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Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Committee of the Whole met May 4.

Webp meetingroom04

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Committee of the Whole met May 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Call Meeting to Order:

President Mariyana T. Spyropoulos presiding, called the meeting to order at 10:55 a.m.

Roll Call:

Present: 8 - Frank Avila; Timothy Bradford; Martin J. Durkan; Barbara J. McGowan; Debra Shore; Kari K. Steele; David J. Walsh; and Mariyana T. Spyropoulos

Absent: 1 - Josina Morita

Finance Committee:


1 17-0484 Report to the Board of Commissioners on The Boeing Company’s Request for Reimbursement in the amount of $118,905.90 pursuant to the terms of a Tax Reimbursement Agreement approved by the Board on September 6, 2001


2 17-0498 Report on Cash Disbursements for the Month of March 2017, in the amount of $39,053,495.73



3 17-0467 Authorization to amend Board Order of March 2, 2017, regarding Authority to add Project 17-803-21, Furnish and Deliver a Replacement Variable Frequency Drive for Low Level Pump No. 5 at the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant to the Construction Fund, estimated cost of the project is $65,000.00, Agenda Item No. 1, File No. 17-0215


Procurement Committee:


4 17-0458 Report of bid opening of Tuesday, April 18, 2017


5 17-0493 Report on rejection of bids for Contract 17-360-12 (Re-Bid), Public Tender of Bids a 10-Year Lease on 5.95 Acres of District Real Estate Located at 3154 S. California Avenue in Chicago, Illinois; Main Channel Parcels 42.05 and 42.16, estimated cost $117,000.00


6 17-0496 Report of bid opening of Tuesday, April 25, 2017



7 17-0464 Authorization to amend Board Order of March 2, 2017, regarding Authority to advertise Contract 17-803-21, Furnish and Deliver a Replacement Variable Frequency Drive for Low Level Pump No. 5 at the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant, estimated cost $65,000.00, Account 201-50000-634650, Requisition 1456121, Agenda Item No. 6, File No. 17-0216


8 17-0466 Authorization to amend Board Order of May 5, 2016, regarding Authority to advertise Contract 16-667-91, Petroleum Remediation and Wetland Restoration - Main Channel Atlas Parcel 15.04, estimated cost $1,600,000.00, Account 901-30000-667220, Requisition 1424444, Agenda Item No. 15, File No. 16-0451


9 17-0473 Authorization to exercise an option to extend and amend agreement with Dynegy Energy Services for Contract 14-RFP-18, Supply of Electricity, for 2020, subject to the District obtaining an acceptable price, at the current or lower contracted price, for an amount not to exceed $0.04285 per kWh RTC for Group 1 and $0.03925 per kWh RTC for Group 2, Accounts 101-66000/67000/68000/69000-612150


10 17-0479 Authorization to amend Board Order of January 19, 2017, regarding Authority to advertise Contract 17-613-11, Scavenger Services at Various Service Areas, estimated cost $3,994,900.00, Accounts 101-66000/67000/68000/69000-612520, Requisitions 1445212, 1437175, 1449772, 1440568, 1449774, 1449775 and 1449762, Agenda Item No. 14, File No. 17-0003


Authority to Advertise-

11 17-0393 Authority to advertise Contract 17-847-11 Truck Hauling of Liquid Sludge from the Lemont Water Reclamation Plant, estimated cost $262,700.00, Account 101-68000-612520, Requisition 1441334 (Deferred from the April 20, 2017 Board Meeting)


12 17-0411 Authority to advertise Contract 13-370-3F, Buffalo Creek Reservoir Expansion, estimated cost between $20,074,055.75 and $24,300,172.75, Accounts 401-50000-645620 and 501-50000-645620, Requisition 1461806 (As Revised) (Deferred from the April 20, 2017 Board Meeting) "Adopted As Amended Refer To File ID #17-0411A"

A motion was made by Debra Shore, seconded by Martin J. Durkan, that this Agenda Item be Recommended as Amended. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 8 - Frank Avila, Timothy Bradford, Martin J. Durkan, Barbara J. McGowan, Debra Shore, Kari K. Steele, David J. Walsh, Mariyana T. Spyropoulos

Absent: 1 - Josina Morita

13 17-0460 Authority to advertise Contract 17-902-31 Installation of Shaftless Screw Conveyors for Aerated Grit Tanks at the Stickney Water Reclamation Plant, estimated cost $2,400,000.00, Account 401-50000-645680, Requisition 1461803


14 17-0462 Authority to advertise Contract 17-704-21 Furnish and Deliver One Airlift Blower to the Egan Water Reclamation Plant, estimated cost $100,000.00, Account 201-50000-634650, Requisition 1435062


15 17-0463 Authority to advertise Contract 17-987-11 Specialty Railroad Track Services in the Stickney Service Area, estimated cost $343,600.00, Account 101-69000-612670, Requisition 1453761


16 17-0470 Authority to advertise Contract 17-697-11 Furnishing and Delivering Odor Control Chemicals and a Delivery System to CALSMA, estimated cost $150,000.00, Account 101-66000-623560, Requisition 1463207


17 17-0491 Authority to advertise Contract 17-025-11, Furnish and Deliver Plumbing Pipe, Fittings and Valves to Various Locations for a One-Year Period, estimated cost $259,500.00, Account 101-20000-623090


Issue Purchase Order-

18 17-0452 Issue purchase order to The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. to Furnish and Deliver IEEE Standards Library Online Software Licensing Maintenance, in an amount not to exceed $26,810.00, Account 101-27000-612820, Requisition 1462511


19 17-0457 Issue purchase order to SAS Institute Inc. to Furnish and Deliver Renewal of Existing SAS Software and SAS Software Extensions Licenses, in an amount not to exceed $32,550.00, Account 101-27000-612820, Requisition 1462679


20 17-0469 Issue purchase order and enter into an agreement with Zelda B. Harris, for her services as a Commissioner on MWRD’s Ethics Commission, in an amount not to exceed $2,500.00 for a two-year period, Account 101-11000-612430, Requisition 1463202


21 17-0486 Issue a purchase order and enter into an agreement with Howden Roots, LLC, to Provide Technical Field Services for Blowers at the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant, in a total amount not to exceed $13,400.00, Account 101-68000-612650, Requisition 1460174


22 17-0487 Issue purchase orders to Flow-Technics Inc., to Furnish and Deliver Xylem Flygt A-C, Sulzer ABS, ITT Gould and Netzsch Pump Parts and Equipment, to Various Locations, in a total amount not to exceed $700,000.00, Accounts 101-66000, 67000, 68000, 69000-623070, 623090, 623110, 623270 and 623990


23 17-0489 Issue purchase orders for Contract 17-685-51 Furnishing, Delivering and Administration of Rain Barrels, to Enviro World Corp., in an amount not to exceed $132,762.00, Account 501-50000-623990, Requisition 1458437


Award Contract-

24 17-0439 Authority to award Contract 11-240-3P, Organic Waste Receiving Facility and Digester Gas Flare System Upgrade, Calumet Water Reclamation Plant, to IHC Construction Companies, L.L.C., in an amount not to exceed $8,426,000.00, plus a five (5) percent allowance for change orders in an amount of $421,300.00, for a total amount not to exceed $8,847,300.00, Account 401-50000-645650, Requisition 1440276 (Deferred from the April 20, 2017 Board Meeting)

A motion was made by Debra Shore, seconded by Martin J. Durkan, authorizing the Executive Director to delete this item. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 7 - Frank Avila, Martin J. Durkan, Barbara J. McGowan, Debra Shore, Kari K. Steele, David J. Walsh, Mariyana T. Spyropoulos

Absent: 2 - Timothy Bradford, Josina Morita

25 17-0495 Authority to award Contract 17-771-11, Aquatic Weed Removal at Various Locations, to Clarke Aquatic Services Inc., Groups A and B, in an amount not to exceed $90,885.00, Accounts 101-66000, 67000-612420, Requisitions 1451372 and 1457213


26 17-0497 Authority to award Contract 17-613-11, Scavenger Services at Various Service Areas, Group A to Chicago Disposal Inc., in an amount not to exceed $2,034,674,74, Group B to Independent Recycling Services Inc., in an amount not to exceed $650,491.00, Group C to Allied Waste Transportation Inc., in an amount not to exceed $699,557.27, and Groups D, E, F and G to Flood Bros. Disposal Co., in an amount not to exceed $488,889.00, Accounts 101, 501-66000, 67000, 68000, 69000-50000, 612520 Requisitions 1445212, 1437175, 1449772,1440568, 1449774, 1449775, and 1449762


Increase Purchase Order/Change Order-

27 17-0459 Authority to decrease Contract 16-705-21, Rebuild Two Raw Sewage Pump Rotating Assemblies at the O’Brien Water Reclamation Plant, to HydroAire Service Inc., in an amount of $24,000.00, from an amount of $218,984.00, to an amount not to exceed $194,984.00, Account 201-50000-645600, Purchase Order 5001565


28 17-0471 Authority to increase Contract 14-613-11, Scavenger Services at Various Service Areas, Groups B and C, to Waste Management of Illinois Inc., in an amount of $64,000.00 from an amount of $1,531,535.95 to an amount not to exceed $1,595,535.95, Accounts 101-66000/67000/68000-612520, Purchase Orders 5001441 and 5001442


29 17-0472 Authority to increase Contract 14-613-12, Scavenger Services at Various Service Areas, to Independent Recycling Services Inc., in an amount of $65,000.00 from an amount of $1,632,249.57 to an amount not to exceed $1,697,249.57, Accounts 101/501-69000/50000-612520, Purchase Order 5001471


30 17-0478 Authority to increase Contract 06-494-3P Centrifuge Building and Sludge Loading System Upgrades at the Egan Water Reclamation Plant and the Hanover Park Water Reclamation Plant, North Service Area, to IHC Construction Companies, LLC in an amount of $46,000.00, from an amount of $9,219,783.40, to an amount not to exceed $9,265,783.40, Accounts 201-50000-645650, 401-50000-645650 and 645750, Purchase Order 5001400


Engineering Committee:


31 17-0499 Authorization to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Environment Protection Training and Research Institute, Hyderbad, Telangana, India to Engage in a Knowledge Exchange Program


Pension, Human Resources & Civil Service Committee:


32 17-0468 Request for advice and consent to the reappointment of Zelda B. Harris as Commissioner to the MWRD Ethics Commission for a two-year term pursuant to the Ethics Ordinance


Real Estate Development Committee:


33 17-0480 Authority to issue a 5-year permit extension to Ashland LLC to continue to access, monitor, repair and remove monitoring wells on the District's LASMA site located between I-294 and Willow Springs Road in Willow Springs, Illinois. Consideration shall be an annual fee of $5,000.00


34 17-0485 Authority to issue a 10-day permit to the City of Blue Island to use the park area of the District’s Blue Island SEPA Station as an athletes’ village and viewing area and to use Cal-Sag Channel Parcel 15.09 for parking during the City of Blue Island’s “2nd Annual Chicago Southland Dragon Boat Festival” on the Cal-Sag Channel on June 1-3, 2017. Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00


35 17-0490 Authority to issue a 4 (four) month permit to the Friends of the Chicago River to access the District’s North Shore Channel Parcels 2.10-2.13, 3.01-3.03, 3.06, and 4.01-4.04 located east and west of the North Shore Channel, between Oakton Street in Skokie, Illinois and Green Bay Road in Evanston, Illinois for the purpose of an in-stream habitat restoration project. Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00


36 17-0492 Authorization to amend Board Order of February 2, 2017, regarding authority to pay relocation costs in an amount not to exceed $21,100.00 to Sharon Passarella in connection with the acquisition of the real estate commonly known as 6633 W. 86th Street in Burbank, IL, in the eminent domain lawsuit entitled The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago v. Sharon Passarella, et al., Case No. 16L050538 in the Circuit Court of Cook County, to increase the relocation costs in the amount of $5,000.00 from $21,100.00 to $26,100.00, Account 401-50000-656010, Capital Improvements Bond Fund


Stormwater Management Committee:


37 17-0475 Close-out Report for the Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement with the United States Army Corps of Engineers for Lyons Levee Flood Control Improvements, Account 501-50000-612490


38 17-0476 Report on Green Infrastructure, Detention, and Compensatory Storage Volumes Required by the Watershed Management Ordinance


39 17-0477 Report on solicitation of projects from municipalities, townships, and other governmental agencies throughout the District for the Stormwater Management Phase II, Green Infrastructure, and Flood Prone Property Acquisition Programs



40 17-0474 Authorization to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County for mutual waiver of various fees


Miscellaneous & New Business:

Memorial Resolution-

41 17-0456 Memorial Resolution sponsored by the Board of Commissioners extending sympathy and condolences to the family of Michaelene Yates


Approval of the Consent Agenda with the exception of Items: 12 and 24:

President Mariyana T. Spyropoulos called for a motion to accept the agendas for each Standing Committee that was convened. Moved by Timothy Bradford, seconded by Frank Avila. President Mariyana T. Spyropoulos called for any objections. No objections were voiced. Motion carried.

17-0411A Motion to amend File No. 17-0411 (Agenda Item No. 12): Authority to advertise Contract 13-370-3F, Buffalo Creek Expansion, estimated cost between $20,074,055.75 and $24,300,172.75, Accounts 401-50000-645620 and 501-50000-645620, Requisition 1461806 (As Revised) (Deferred from the April 20, 2017 Board Meeting)

A motion was made by Martin J. Durkan, seconded by Debra Shore, that this Motion be Recommended. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 8 - Frank Avila, Timothy Bradford, Martin J. Durkan, Barbara J. McGowan, Debra Shore, Kari K. Steele, David J. Walsh, Mariyana T. Spyropoulos

Absent: Josina Morita 1

Executive Session:



The Committee of the Whole meeting of May 4, 2017 was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

/s/ Jacqueline Torres

