
Chicago City Wire

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Metropolitan Pier Exposition Authority Board met July 24.


Metropolitan Pier Exposition Authority Board met July 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Section A

General Matters

A1. Roll Call of MPEA Board Members. (Maria Calderon)

A2. Consideration of Approval of Minutes of the June 19, 2018 Regular Board

Meeting. (Chairman Hart)

Section B

Ceo And Staff Reports

B1. Report from MPEA Chief Executive Officer. (Lori T. Healey)

B2. Report from Chief Financial Officer. (Larita Clark)

B3. Report from Savor Vice President of Culinary. (Doug Bradley)

Section C

Executive Session

C1. Consideration of Approval of Executive Session Minutes of the June 19, 2018

Regular Board Meeting. (Matthew Simmons)

C2. Other Items as Determined.

Section D

Ceo, Development, Legal, Security And Trades Agendas


D1. Consideration of Approval of Letter Agreement - Rooted in Greatness

Sponsorship. (Lori T. Healey)


D2. Consideration of Approval of Amendment to Existing Contract for A/E Conditions

Assessment Services Roofing, Waterproofing, Structural Restoration Program.

(David Winters)

D3. Consideration of Approval of New Construction Contract for Arie Crown Theater

Stage Support. (David Winters)


D4. Consideration of Approval to End Retention of Audio Recordings of MPEA Board

Meeting Executive Sessions Minutes for the following Dates: July 19, 2016;

September 21, 2016; October 25, 2016; and November 29, 2016.

(Matthew Simmons)


D5. Consideration of Approval of Resolution No. MPEA 18-02 - Delegating Authority to the Chief Executive Officer to Transfer Title and Registration of a Police

Vehicle. (Steve E. Georgas)


D6. Consideration of Approval of New Contract for Overhead Door and Emergency

Services. (Pat Allen)

Section E

Other Matters

E1. Approval of Matters Resulting from Executive Session.

E2. Adjournment
