State Retirement Systems' of Illinois SERS Executive Committee will meet Feb. 8.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
I. Approval of the Executive Committee Minutes of January, 2018
II. Receipt of Routine Claims Report for January, 2018
III. Old Business:
a. J. Stephen Frank Appeal to Use FAC from IMRF - Recommendation
IV. New Business:
a. Terry Kellough Appeal to Receive Survivor Annuity - Mbr: Berner Kellough
b. Patricia Quitno Appeal to Receive Retroactive Survivor Annuity - Mbr: Curtis Quitno
c. Nathaniel Bryant Re-appeal to Revoke Level Income
d. Laura McCombs Appeal to Reduce SSA Overpayment Repayment Amount
e. Sylvia Munguia Appeal Repayment of SSA Overpayment
f. Michael Watson Non-Occupational Disability - 90 Day Waiver
g. Wanda Shorty Appeal Change to SSA Overpayment Repayment Plan