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Public Building Commission of Chicago met July 11.

Webp meeting 06

Public Building Commission of Chicago met July 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago was held at the Board Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Richard J. Daley Center on July 11, 2017 at 2:30 p.m.

The following Commissioners were present:

Rahm Emanuel

Frank M. Clark

Thomas J. Kotel

Jose G. Maldonado, Jr.

Toni Preckwinkle

Jesse H. Ruiz

Samuel Wm. Sax

Mariyana Spyropoulos – 8

Also present were: Carina E. Sánchez

G. Alfred Ge. Johnson E. O’Keefe

M. Ayala A. Joseph T. Parra

J. Beatty E. King B. Payne

G. Blakemore L. Hindshaw-Klann N. Perez

J. Borkman G. Klinzman K. Purcell

N. Castillo B. Kostelny C. Reyes

V. Colla L. Lindsey F. Rico

R. DeVaughn I. Lopez K. Robinson

P. Doyle L. Lypson J. Rodriguez

A. Fredd L. McGuire D. Scales

L. Giderof J. Mark B. Fisk-Smith

R. Giderof A. Marti L. Thomas

L. Granato S. Mayer T. Foucher-Weekley

M. Hartsfield J. Mendolia R. Williams

P. Hernandez P. Montenegro M. Witry

H. Washington-Howard L. Neal J. Epplin-Zapt

E. Jiang K. Newman J. Zito

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rahm Emanuel, and the presence of a quorum was established.

Following the roll call, a public participation period was conducted pursuant to Section 2.06(g) of the Open Meetings Act. George Blakemore and Kenneth Newman had previously registered to provide comments under the guidelines established by Resolution No. 7611 approved by the Board of Commissioners on January 11, 2011. George Blakemore provided comments regarding the new elementary school project at 16th and Dearborn, the need for leadership by elected and appointed African Americans and the need to provide jobs, contracts and services. Kenneth Newman provided comments regarding the sale of former school buildings and the need to develop athletic facilities at various public schools.

Next, Chairman Emanuel presented to the Board of Commissioners for consideration of approval the minutes of the meeting held on June 13, 2017. The reading of said minutes, which had previously been distributed, was dispensed with and upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the June 13, 2017 meeting were unanimously approved.

A report by Commissioner Sax was next presented regarding the Audit Committee meeting held on June 26, 2017 which is summarized as follows: PBC’s Director of Finance reported the Commission’s Basic Financial Statements as of and for the Years Ended December 31, 2016, and 2015. The PBC’s assets exceeded liabilities by $73.9 million on December 31, 2016. Of this amount, $54.3 million was included in net investment in capital assets and $19.6 million was restricted for use by the Daley Center and for Commission operations. The PBC’s total net position decreased by $176,000 and $3.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2015 respectively, due to decreases in project revenue that directly impact the Commission’s administrative fee. Representatives from Deloitte provided the required auditor communications related to the PBC’s Audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2016. Of note, there were no audit adjustments, recorded or unrecorded. Deloitte further reported that there were not material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in the internal controls over financial reporting. The Audit Committee accepted the reports.

The next item on the agenda was a report by Commissioner Maldonado regarding the Administrative Operations (AO) Committee meeting held on June 26, 2017 which is summarized as follows: The AO Committee heard the following report and recommendations from the Director of Procurement:

• A specialty consultant task order issued to Weaver Consultants Group North Central, LLC, for surveyor services in the sum of $11,568.00 for the Prussing Elementary School Annex Project.

• A specialty consultant task order issued to Landmark Engineering, LLC, for surveyor services in the sum of $10,800.00 for the Columbia Explorers Academy Modular Building.

• Architect of Record task orders for design services were awarded to the following firms;

- Studio ARQ, a MBE firm, in the sum of $1,026,060.00 for the Ebinger Elementary School Annex

- EC Purdy, a MBE firm, in the sum of $930,249.00 for Mt. Greenwood Elementary School Annex

- STL Architects, a MBE firm, in the sum of $3,560,063.00 for the Read Dunning Middle School

• Architect of Record task orders were also awarded to Bailey Edward Design, a WBE firm, for facility assessment services at the following Chicago Park District fieldhouse renovation projects;

- Austin Town Hall in the sum of $49,898.00

- Columbus Park in the sum of $46,143.39

- Lincoln Park Cultural Center in the sum of $33,765.33

- Fosco Park in the sum of $38,032.92

- Harrison Park in the sum of $26,073.05, and

- La Follette Park in the sum of $43,825.72

• A recommendation to approve an amendment to the assigned Architect of Record agreement with Gensler Architecture in the sum of $16,500.00. This amendment is for additional design and engineering services for enhancements to the signage elements at the Thomas Hughes Children’s Library Renovation Project.

• A recommendation to approve an amendment to the Architect of Record agreement with SMNG-A in the sum of $15,043.00. This amendment represents additional design and engineering services associated with revisions to site fencing at the Southeast Area Elementary School Project.

• A recommendation to approve an amendment to the Architect of Record agreement with Architrave, an MBE firm, in the sum of $16,000.00. This amendment represents additional design and engineering services associated with revisions to the mechanical system at the hearing impaired classrooms as well as a new fire alarm in the building engineer’s office at the Jamieson Elementary School Annex Project. All amendments are within the project budgets.

The AO Committee also heard the following report and recommendation from the Chief Development Officer.

• A recommendation to approve a change order in the total sum of $63,625.82. This change includes replacement of existing acoustical ceiling tile and HVAC diffusers. The change also includes revisions to the 2-hour fire rated partition requirements at the storage room at the Thomas Hughes Children’s Library Renovation Project.

• A report on two field orders approved and issued involving two projects.

The AO Committee accepted the recommendations and reports from the PBC representatives.

A copy of the Task Order Report is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Following consideration of the AO Committee report and upon motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolutions were adopted by the Board of Commissioners:

Resolution No. 8383

Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to issue amendments to the professional services agreements for the projects and services as indicated on the document entitled, “Proposed Amendment Report to the Administrative Operations Committee” and attached to the minutes of this meeting as Exhibit B.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Frank M. Clark,

Thomas J. Kotel, Jose Maldonado, Jr.,

Toni Preckwinkle, Jesse H. Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax and Mariyana Spyropoulos – 8

Commissioners voting in the negative:


Resolution No. 8384

Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to issue a change order to the construction contract for the project and services as indicated on the document entitled, “Proposed Change Order Report to the Administrative Operations Committee” and attached to the minutes of this meeting as Exhibit C.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Frank M. Clark,

Thomas J. Kotel, Jose Maldonado, Jr.,

Toni Preckwinkle, Jesse H. Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax and Mariyana Spyropoulos – 8

Commissioners voting in the negative:


Next, the Board of Commissioners was presented with a Notice by the Executive Director regarding the award of contracts $25,000 and under. The Commissioners were advised that one contract had been awarded under the reporting limit of $25,000 since the last meeting. The Notice of Award Report was accepted and a copy of the report is attached to the minutes of this meeting as Exhibit D.

The next item on the agenda was consideration of approval of the Cook County Prevailing Wage Rates for June 2017 as determined by the Illinois Department of Labor for construction work on various projects undertaken by the Public Building Commission on behalf of various User Agencies. Following consideration, and upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolution No. 8385

Whereas, the Public Building Commission of Chicago (“Commission”) is a body corporate and politic organized and existing under and by virtue of An Act to authorize the creation of public building commissions and to define their rights, powers and duties, approved July 5, 1955 as amended (50 ILCS 20/1 et seq.); and

Whereas, the Commission is authorized and empowered to enter into contracts for the construction, alteration, improvement, repair, enlargement or demolition of buildings, facilities and improvements for use by governmental agencies in the furnishing of essential governmental services; and

Whereas, the Legislature has enacted the Prevailing Wage Act, as amended (820 ILCS 130/1-12, et. seq.) (the “Act”), which regulates the wages paid to laborers, mechanics and other workers employed on any public works project undertaken by the State, the County, the City and any other public bodies including the Commission; and

Whereas, the Act requires that the Commission ascertain on an annual basis the prevailing rate of wages, as defined by the Act, for laborers, mechanics and other workers performing construction of public work on projects undertaken by the Commission and that such prevailing wage rates must be included in all advertisements for bids, contracts and performance bonds for such projects; and

Whereas, the Act further provides that the Commission, in lieu of conducting its own investigation of applicable wage rates, may adopt the annual prevailing wage rate determinations for various trades that have been made by the Illinois Department of Labor (“IDOL”) for the applicable county in which the Commission is located; and

Whereas, it is necessary and desirable, and in the interests of the public, that the Commission accept the June 2017 Cook County, Illinois prevailing wage rates as determined by IDOL as applicable for projects undertaken by the Commission.

Now, Therefore, Be It Ordained by the Board of Commissioners as of the Public Building Commission follows:

Section 1. The foregoing recitals are incorporated herein by reference.

Section 2. To the extent and as required by the Act, the general prevailing rate of wages for various trades engaged in the construction of projects within the jurisdiction of the Commission is hereby determined to be the same as the prevailing rate of wages for construction work in Cook County, Illinois for June 2017 as determined by IDOL, a copy of such determination being attached hereto as Exhibit “E” and incorporated herein by reference.

Section 3. Nothing herein shall be construed to apply the prevailing rate of wages as herein determined to any work or employment except public works undertaken by the Commission to the extent required by the Act.

Section 4. The Executive Director of the Commission shall publicly post, or keep available in the office of the Commission for inspection by any interested party, this determination of the prevailing rate of wages to be paid to laborers, mechanics and other workers engaged on projects undertaken by the Commission.

Section 5. The Executive Director shall mail a copy of this determination to any employer, to any association of employers, and to any person or association of employees requesting copies of the determination by the Commission of the particular rates and the particular class of workers whose wages will be affected by such rates.

Section 6. Pursuant to Section 9 of the Act, the Executive Director shall promptly cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be filed with the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois.

Section 7. The Executive Director shall cause a notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within Cook County, Illinois and such publication shall constitute notice of such determination.

Section 8. The Executive Director and appropriate officials of the Public Building Commission are hereby authorized and directed to execute, upon approval by Legal Counsel as to form and legality, any and all related documents as may be necessary and appropriate in order to effectuate this Resolution.

Section 9. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon the passage thereof.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Frank M. Clark,

Thomas J. Kotel, Jose Maldonado, Jr.,

Toni Preckwinkle, Jesse H. Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax and Mariyana Spyropoulos – 8

Commissioners voting in the negative:


The next item on the agenda was a report by the Executive Director regarding regular reports, development status and other matters. She advised the Commissioners that the PBC’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal years ended 2016 and 2015 was submitted on time to the Government Finance Officers’ Association and is being considered for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. She commended PBC’s auditor, Deloitte, and the PBC Finance team led by Tanya Foucher-Weekley for their work on the CAFR.

The Executive Director also presented a written summary of the work that is underway by the PBC entitled, “2017 Public Building Commission Mid-Year Update”. The report including a listing of projects that are in the various stages of work (Planning, Design, Bid & Award, Construction, and Completion) for various projects undertaken by the PBC. She advised the Commissioners that work is underway on eight new school annex projects and three school renovation projects are also underway. PBC completed the renovation of the Thomas Hughes Children’s Library at the Harold Washington Library Center. Other projects include the Richard J. Daley College Advanced Manufacturing Center project on behalf of the City Colleges of Chicago and the “Save Chicago’s Treasures” initiative in partnership with the Chicago Park District. PBC has also undertaken extensive work on behalf of the Office of Emergency Management and Communications to provide enhanced electronic security measures and the installation of cameras at various locations.

At the conclusion of the discussion, the report by the Executive Director was accepted. Next, the Board of Commissioners was presented with consideration of approval to award Contract No. C1578 to Madison Construction Company for construction of the new South Loop Elementary School located at 1601 South Dearborn Street. Four responsive bids were received from duly pre-qualified Class A general contractors deemed eligible to bid as a result of the bid solicitation. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolution No. 8386

Whereas, pursuant to bid solicitations from duly pre-qualified Class A general construction firms, the Public Building Commission of Chicago received the following base bids for Contract No. 1578, new South Loop Elementary School located at 1601 South Dearborn Street, copies of which bids and contract documents are on file with the Commission:

Bidder; Base Bid; Award Criteria:

Madison Construction Company; $34,337,000.00; $32,259,611.50

Sollitt/Sachi Joint Venture; $35,167,658.00; $33,240,470.34

F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Associates LLC; $36,432,000.00; $34,883,640.00

Path Construction Company Inc.; $37,982,000.00; $35,399,224.00

Whereas, the bid of Madison Construction Company was the lowest responsible bid meeting the technical specifications received by the Commission for the furnishing and performance of the work; and

Whereas, as a part of its bid proposal, Madison Construction Company has advised the Commission that the surety on the performance and payment bond to be supplied in the form set forth in the contract documents will be Arch Insurance Company, a corporate surety authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Illinois; and

Whereas, the staff of the Commission has recommended that Contract No. 1578 be awarded to Madison Construction Company and Arch Insurance Company, proposed surety on the performance and payment bond, be accepted and approved by the Commission.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Board of Commissioners hereby awards to Madison Construction Company, Contract No. 1578, new South Loop Elementary School Project at 1601 South Dearborn Street, pursuant to the terms thereof for the total contract price of $34,337,000.00 and authorizes and directs the appropriate officers of the Public Building Commission of Chicago to take such action as may be required or advisable in order to consummate the award and to execute the contract.

Be It Further Resolved that the Public Building Commission of Chicago does hereby approve a payment and performance bond to be supplied in the form set forth in the contract documents comprising Contract No. 1578, subject to the completion and delivery to the Commission of said form of bond by Madison Construction Company and Arch Insurance Company, as surety, in the principal amount of $34,377,000.00, and the Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to signify approval by the Commission of the fully executed bond.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Frank M. Clark,

Thomas J. Kotel, Jose Maldonado, Jr.,

Toni Preckwinkle, Jesse H. Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax and Mariyana Spyropoulos – 8

Commissioners voting in the negative: None

The next item on the agenda was consideration of approval of a request from the Board of Education to transfer and convey property located at the following former school sites to designated grantees as identified and approved in the corresponding Board Reports, namely:

Former School Name; Address; Successful Bidder; Sale Price:

Montefiore; 1310 S. Ashland; Urban Prairie School; $2,102,018

Bontemps; 1241 W. 58th Street; IFF, an Illinois NFP; $50,000

Dett; 2306 W. Maypole; IFF, an Illinois NFP; $400,000

Wentworth; 6950 S. Sangamon; MR Properties Inc.; $100,000

West Pullman; 11941 S. Parnell; Celadon Holdings, LLC; $250,000

According to the corresponding Board Reports, the property is no longer needed for school use and is being sold “as is, where is”. The respective quit claim deeds will include restrictive covenants as set forth in the respective Board Reports. On motion duly and made, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolution No. 8387

Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission that the request from the Chicago Board of Education for the Public Building Commission to transfer title to the following-described property to the designated grantee as approved by the Chicago Board of Education is hereby approved:

Name of Facility: Former Moses Montefiore School

Property Address: 1310 S. Ashland

Permanent Index Numbers: 17-19-211-001-000 (Part of PIN)

Grantee: Urban Prairie, an Illinois Not-for-Profit Corporation

Purchase Price: $2,102,018

Board Report: 17-0426-OP3

Legal Description: Lots 14 To 36, Part Of Lots 13 And 37 And Vacated Alleys Adjacent To Said Lots In Stinson's Subdivision Of Block 16, In Division Of Section 19, Township 39 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois, Described As Follows: Beginning At The North East Corner Of Lot 20 In Said Subdivision; Thence South 01 Degrees, 38 Minutes 13 Seconds East 264.30 Feet Along The East Line Of Said Block; Thence South 88 Degrees 29 Minutes 32 Seconds West 312.00 Feet Along The South Line Of Said Block; Thence North 01 Degrees 30 Minutes 19 Seconds West 167.09 Feet; Thence South 88 Degrees 06 Minutes 04 Seconds West 13.15 Feet; Thence North 01 Degrees 41 Minutes 21 Seconds West 97.15 Feet To The North Line Of Said Block; Thence North 88 Degrees 27 Minutes 49 Seconds East 312.00 Feet Along Said North Line To Said Point Of Beginning.

Name of Facility: Former Arna Wendell Bontemps School

Property Address: 1241 W. 58th Street

Permanent Index Numbers: 20-17-130-036, 20-17-130-037, 20-17-130- 038, 20-17-130-039, 20-17-131-004, 20-17- 131-026, 20-17-131-027, 20-17-131-028, 20-17-13-1029

Grantee: IFF, an Illinois NFP Corporation

Purchase Price: $50,000

Board Report: 17-0628-OP2

Legal Description: Lots 209 To 216, Inclusive, Lots 265 To 273, Inclusive, Lots 288 To 290, Inclusive, Lot 291, Lots 292 To 296, Inclusive, Lots 345 To 349, Inclusive, Lot 350, Lots 351 To 353, Inclusive, Also Vacated 16 Foot Alley Lying Between Lots 288 To 290, Inclusive, And Lots 351 To 353, Inclusive, As Vacated By Ordinance Passed On July 17, 1918 And Recorded As Document #6391515 On September 16, 1918, All In Center Avenue Addition In The North West Quarter Of Section 17, Township 38 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois.

Also, The Vacated Alleys Recorded In The Vacation Ordinance Passed On May 13, 2009 As Document No. 0916931111.

Name of Facility: Former R. Nathaniel Dett School

Property Address: 2306 W. Maypole Avenue

Permanent Index Numbers: 17-07-316-111, 17-07-316-031, 17-07-316-032, 17-07-316-042, 17-07-316-043, 17-07-316-048, 17-07-316-052, 17-07-316-053, 17-07-316-054, 17-07-316-055, 17-07-316-056, 17-07-316-057 (PBC), 17-07-316-029 and 17-07-316-030 (City of Chicago in Trust for Use of Schools)

Grantee: IFF, an Illinois NFP Corporation

Purchase Price: $400,000

Board Report: 17-0628-OP3

Legal Description Lots 1 To 6, Both Inclusive, In The Subdivision Of Lot 3 In Block 56 In Canal Trustee's Subdivision Of Section 7, Township 39 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County Illinois; Also Lots 1 To 6, Both Inclusive, And 22 To 28 Both Inclusive (Excepting From Said Lots 1 To 6, Both Inclusive, 22 To 24 That Part Taken For Alley) All In County Clerk's Second Division Of Lots 1, 2 And 4 To 14 Inclusive (Except Streets) In Block 56 In The Canal Trustee's Subdivision Of Section 7, Township 39 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois, And Vacated Alley; Also

That Part Of Lot 6 In Subdivision Of Block 56 In Canal Trustees Subdivision Of Section 7, Township 39 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian Described As Follows:

Commencing At A Point On The North Line Of Said Lot 6, 31.11 Feet West Of The North East Corner Thereof; Thence South 97.85 Feet, More Or Less, To A Point On The North Line Of 16 Foot Public Alley Running Through Said Lot; Thence East Along The North Line Of Said Alley 30.92 Feet To A Point On

The East Line Of Said Lot 6; Thence North Along Said East Line 97.86 Feet, More Or Less, To The North East Corner Of Said Lot 6; Thence West Along The North Line Of Said Lot 6, 31.11 Feet To The Place Of Beginning, In Cook County, Illinois, (Torrens Certificate No. 755482, Volume 1516, Page 242) (Except That Part Opened/Dedicated For Public Alley).

Said Parcel Also Described As Follows:

Lots 1 To 6, Both Inclusive, In The Subdivision Of Lot 3 In Block 56 In Canal Trustee's Subdivision Of Section 7, Township 39 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois; Also

Lots 1 To 6, Both Inclusive, And Lots 22 To 28, Both Inclusive, (Excepting From Said Lots 1 To 6 Both Inclusive And Lots 22 To 24, That Part Taken For Alley) All In County Clerks Second Division Of Lots 1, 2 And 4 To 14, Inclusive (Except Streets) In Block 56 In The Canal Trustee's Subdivision Of Section 7, Township 39 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois; Also

The East-West Alley Lying Between The East Line Of Lot 1 And A Line 16 Feet East Of And Parallel With The West Line Of Lot 7 Extended South In County Clerk's Second Division Aforesaid, As Vacated By Ordinance Recorded September 6, 1962 As Document 18583269; Also

Lot 7 (Except The West 16 Feet Thereof Dedicated For Alley By Ordinance Recorded September 6, 1962 As Document 18583269) In The Subdivision Of Block 56 In Canal Trustee's Subdivision Of Section 7, Township 39 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois.

Title Held By City of Chicago in Trust for Use of Schools

Lot 20 And 21 (Except That Part Thereof Taken Or Used For An Alley) In County Clerk's Second Division Of Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 And 14 In Block 56 In Canal Trustees' Subdivision Of Section 7, Township 39 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois.

Name of Facility: Former Daniel Wentworth School

Property Address: 6950 S. Sangamon Street

Permanent Index Numbers: 20-20-420-007, 20-20-420-008 and 20-20- 420-009

Grantee: Montclare Senior Residences of Wentworth LLC

Purchase Price: $100,000

Board Report: 17-0628-OP5

Report: 17-0628-OP5

Legal Description (Excepting Street) The West 297 Feet And South 233 Feet Of The North Half Of The Southeast Quarter Of The Southeast Quarter Of Section 20, Township 38 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian (Excepting Street And Alley); The North 25 Feet Of The South 258 Feet Of The East Half Of The West Half Of The Northwest Quarter Of The Southeast Quarter Of The Southeast Quarter In Section 20, Township 38 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois; Lots 11 To 28 In Block 5 Of Madlung & Eidman’s Subdivision Of Part Of The North Three Quarters Of The Southeast Quarter Of The Southeast Quarter Of Section 20, Township 38 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois; And Vacated Alleys.

Name of Facility: Former West Pullman School

Property Address: 11941 South Parnell Avenue

Permanent Index Numbers: 25-28-105-009

Grantee: Celadon Holdings, LLC

Purchase Price: $250,000

Board Report: 17-0628-OP5

Legal Description Lots 6 To 43, Inclusive, In Block 7 In “West Pullman”, A Subdivision Of The West Half Of The Northeast Quarter And The Northwest Quarter Of Section 28, Township 37 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois; And Vacated Alley.

Be It Further Resolved that the Public Building Commission hereby authorizes and directs the Executive Director and appropriate officials of the Public Building Commission to undertake such actions and to execute, upon approval by Legal Counsel as to form and legality, quit claim deeds and such additional documents as may be necessary and appropriate in order to effectuate this Resolution.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Frank M. Clark,

Thomas J. Kotel, Jose Maldonado, Jr.,

Toni Preckwinkle, Jesse H. Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax and Mariyana Spyropoulos – 8

Commissioners voting in the negative:


Next, the Board of Commissioners convened an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing undertaking requests from the Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC) and the Office of Budget and Management for the OEMC Camera Infrastructure Program and potential litigation under Sections 2 (c) (8) and 2 ( c) 11 of the Open Meetings Act. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolution No. 8388

Be It Resolved that an Executive Session of the Board of Commissioners is hereby convened for consideration of approval of undertaking requests by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications for the OEMC Camera Infrastructure Program under Sections 2 (c) (8) and 2 ( c) 11 of the Open Meetings Act.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Frank M. Clark,

Thomas J. Kotel, Jose Maldonado, Jr.,

Toni Preckwinkle, Jesse H. Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax and Mariyana Spyropoulos – 8

Commissioners voting in the negative:


Following the Executive Session, the meeting was reconvened and the following resolutions was adopted upon motion duly made and seconded:

Resolution No. 8389

Be It Resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission hereby approves the following Undertaking Request from the Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC) and the Office of Budget and Management for the OEMC OVS Camera Enhancement Program:

No. Description Amount 130 OEMC OVS Camera Enhanments $ 1,400,000

Be It Further Resolved that the Executive Director and appropriate officials of the Public Building Commission are authorized and directed to execute, upon approval as to form and legality by Legal Counsel, and to undertake such actions as may be necessary and appropriate in order to implement this resolution.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Frank M. Clark,

Thomas J. Kotel, Jose Maldonado, Jr.,

Toni Preckwinkle, Jesse H. Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax and Mariyana Spyropoulos - 8

Commissioners voting in the negative:


Resolution No. 8390

Be It Resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago hereby approves the proposed settlements with F. H. Paschen, S. N. Nielsen & Associates, LLC for the Eric J. Solario High School Project and the 31st Street Project.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Frank M. Clark,

Thomas J. Kotel, Jose Maldonado, Jr.,

Toni Preckwinkle, Jesse H. Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax and Mariyana Spyropoulos - 8

Commissioners voting in the negative:


There being no further business to come before the Board during the Regular Meeting, the meeting was adjourned.
