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Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Metro East Regional Human Rights Authority met October 12.

Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Metro East Regional Human Rights Authority met Oct. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Authority:

The regular stated meeting of the Metro East Regional Human Rights Authority (HRA) was called to order at 4:10p.m., Thursday, October 12, 2017 by Chairperson, Michael Pintar.

This meeting was held at Developmental Disability Service of Metro East (DDSME), 2900 Frank Scott Parkway West Suite 928 Belleville, IL.

HRA Members Present: Michael Pintar, Karen Kelly, Denise Bradley, Andrea Frazier (phone only) and Lou Ellen Ruocco

HRA Members Absent: Catherine Goebel, Jane Nesbit and Amy Melchert.

Guests: None

Staff Present: Jo Ann (Jodi) Russell-Baum


Michael Pintar recognized that a quorum was not present and that Andrea Frazier will be joining us by phone and will be unable to vote.

Michael Pintar read the confidentiality statement that indicates that personally identifiable information should not be presented in public meetings in order to protect the privacy of those persons with disabilities on whose behalf the HRA conducts investigations.

Michael Pintar asked for any changes in the agenda. No changes were noted.


The Open Meeting Minutes of the stated meeting of August 10, 2017 were reviewed for correction and no corrections were noted.


Jodi Russell-Baum discussed the time preference of the board for the next meetings.

Vehicle liability forms collected.



None addressed as there was not a quorum present.

New Complaints The HRA considered the following cases for acceptance.

17-070-9016 -- jail -- adequate and humane care - By consensus of the members present and absent a quorum the complaint was tabled until further research can be done into DHS protocol and the role of the community mental health provider in the care of UST patients waiting on DHS placement.

17-070-9017 – mental health hospital – restraints - By consensus of the members present and absent a quorum, the complaint was not opened due to the lack of and conflicting information. A telephone vote equaling a quorum was secured subsequent to the meeting and ratification will need to take place at the next meeting with a quorum.

18-070-9001 – mental health hospital -- phone privileges - At the August 10, 2017 meeting,Jane Nesbit made a motion to open the case, Catherine Goebel seconded the motion and the motion carried. Complaint accepted using emergency case opening procedures as allowed in HRA regulations. The emergency complaint acceptance received a telephone vote equaling a quorum and will be subject to ratification at the next meeting with a quorum. .

18-070-9002 — mental health facility – property - Denise Bradley made a motion to open the case, Karen Kelly seconded the motion and the motion carried. Complaint accepted using emergency case opening procedures as allowed in HRA regulations. The emergency complaint acceptance received a telephone vote equaling a quorum and will be subject to ratification at the next meeting with a quorum.

18-070-9003 — mental health facility – phones Mike Pintar made a motion to open the case, Lou Ellen Ruocco seconded the motion and the motion carried. Complaint accepted using emergency case opening procedures as allowed in HRA regulations. The emergency complaint acceptance received a telephone vote equaling a quorum and will be subject to ratification at the next meeting with a quorum.



Unfinished Business


Case Progress Reports

17-070-9004 – Community Support Services – misuse of funds (received update from prov.)

17-070-9005 -- SS St. Mary’s Hospital- Centralia — blanket consents (HRA requested a copy of the new form was received and reviewed by HRA members. Member Mike Pintar requestedthat IGAC legal review the form before the HRA writes the report)

17-070-9007 – Alton Mental Health Center – least restrictive \] environment (site visit completed)

17-070-9009 – Alton Mental Health Center – patient safety (site visit completed)

17-070-9012 – East Alton Wood River School Dist. – inclusion and confidentiality (write\ report)

17-070-9013 – Caritas – guardian notification and confidentiality (site visit completed)

17-070-9015 – Alton Mental Health Center – privilege level (site visit completed)

Draft Report Review

16-070-9009 – Touchette Regional Hospital – disability discrimination/insensitivity\ (additional editing needed)

17-070-9003 – Royal Living Center – guardian notification

Reviews of Provider Responses

16-070-9003 & 16-070-9004 – Alton Mental Health Center – The response was reviewed and deemed unsatisfactory by the HRA members at a previous meeting. Waiting on DHS legal to submit a new response.

Motions Regarding Report Approvals

16-070-9009 – Touchette Regional Hospital – disability discrimination/insensitivity (additional editing needed) Report was discussed and members will add suggestions for the report prior to next meeting.

17-070-9003 – Royal Living Center – guardian notification By consensus and absent a quorum, the members present agreed to table report approval until a quorum is present.

Motions Regarding Case Closures

16-070-9003 & 16-070-9004– Alton Mental Health Center – privilege level, physical contact policy. A second response has been requested and has not been received. Extension requested. Report is being reviewed by DHS legal dept. By consensus and absent a quorum, the members present agreed to table closure.

16-070-9008 & 9012 – Alton Mental Health Center – dental and confidentiality. By consensus and absent a quorum, the members present agree to table case closure.


The need for 1 additional citizen board members was discussed.

The HRA is looking for additional community outreach opportunities.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 9, 2017 at 4:00pm at DDSME.

Mike Pintar made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Karen Kelly seconded the motion and the members present agreed to adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 5:14 pm.
