed $422,889.36,

Accounts 101-66000, 67000, 68000, 69000-601100, 612600, 612620, 612650

and 623070, Requisitions 1420421, 1413584, 1413254 and 1412659


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Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 18, 2017

26 17-0541 Authority to award Contract 17-006-11 Furnish and Deliver Janitorial Supplies

to Various Locations for a One (1) Year Period, Group A to Cicero Mfg. &

Supply Co. Inc., in an amount not to exceed $59,157.37, Group B to Synergy

Systems, LLC in an amount not to exceed $20,398.12, and Group C to The

Standard Companies Inc., in an amount not to exceed $20,127.06, Accounts

101-20000-623110, 623170, 623660

Attachments: Contract 17-006-11 Item Descriptions - Groups A, B, and C.pdf


Increase Purchase Order/Change Order

27 17-0551 Authority to increase Contract 04-128-3P Westside Primary Settling Tanks 1-9

and Aerated Grit Facility, Stickney Water Reclamation Plant, to IHC

Construction and F.H. Paschen/S.N. Nielsen Joint Venture in an amount of

$2,438,890.44, from an amount of $229,413,031.94, to an amount not to

exceed $231,851,922.38, Accounts 401-50000-645650, 645780, 645680,

Purchase Order 4000020

CO LOG 04-128-3P BM 5.18.17.pdf

CO LOG 04-128-3P Continguency BM 5.18.17.pdf

04-128-3P Presentation for Board



Budget & Employment Committee


28 17-0523 Report on Budgetary Revenues and Expenditures for the first quarter of 2017,

ended March 31, 2017

Attachments: 2017 Summary attachment.pdf


Engineering Committee


29 17-0506 Report on change orders authorized and approved by the Director of

Engineering during the month of April 2017

Attachment 1 CO Report April 2017 5% Contingency.pdf

Attachment 2 CO Status Report April 2017.pdf



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Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 18, 2017

Judiciary Committee


30 17-0527 Authority to settle the Property Loss Claim of Roman Schlaeger, Claim AP

1392, in the sum of $29,541.07 arising out of the April 28, 2016 Glencoe

Sewer Event, Account 901-30000-667220


31 17-0528 Authority to settle the Property Loss Claim of William Motley, Claim AP 1390,

in the sum of $51,286.12 arising out of the April 28, 2016 Glencoe Sewer

Event, Account 901-30000-667220


32 17-0529 Authority to settle the Workers’ Compensation Claim of Carolyn Lofton Brown

vs. MWRDGC, Claim 14 WC 16057, Illinois Workers’ Compensation

Commission (IWCC), in the sum of $26,091.75, Account 901-30000-601090


33 17-0530 Authority to settle the Workers’ Compensation Claims of Vanessa Woppel vs.

MWRDGC, Cases 11 WC 23642 and 12 WC 8339 Illinois Workers’

Compensation Commission, in the sum of $300,000.00, Account



Labor & Industrial Relations Committee


34 17-0559 Authority to enter into a new Multi-Project Labor Agreement with the Chicago

and Cook County Building and Construction Trades Council, and as

appropriate, the Teamsters Joint Council No. 25, or their union affiliates that

become signatories

Attachments: Draft MPLA


Real Estate Development Committee


35 17-0536 Authority to pay 2016 real estate taxes in the amount of $90,431.18 for

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago’s real estate

located in Fulton County, Illinois. Account 101-30000-667130


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Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 18, 2017

36 17-0537 Authority to grant a 25-year, non-exclusive easement to the Village of

Crestwood comprising 0.723 acres to construct, install, operate, maintain,

repair and remove a 60-inch storm sewer through Cal-Sag Channel Parcel

12.05 in Crestwood, Illinois. Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00

Attachments: Aerial Map.Parcel 12.05 5.18.17.pdf


37 17-0539 Authority to grant a 75-year, approximately 28’ x 255’, non-exclusive easement

to the County of Cook to construct, install, operate, maintain, repair and

remove a public road across the western portion of North Shore Channel

Parcel 1.11, north of Isabella Street and east of the CTA railroad tracks in

Evanston, Illinois. Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00

Attachments: Aerial Map.Parcel 1.11.pdf

A motion was made by Timothy Bradford, seconded by Debra Shore, that this

Agenda Item be Deferred to the afternoon session. The motion carried by the

following roll call vote:

Aye: Frank Avila, Timothy Bradford, Martin J. Durkan, Barbara J. McGowan, Josina

Morita, Debra Shore, Kari K. Steele, David J. Walsh, Mariyana T. Spyropoulos

9 -

38 17-0540 Authority to pay 2016 real estate taxes in the amount of $677,723.98 for

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago’s real estate

located in Will County, Illinois. Account 101-30000-667130


39 17-0549 Authority to issue a 30-day permit to Parsons Environmental & Infrastructure

Group Inc. to conduct soil borings on District real estate located at 5005 South

Harlem Avenue in Forest View, Illinois; Main Channel Parcel 37.03.

Consideration shall be $2,500.00

Attachments: Aerial Map.Parcel 37.03.pdf


40 17-0550 Authority to amend permit agreement issued to the City of Burbank to access

the properties acquired for the Melvina Ditch Reservoir Improvements Project

(Contract 14-263-3F) in Burbank, Illinois, for the purpose of preparing such

residences for demolition. Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00

Attachments: Aerial Map.15 Properties Melvina Ditch.pdf


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Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 18, 2017

41 17-0552 Authority to enter into a Utility Relocation Agreement with Comcast Cable

Communications Inc. to relocate existing cable communication lines and

facilities on parcels of real estate recently acquired by the District as part of the

Melvina Ditch Reservoir Improvements Project located north of 87th Street and

west of Natchez Avenue in Burbank, Illinois. Consideration shall be a nominal

fee of $10.00

Attachments: Aerial Map.Utility Relocation Agreement.pdf


42 17-0553 Authority to enter into a Utility Relocation Agreement with Commonwealth

Edison Company to relocate existing electrical transmission lines and facilities

on parcels of real estate recently acquired by the District as part of the Melvina

Ditch Reservoir Improvements Project located north of 87th Street and west of

Natchez Avenue in Burbank, Illinois. Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00

Attachments: Aerial Map.Utility Relocation Agreement.pdf


43 17-0554 Authority to enter into a Utility Relocation Agreement with Illinois Bell

Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Illinois to relocate existing telecommunication

lines and facilities on parcels of real estate recently acquired by the District as

part of the Melvina Ditch Reservoir Improvements Project located north of 87th

Street and west of Natchez Avenue in Burbank, Illinois. Consideration shall be

a nominal fee of $10.00

Attachments: Aerial Map.Utility Relocation Agreement.pdf


Stormwater Management Committee


44 17-0555 Authority to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with and make

payment to the City of Chicago, to share the cost of a research pilot study in

the Chatham Neighborhood of Chicago to gain insight into the effectiveness of

various technologies aimed at reducing basement backups and flooding

(16-IGA-20), in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00, Account

401-50000-612400, Requisition 1463732

Deferred by Kari K. Steele

45 17-0562 Authority to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Forest

Preserve District of Cook County for flood control improvements and

maintenance of the Lyons Levee


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Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 18, 2017

Miscellaneous & New Business

Memorial Resolution

46 17-0558 MEMORIAL RESOLUTION sponsored by the Board of Commissioners

extending sympathy and condolences to the family of Merilyn Browning



47 17-0502 RESOLUTION sponsored by the Board of Commissioners recognizing the

126th Chicago Polish Constitution Day Parade


48 17-0557 RESOLUTION sponsored by the Board of Commissioners recognizing

Infrastructure Week


Approval of the Consent Agenda with the exception of Items: 24, 37, 44, and 49

President Mariyana T. Spyropoulos called for a motion to accept the agendas for

each Standing Committee that was convened. Moved by Timothy Bradford,

seconded by Barbara J. McGowan. President Mariyana T. Spyropoulos called for

any objections. No objections were voiced. Motion carried.

49 17-0565 RESOLUTION sponsored by the Board of Commissioners recognizing the

125th Anniversary of the Sierra Club

A motion was made by Timothy Bradford, seconded by Kari K. Steele, that this

Resolution be Recommended. The motion carried by acclamation. Chorus of

ayes - No nays

Executive Session

A motion was made by David J. Walsh, seconded by Timothy Bradford, that an

executive session be held for the Committee on Judiciary to discuss two matters.

Motion carried by roll call 9:0


The Committee of the Whole meeting of May 18, 2017 was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
