
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Chicago Zoning Board of Appeals will meet August 17.

Webp meeting909

City of Chicago Zoning Board of Appeals will meet August 17.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

365-18-Z Zoning District: Rt-4 Ward: 27

Applicant: Ming-Ju Yang Lee

Owner: HCM Real Estate Investment, LLC

Premises Affected: 521 N. Drake Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the north setback from the required 2' to zero, south setback from 2' to zero, combined side setback from 5' to zero, rear setback from 37.49' to 2' for a 10' tall rolling iron gate at the rear of the lot and 6.67' tall iron fence on the sides of rear yard at the existing two-story, two dwelling unit building.

366-18-S Zoning District: B3-1 Ward: 10

Applicant: Paulina Gonzalez dba Beauty Mark 1 Inc.

Owner: Victor Manuel Lopez

Premises Affected: 9701 S. Commercial Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a hair and nail salon.

367-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 1

Applicant: Mike Mulryan

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1928 N. Central Park Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the front setback from the required 18.11' to 14.33', north from 4' to 0.91', combined side setback shall be 20.24' for a proposed second floor addition, a new front porch with 5.14' wide extensions for the existing single family home.

368-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 1

Applicant: Mike Mulryan

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1928 N. Central Park Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the building height from the maximum 30' to 32.83' for a proposed second floor addition for the existing single family residence.

369-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 33

Applicant: Agnieszka Damaszk

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 4232 N. Troy Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear setback from the required 37.5' to zero, combined side setback from 7.5' to zero on the north and south for an 8' tall fence and an 8.3' tall iron gate at the rear of the property.

370-18-Z Zoning District: Rt-4 Ward: 43

Applicant: James and Denise Orlin

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1129 W. Wrightwood Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the existing 4,267.45 square feet of floor area by an amount not to exceed 15% (202.6 squarefeet) to 4,470.05 square feet for a proposed rear one story addition, rear decks with a solid private screen on the 1st floor and a detached two car garage.

371-18-Z Zoning District: Rt-4 Ward: 43

Applicant: James and Denise Orlin

Owner: same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1129 W. Wrightwood Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear setback from the required 34.86' to 34.17', west from 2' to 0.45' (east to be 3.83’), combined side setback from 4.8' to 4.28', reduce the rear from 2' to zero with the garage located less than 10' from the centerline of the alley for a rear one story addition, rear decks with a solid private screen on the 1st floor and a detached two car garage.

372-18-S Zoning District: B3-1 Ward: 35

Applicant: Miriam Segovia / Elston & Kimball Liquor Store, LLC

Owner: Miriam Segovia

Premises Affected: 3753 N. Elston Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a liquor store.

373-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 37

Applicant: Marquita Archie

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 632 N. Lorel Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the north setback from the required 4' to 1.9', south setback from 4' to 3.6', combined sidesetback from 10' to 5.5' for two proposed storage room additions tothe existing two-story residential building.

374-18-S Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 32

Applicant: Derrig Clybourn. LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3116 N. Clybourn Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish residential use below the second floor for a proposed three-story, six dwelling unit building with a detached six car garage.

375-18-Z Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 32

Applicant: Derrig Clybourn, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3116 N. Clybourn Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear yard on floors containing dwelling units from the required 30' to 2' for a proposed three-story, six dwelling unit building with a detached six car garage.

376-18-S Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 32

Applicant: Derrig Clybourn, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3122 N. Clybourn Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish residential use below the second floor for a proposed three-story, six dwelling unit building with a detached six car garage.

377-18-Z Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 32

Applicant: Derrig Clybourn, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3122 N. Clybourn Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the area occupied by an accessory building from the maximum 900 square feet to 958.33 square feet for a detached six car garage to serve a proposed threestory, six dwelling unit building.

378-18-Z Zoning District: B3-1 Ward: 41

Applicant: Omega Station Inc.

Owner: Lee & Jack Investments, LLC

Premises Affected: 7236-38 N. Harlem Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to establish a public place of amusement license to provide an electronic game console which is located within 125' of a residential zoning district.

379-18-S Zoning District: B1-2 Ward: 1

Applicant: NBM Development, LLC

Owner: Hector Sepulveda

Premises Affected: 1452 N. Leavitt Street

Subject: Application for a special use to establish residential use below the second floor for a proposed four-story, three dwelling unit building with a detached garage.

380-18-Z Zoning District: B1-2 Ward: 1

Applicant: NBM Development, LLC

Owner: Hector Sepulveda

Premises Affected: 1452 N. Leavitt Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear setback from the required 30' to 21.5' for a proposed detached three-car garage with roof deck with access from a rear open porch that will serve a fourstory, three dwelling unit building.

381-18-Z Zoning District: B1-2 Ward: 1

Applicant: NBM Development, LLC

Owner: Hector Sepulveda

Premises Affected: 1452 N. Leavitt Street

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the maximum area for an accessory building from 480 square feet to 487.5 square feet for a proposed garage to serve a proposed four-story, three dwelling unit building.

382-18-S Zoning District: B3-1 Ward: 31

Applicant: Canine Therapy Corps

Owner: The El Marro Land Trust

Premises Affected: 3918 W. Fullerton Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a shelter and boarding kennel (animal training).

383-18-Z Zoning District: Rm-5 Ward: 43

Applicant: Joseph Younes

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1720 N. Sedgwick Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the front setback from the required 7.92' to 2', rear setback from 18.48' to 14', north setback from 2' to 1', combined side setback from 5' to 4' for a proposed two and one-half single family residence with open rear deck and stairs.

384-18-Z Zoning District: B2-3 Ward: 27

Applicant: Kenneth Bratko

Owner: Chicago Title Land Trust Co. # 99-8192 dated March 4, 1999

Premises Affected: 1156-60 W. Ohio Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rea setback from the required 30' to 1', the rear setback from the rear property line to enclosed parking from 2' to 1' for a proposed four-story, eight dwelling unit building with eight on-site parking spaces.

385-18-S Zoning District: B1-1 Ward: 26

Applicant: Renita Jones dba Lashed Doll, LLC

Owner: Solaria Holdings, LLC

Premises Affected: 2643 W. Division Street

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a hair and nail salon.

386-18-S Zoning District: B3-3 Ward: 44

Applicant: Jacki Dan Gao

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1342 W. Belmont Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a nail salon.

387-18-S Zoning District: B3-2 Ward: 28

Applicant: Samuel Arce dba The Classic Barber Shop

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 2334 W. Taylor Street

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a barber shop.

388-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 41

Applicant: Brian Story

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 7839 W. Summerdale Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the east setback from 2.4' to zero, (west to be 6'), combined side setback shall be 6' for a proposed rear one story addition to an existing two-story, single family residence.

389-18-Z Zoning District: Rm-5 Ward: 43

Applicant: 1248 Astor, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1246 N. Astor Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the non-alley side setback from 2.9' to 1.83', rear setback from 27.66' to 24.75' for a proposed fourth story addition and to legalize a third story addition to the existing three- story, single family residence.

390-18-Z Zoning District: Rm-5 Ward: 43

Applicant: 1248 Astor, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1246 N. Astor Street

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the maximum building height from 45' to 46.67' which is not more than 10% for a proposed fourth-story addition and to legalize a third floor rear addition for the existing three-story, single family residence.

391-18-Z Zoning District: Rm-5 Ward: 43

Applicant: 1248 Astor, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1246 N. Astor Street

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the floor area ratio of 5,334.45 square feet by 796.06 square feet for a total of 6,130.51 square feet which is not more than 14.9% for a proposed fourth story addition and to legalize a rear third floor addition for the existing three-story, single family residence.

392-18-Z Zoning District: B2-3 Ward: 27

Applicant: Keeper Property Holdings, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 462 N. May Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear setback from the required 30' to 22.58' for a new detached garage with roof deck to be accessed by an open bridge from the existing three dwelling unit building.

393-18-Z Zoning District: B2-3 Ward: 27

Applicant: Keeper Property Holdings, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 462 N. May Street

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the area for an accessory building by an amount not to exceed 10% of the maximum allowed from 480 square feet to 500.86 square feet for a proposed detached garage with roof deck and an open bridge from the existing three dwelling unit building.

394-18-S Zoning District: B3-2 Ward: 33

Applicant: Forever Moody Inc. dba Copperplate Tattoo

Owner: 2868 N. Elston, LLC

Premises Affected: 2868 N. Elston Avenue #2

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a body art service (tattoo).

395-18-Z Zoning District: B2-3 Ward: 47

Applicant: Western Avenue Partners Inc.

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 2405 W. Hutchinson Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear setback from the required 30' to 17.16' and to reduce the garage feature setback from 2' to zero for a proposed five-story, thirty-nine dwelling unit and nine efficiency unit building.

396-18-Z Zoning District: B2-3 Ward: 47

Applicant: Western Avenue Partners Inc.

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 2405 W. Hutchinson Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the ground floor commercial space from 3,952 square feet to 3,212 square feet which is not more than 20% for a proposed five-story, thirty-nine dwelling unit and nine efficiency unit building.

397-18-Z Zoning District: B2-3 Ward: 47

Applicant: Western Avenue Partners Inc.

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 2405 W. Hutchinson Street

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the building height from the maximum 60' to 63.83' which is not more than 10% for a proposed five-story retail and thirty-nine dwelling unit and nine efficiency unit building.

398-18-Z Zoning District: Rt-4 Ward: 1

Applicant: Paul Reaumond

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1848 W. Race Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the front setback from the required 10.8' to 4.67', rear setback from 25.2' to 2', west setback from 2' to zero (east to be zero), combined side setback from 4.8 to zero for a proposed three-story, single family residence with roof deck, front terrace and attached two car garage with roof deck.

399-18-Z Zoning District: Rt-4 Ward: 1

Applicant: Paul Reaumond

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1848 W. Race Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to relocate the required 140.4 square feet of rear yard open space to the roof deck of the proposed garage that will serve the proposed single family residence.

400-18-Z Zoning District: Rt-4 Ward: 1

Applicant: Paul Reaumond

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1850 W. Race Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the front setback from the required 10.8' to 4.67', rear setback from 25.2' to 2', west from 2' to zero (east to be zero), combined side setback from 4.8' to zero for a proposed three story, single family residence with roof deck, front terrace and attached two car garage with roof deck.

401-18-Z Zoning District: Rt-4 Ward: 1

Applicant: Paul Reaumond

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1850 W. Race Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to relocate the required 140.4 square feet of rear yard open space to the proposed garage roof deck which will serve the proposed three-story, single family residence.

402-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 1

Applicant: Huron Management, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1858W. Huron Street

Subject: Application for a variation to covert an existing three-story, three dwelling unit building to a four dwelling unit building. One dwelling unit will remain at the rear of the building. There will be a total of five dwelling units at the subject site.

403-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 1

Applicant: Huron Management, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1858 W. Huron Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear yard open space from the required 1,125 square feet to zero to convert an existing front three-story, three dwelling unit building to a four dwelling unit building. One dwelling will remain at the rear building. There will be a total of five dwelling units at the subject site.

404-18-Z Zoning District: Rm-5 Ward: 43

Applicant: William J. Deakin Trust and Lis M. Diehlmann Trust

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1848 N. Lincoln Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the front feature setback from the required 20' to 9.87', front setback from 11.22' to 9.87', north and south setback from 2' to zero, combined side setback from 5' to zero and the open space along the north and south end of the lot from 5' to zero on each side for a proposed attached garage with roof deck, open stairs, roof top stair/ elevator enclosure and roof deck.

405-18-S Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 12

Applicant: Raina 32nd and Ashland, LLC

Owner: Periklis and Stavroula Pshihogios

Premises Affected: 3256 S. Ashland Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a one-lane drive through to serve a proposed fast food restaurant in an existing building to be renovated.

406-18-S Zoning District: B3-2 Ward: 50

Applicant: Morufat Ola Ajose

Owner: Messina Holdings LLC

Premises Affected: 6353 N. Claremont Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a hair salon.

407-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-2 Ward: 36

Applicant: Board of Education

Owner: Public Building Commission

Premises Affected: 3030 N. Mobile Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the north setback from the required 40' to 1' (south to be 3') for a proposed accessory recreational equipment including a new track and field, two baseball fields, bleachers, dug outs scoreboard and discus cage to serve the existing school. A.M. Continuances

637-17-S Zoning District: C1-3 Ward: 33

Applicant: 3280 N California, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3280 N. California Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish residential use and parking below the second floor for a proposed five-story, twentyfive dwelling unit building with enclosed parking.

638-17-Z Zoning District: C1-3 Ward: 33

Applicant: 3280 N California, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3280 N. California Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the front setback from the required 4.75' to 2', rear setback from 30' to zero on floors containing dwelling units, the enclosed garage setback from the rear property line from 2' to zero for a proposed five-story, twentyfive dwelling unit building with enclosed parking.

639-17-Z Zoning District: C1-3 Ward: 33

Applicant: 3280 N California, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3280 N. California Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the required loading stall from one to zero for a proposed five-story, twenty-five dwelling unit building with enclosed parking.

179-18-S Zoning District: B3-1 Ward: 38

Applicant: Confluent Development, LLC

Owner: First Nations Bank Trust No. 1833 dated March 19, 2015

Premises Affected: 8345 W. Irving Park Road

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a one-lane drive through to serve a proposed fast food restaurant.

228-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 32

Applicant: Michael Walczak

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1835 N. Honore Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the south setback from the required 2' to 1.62' (north to be 2') for a proposed two-story, single family residence with back yard wood deck, roof top deck and a detached two car garage with stairs and roof top deck.

263-18-S Zoning District: M1-1 / M2-2 Ward: 15

Applicant: McDonald's USA, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1454 W. 47th Street

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a dual lane drive-through to serve an existing fast food restaurant.

264-18-Z Zoning District: M1-2/ M2-2 Ward: 15

Applicant: McDonald's USA, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1454 W. 47th Street

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the 4,000 square feet maximum gross floor area of a commercial establishment by not more than 10% (58 square feet) for a proposed one story addition to an existing fast food restaurant.

408-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 2

Applicant: Richard Chagoya

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1443 N. Cleaver Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the north setback from the required 3.2' to 3' (south to be 3.7'), combined side setback from 8' to 6.7', rear setback from 23.27' to 13.65' for a proposed two-story, single family residence with an attached three car garage with a roof deck.

409-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 32

ApplicanT: Kevin Kobets

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3020 W. Medill Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear setback from 36.96' to zero, rear feature setback from 2' to zero, east setback from 4' to zero (west to be 3'), combined side setback from 10' to 3' for a proposed two-story single family residence and an existing detached non-conforming garage.

410-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 32

Applicant: Thomas C. Kirschbaum

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 2816 W. Logan Boulevard

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the existing floor area by 455.98 square feet which is not more than 10.88% of the existing 4,962.06 square feet for a proposed rear three-story addition and a rear three story enclosed porch for the existing three-story, single family residence.

411-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 32

Applicant: Thomas C. Kirschbaum

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 2816 W. Logan Boulevard

Subject: Applicant seeks a variation to reduce the rear setback from the required 36.81' to 34.12' for a proposed rear three-story addition and a rear three story enclosed porch for the existing three-story, single family residence.

412-18-S Zoning District: B1-1 Ward: 41

Applicant: KS Salon, LLC

Owner: Alexander McGrath

Premises Affected: 5356 W. Devon Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a hair salon.

413-18-S Zoning District: B3-1 Ward: 1

Applicant: Chicago Dream Center

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1638 N. California Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a transitional residence.

414-18-Z Zoning District: Rm-5 Ward: 43

Applicant: David and Lisa Burik

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1755 N. Mohawk Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear setback from the required 33.6' to zero, south from 3.704' to 1.19' (north to be zero), combined side setback from 9.26' to 1.19' for a proposed one-story addition, front and rear decks and a two-car garage with roof deck.

415-18-Z Zoning District: Rt-4 Ward: 43

Applicant: Maud Properties, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1858 N. Maud Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear setback from the required 28' to 22' for a proposed raised deck and a garage with roof deck.

416-18-Z Zoning District: Rt-4 Ward: 43

Applicant: Maud Properties, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1858 N. Maud Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to relocate the 162.5 square feet of rear yard open space from grade to the proposed garage roof deck.

417-18-Z Zoning District: B1-2 Ward: 1

Applicant: 1524 West C, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1522-24 W. Chicago Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the minimum lot area per dwelling unit from the required 1,000 square feet to 983.33 square feet for a proposed four- story, mixed use building with ground floor retail and six dwelling units above.

418-18-S Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 32

Applicant: GW Clybourn, LLC

Owner: Dynamic Enterprises Inc.

Premises Affected: 3159 N. Clybourn Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a gas station with four gas pumps and a one-story retail building.

419-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 11

Applicant: Zhao Jia Chong

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3408 S. Normal Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the front setback from the required 20.75' to 14.74', the front parking feature setback from 20' to 14.74', rear setback from 35.20 to 23' north setback from 4' to 2.45' south from 4' to 1.08', combined side setback from 10' to 3.53' for proposed additions with new rear garage with roof deck.

420-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-3 Ward: 11

Applicant: Zhao Jia Chong

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3408 S. Normal Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the building height from the maximum 30' to 33' which is not more than 10% for proposed additions with new rear garage with roof deck.

421-18-Z Zoning District: Rt-4 Ward: 1

Applicant: West Artesian, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1729 N. Artesian Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the minimum lot area from the required 3,000 square feet to 2,985.6 square feet for a proposed three-story, three dwelling unit building.

422-18-S Zoning District: B3-1 Ward: 39

Applicant: GW Milwaukee Devon, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 6367 N. Milwaukee Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a gas station with a onestory convenience store.

423-18-Z Zoning District: B3-1 Ward: 39

Applicant: GW Milwaukee Devon, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 6367 N. Milwaukee Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the minimum lot area from the required 20,000 square feet to 17,288 square feet for a proposed gas station and with a one-story convenience store.

424-18-S Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 20

Applicant: Word of Truth Bible Teaching Ministries

Owner: Paumar, LLC

Premises Affected: 6827 S. South Chicago Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a religious assembly with twenty-one on-site parking spaces.

425-18-S Zoning District: B3-2 Ward: 47

Applicant: DS Damen Property, LLC & TB Damen Property, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 4711-13 N. Damen Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish residential use below the second floor for a proposed three-story, six dwelling unit building with a detached six car garage.

426-18-Z Zoning District: B3-2 Ward: 47

Applicant: DS Damen Property, LLC & TD Damen Property, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 4711-13 N. Damen Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear yard from the required 30' to 2' on floors containing dwelling units for a proposed three-story, six dwelling unit building with a detached six car garage.

427-18-S Zoning District: B1-1 Ward: 48

Applicant: Khaled Goda

Owner: Keith Lord

Premises Affected: 1527 W. Devon Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a hookah bar.

P.M. Continuances

195-18-S Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 1

Applicant: 1618-24 Grand, LLC

Owner: Esperanza Community Services

Premises Affected: 1620 W. Grand Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish residential use below the second floor for a proposed four-story, eight dwelling unit building and detached eight car garage.

196-18-Z Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 1

Applicant: 1618-24 Grand, LLC

Owner: Esperanza Community Services

Premises Affected: 1620 W. Grand Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the minimum lot area from the required 8,000 square feet to 7,350 square feet for a proposed four-story, eight dwelling unit building and a detached eight car garage.

197-18-Z Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 1

Applicant: 1618-24 Grand, LLC

Owner: Esperanza Community Services

Premises Affected: 1620 W. Grand Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the permitted building height from the maximum 45' to 48.7' for a proposed four-story, eight dwelling unit building with a detached eight car garage.

198-18-Z Zoning District: C1-2 Ward: 1

Applicant: 1618-1624 Grand, LLC

Owner: Esperanza Community Services

Premises Affected: 1620 W. Grand Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to increase the area occupied by an accessory building in the rear setback from 1,323.0 square feet to 1,442.4 square feet for a proposed eight car detached garage that will serve a proposed four-story eight dwelling unit building.

302-18-S Zoning District: B3-2 Ward: 25

Applicant: 1554 W 21st LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1554 W. 21st Street

Subject: Application for a special use to establish residential use below the second floor for a proposed four unit residential townhouse development.

303-18-Z Zoning District: B3-2 Ward: 25

Applicant: 1554 W 21st, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1554 W. 21st Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the front wall facing a public street from the required 12' to 0.96', rear wall facing a property line setback from 12' to 3', the end wall facing a public street from 5' to zero for a proposed four unit residential townhouse development.

304-18-Z Zoning District: B3-2 Ward: 25

Applicant: 1554 W 21st, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1554 W. 21st Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the private yard requirement per unit from 200 square feet to zero for a proposed four dwelling unit residential townhouse development with one unenclosed parking space and a three car detached garage.

312-18-S Zoning District: C1-3 Ward: 3

Applicant: McDonald's USA, LLC

Owner: Franchise Realty Investment Trust- IL

Premises Affected: 207 E. 35th Street

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a dual lane drive-through to serve an existing fast food restaurant.

320-18-Z Zoning District: B3-3 Ward: 44

Applicant: 3200 North Southport Acquisitions, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 3200 N. Southport Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear yard setback from the required 30' to 16' on floors containing dwelling units for a proposed five-story building with ground floor retail and twenty four dwelling units above.

328-18-Z Zoning District: C1-3 Ward: 27

Applicant: 669-71 North Milwaukee, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 667-71 N. Milwaukee Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the minimum lot area from the required 4,800 square feet to 4,505.33 square feet which is not more than 90% for a proposed four-story building with ground floor retail, and twelve dwelling units above and an attached garage with two parking spaces which is located 1,276 feet from a CTA rail entrance.

329-18-Z Zoning District: C1-3 Ward: 27

Applicant: 669-71 North Milwaukee, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 667-71 N. Milwaukee Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear setback from the required 30' to zero on floors containing dwelling units for a proposed four-story building with ground floor retail, and twelve dwelling units above and an attached garage with two parking spaces which is located 1,276 feet from a CTA rail entrance.

330-18-S Zoning District: C1-3 Ward: 27

Applicant: 669-71 North Milwaukee, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 667-71 N. Milwaukee Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to reduce the required parking from twelve stalls to two stalls for a proposed four-story building with ground floor retail and twelve dwelling units above which is located within 1,276 feet of a CTA rail entrance.

331-18-S Zoning District: B3-3 Ward: 26

Applicant: Jester Properties, LLC

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 1709 N. Kedzie Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish residential use below the second floor for a proposed four-story, three dwelling unit building with a detached three car garage.

342-18-Z Zoning District: Rs-2 Ward: 50

Applicant: Betzalel Schur

Owner: Same as applicant

Premises Affected: 2812 W. Coyle Avenue

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the west setback from the required 4.25' to 0.51' (east to be 4.54') combined side setback from 12.75' to 5.05' for a proposed two-story rear addition, a one story east addition an unenclosed stair way and new rear open patio.

343-18-S Zoning District: B3-1 Ward: 15

Applicant: John Carothers dba Snootie Fox Grooming Spa

Owner: Royalty Acre Consultation and Investments

Premises Affected: 7122 S. Ashland Avenue

Subject: Application for a special use to establish a barber shop/ beauty salon.

347-18-Z Zoning District: C2-3 Ward: 27

Applicant: Pipefitters Local No. 597 UA

Owner: 14 North Bishop, LLC

Premises Affected: 1448 W. Madison Street

Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the rear setback from the required 30' to zero on floors containing dwelling units for a proposed five story mixed use building with ground floor retail and thirty-two dwelling units above.

Approval of the written resolutions containing findings of fact consistent with the votes of the Board at its regular meeting of July 20, 2018.

