
Chicago City Wire

Friday, March 28, 2025

CITY ROCK: RIPD begins July Fourth crackdown on drunk drivers and seat belt law violators


City Rock issued the following announcement on June 22.

Rock Island Police Department announced its plans for July Fourth traffic enforcement with a focus on drunk and unbuckled drivers. The crackdown will run from June 25 through July 8 to encompass the Independence Day holiday, an all-too-often deadly time on Illinois roads.

“We encourage local residents to celebrate Independence Day safely,” said Chief Jeff VenHuizen. “If you’re going to drink, don’t drive. Too many people die behind the wheel each year because of those who choose to drive impaired by alcohol or other drugs. Our officers will be out in full force, showing zero tolerance for impaired drivers.”

Chief VenHuizen will join the Illinois State Police and more than 150 local police and sheriff’s departments for the increased statewide enforcement effort.

“This Fourth of July, designate a sober driver and don’t let friends or family members drive drunk,” said Chief VenHuizen. Other important tips include:

· Give your designated driver your keys before you go out.

· If you are drunk or impaired by marijuana or other drugs, call a taxi, take mass transit, use your favorite ride-sharing service, or call a sober friend or family member to get you home safely.

· Promptly report drunk drivers to law enforcement by pulling over and dialing 911.

· Make sure everyone in your vehicle wears their seat belt. It is your best defense against an impaired driver.

The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket campaign is funded by federal traffic safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation. The crackdown runs concurrently with a media campaign reminding motorists that impaired driving has “Life or Death” consequences.



Source: City Rock