
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Illinois Early Learning Council Quality Committee met July 12.

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Illinois Early Learning Council Quality Committee met July 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

1:30 PM Welcome and Roll Call Dan Harris and Teri Talan – Co-Chairs

1:35 PM Review of Meeting minutes from July 6, 2017

1:40 PM Outreach to Illinois State Board of Education – Dan Harris


The statue and Illinois Administrative Code (rules) do not allow for any waivers or exceptions to holding a state-issued credential. The rules further enforce the language of the statute and set forth requirements for obtaining the license. There is a short term approval that was just authorized in agency emergency rules on June 28. The approval can be obtained in early childhood education (among other areas) upon evidence of passing the early childhood education content test OR completing 9 semester hours of early childhood education coursework. The individual needs to apply for this approval in his/her ELIS account. The approval is valid for three years; after this three-year period, and educator must apply and qualify for the early childhood endorsement and meet applicable state requirements for having that endorsement issued on his/her license.

1:50 PM ECE Credential Data – Joni Scritchlow

2:00 PM Quality Draft Language – Teri Talan

2:30 PM Recommendation Draft

2:55 PM Next Steps

3:00 PM Adjourn

Next Meeting Dates:

July 26th  11:00 am – 12:30 pm Teleconference Goal: Review/Finalize recommendation(s)

August 8 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Face-to-face meeting as part of Early Learning Council Quality Committee National Louis University, 122 S. Michigan Ave, Room 5003, Chicago Teleconference attendance option available
