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Monday, March 17, 2025

Chicago Public Library Board of Directors met April 16

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Chicago Public Library Board of Directors met April 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Physically Present: Linda Johnson Rice, Lynn Lockwood, Jodi Block, Barbara Bowman, Patricia Gaytan Perez, Dominique Jordan Turner, Alexi Giannoulias, Ivy Walker

Present by Means of Video or Audio Conference: None

Absent: Christopher Valenti

Welcome to the Whitney M. Young, Jr. Branch (info only)

Mitchell Smith, Branch manager, welcomed the Board and provided a brief overview of the branch named in honor of Young who was the executive director of the National Urban League and a leader in civil rights and community development. The branch initially opened in 1973, then recently went through a gut renovation and expansion designed by architect bKL, architect of record Johnson & Lee and the project was managed by PBC. The branch re-opened earlier this year and now houses a space for children, YOUmedia space for teens, computer lab and meeting room for the community. Neighborhoods served include; Chatham, Greater Grand Crossing, Park Manor, Chesterfield, Avalon.

Approval of minutes (action required)

The Board voted (8-0) to approve the minutes for the January 15, 2019 meeting.

Schedule of Requisitions, Contracts and Licenses (info only)

Baronica Roberson, Deputy Commissioner of Administration and Finance, presented the quarterly report on contacts and purchases made for magazines, books, databases, periodicals and articles of educational and instructional nature. For this quarter (January 1 – March 31, 2019) a total of 1985 invoices were paid totaling $1,908,985.42 to various vendors.

Policy Change: New Holds Limit (action required)

Michelle Frisque, Chief of Technology, Content and Innovation, presented a request to increase the number of holds on physical items (books, DVDs, CDs, etc.) from 5 to 8 items per card. Holds on eBooks and eAudiobooks will remain unchanged at up to 5 items per card.

The Board voted (8-0) to approve an increase in the holds limit from 5 to 8 items per card.

Key Events/ Updates (info only)

Strategy Update

Commissioner Bannon provided a status update as CPL prepares for the inauguration of Mayor-elect Lightfoot and CPL’s 2020-2023 strategic plan to align with Lightfoot’s strategic vision for the city. Over the past few months, the strategy team led by 1st Deputy Commissioner Messner along with partners from InStride Advisors, reached out to CPL staff and patrons for feedback on how they envision CPL. The team engaged CPL staff at data gathering sessions held at library branches throughout the city reaching over 600+ CPL staff and additionally, held 15 in-depth individual and small group leadership interviews and received over 200 surveys from CPL staff and Advanced Resources staff which supports programs such as the Teacher in the Library and CyberNavigators. Additionally, the strategy team received over 10,000 patron survey responses submitted via the CPL website and paper surveys that were distributed at local branches. As CPL approaches the next phase of the strategy process and after the new administration is place, the strategy team will schedule public meetings to talk about the feedback received and its plan for the new strategy.

Summer Learning Challenge and Teen Summer Learning Challenge

Lori Frumkin, librarian in the Children Services and Family Engagement department at CPL, gave an overview of the upcoming Summer Learning Challenge. The program will run June 24 – Aug 17, 2019 and will call on Chicago children and youth to become Explorers at Play as they investigate sports science, healthy food and play in its many forms through a series of STEAM challenges developed by the Museum of Science and Industry, and artistic connections from the Art Institute of Chicago, puzzles from the David L. Hoyt Educational Foundation, nutrition and exercise content from the Lurie Children’s Hospital and Chicago Department of Public Health. Additionally, through work with the Chicago Park District, CPL will celebrate the role of neighborhood play. SLC will also be offered in every Chicago Park District camp in the City. Aggressive outreach also extends into WIC Centers, Reach Out and Read Pediatric Centers and Summer Camps. Through a partnership with Greater Chicago Food Depository lunches will be provided to children in 27 communities.

Taylor Bayless, Teen Services Librarian at CPL, talked about the Teen Summer Learning Challenge that will also run June 24 – Aug 17, 2019. Teen Services staff at more than 30 locations will host programs as part of the summer program “We Are Chicago: Your City, Your Summer, Your CPL.” Program partners who will offer special branch programs include Adler Planetarium, Brown and Proud Press, Kompagni B Exchange Chicago; Shine On, Chicago, Yollocalli Arts Reach and Young Chicago Authors. Summer activities will also include planning and outreach to create excitement around upcoming fall activities to celebrate the 10th year of YOUmedia at CPL.

2019 Cindy Pritzker Lecture and Dinner featuring Renee Fleming

Commissioner Bannon gave a recap of the Cindy Pritzker Lecture on Urban Life and Issues that featured world-renowned soprano Renée Fleming in a lecture titled Music and the Mind on Thursday, March 21st. Ms. Fleming appeared in conversation with Dr. Nina Kraus and Mr. Sunil Iyengar. Ms. Fleming's Music and the Mind presentation explored the power of music as it relates to health, including childhood development, music therapy and discoveries that are changing our understanding of the brain.

Commissioner Bannon also mentioned that all Chicago Public Library locations will be closed on Sun, April 21st and Thurs, May 2nd for All Staff Institute Day.

CPL Capital Projects and Facilities Report (info only)

Andrea Telli, Assistant Commissioner of Neighborhood Services presented the following CPL capital projects that are now open:

Now Open

West Loop Branch - Developer: Sterling Bay; Design architect: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. Ribbon cutting ceremony for the West Loop branch was held on January 17, 2019. The new library experienced a full gut renovation of an existing building which was previously home to Harpo Studios, for a new 16,000 sq. foot branch library. West Loop branch is the first-ever library in the community and the 81st for the city.

Independence Branch - Developer: Evergreen Real Estate Group; Architect: John Ronan. Ribbon cutting ceremony for the Independence branch was held January 22, 2019. The new 16,000 sq. foot library exists in a planned development with 44 senior housing units. This is the first permanent library in the Irving Park neighborhood. The new Independence branch includes flexible space for meetings, a graduated seating staircase and adult stacks on the library’s second floor. The senior housing units are currently still under construction.

Little Italy (previously named Roosevelt) - Developer: Related Midwest; Design Architect: Skidmore Owings & Merrill. The Little Italy branch opening was held January 22, 2019. The new 16,000 sq. foot library includes a one-story public library branch and a multi-story mixed-income residential complex, with additional community spaces at street level.

Northtown Branch - Developer: Evergreen Real Estate Group; Architect: Perkins + Will. The Northtown branch opened on March 5, 2019. The new library includes a 16,000 sq. foot library and community space on the ground floor and 44 affordable senior apartments on three floors above, including 30 receiving rental assistance from the Chicago Housing Authority.

Karl Guider, Assistant Commissioner of Facility Planning and Building Operations provided an update on active and other capital projects:

Active Projects

Legler Regional Library - Project: re-establishment of Legler Branch to regional library status. Design Architect: CPL in conjunction with the Public Building Commission; Project Management: PBC. Scope: Building renovation to include a Computer Lab, reconfigured YOUmedia with sound studio, Maker Lab, CPL’s first ever artist’s studio, interior upgrades to the reading rooms, reconfiguration and additions to the book stacks, renovation of lower level community room and addition of study rooms, power and data upgrades, some exterior landscaping and parking lot improvements. Milestones and Current Activity: CPL will continue meeting with the PBC and Ratio Architects on schematic designs; plans to open Legler for service seven days per week as a regional library are progressing for later in this second quarter; the library will then be scheduled for renovation after the Summer Learning Challenge ends in August 2019 through the 3Q 2020.

Douglass – Project Scope to Include: exterior masonry repairs and new energy efficient roof; build-outs of an Early Learning Play Space and teen area; new flooring and paint throughout; new Circulation Desk and installation of additional power and data; upgrades to community room and staff work areas. Milestones & current activity: Construction is 50% complete with substantial completion expected in June 2019.

Jefferson Park – Project Scope: Scope is currently in development but includes refresh and possible reconfiguration of public areas, upgraded circulation desk, installation of additional power and data, paint and flooring. Milestones and current activity: Project is under construction and demolition has been completed; substantial completion is expected in 3Q 2019; the branch is scheduled to reopen in late 2019.

South Shore – Project Scope: Full renovation with addition of early learning and teen spaces; project scope includes envelope repairs incorporating roof, windows and doors, repairs to elevator, interior doors, replacement of interior stair case, upgraded circulation desk, new lighting, flooring and paint throughout. Milestones and Current activity: Project is under construction with demolition beginning in a couple of weeks; substantial completion is expected in 4Q 2019; the branch is scheduled to reopen 1Q 2020.

Merlo – Project Scope: Full gut renovation with addition of Early Learning and Teen spaces. Milestones and current activity: Weekly design meetings continue with the PBC and architects; 100% construction documents have been reviewed and approved as noted; the branch is now closed to the public with construction set to begin in one month; substantial completion expected in 2Q 2020 with the branch scheduled to reopen in 3Q 2020.

Altgeld - CHA project management: Site to combine a CPL library branch with an early childhood center, Design Architect: Koo & Associates. Milestones and Current Activity: foundation walls are being formed and poured (mostly complete); the furniture plan has been finalized; CHA is in the process of trying to close NMTC (New Market Tax Credit) financing by the end of April; project is scheduled to be complete in 2020.

Obama Presidential Center Branch – (No change) Project Scope: proposed 5,000 sq. foot branch library on the Obama Presidential Center campus; Design architects are Tod Williams and Billie Tsien. Milestones and Current Activity: project is in design development and regular meetings are now being held between the OPC staff and CPL.

Other Projects

2FM’s CARE program – Select CPL locations will be undergoing 2FM’s CARE program: “Clean and Repair Everything.” These projects include in-depth seasonal and deferred maintenance, carpet replacement or cleaning, paint and a general refresh of the facility on the part of CPL and 2FM staff. Projects will require short-term closures of 4 to 6 weeks and will take place between September 2018 and January 2019. Milestones and Current Activity: branches currently undergoing the CARE program include: Portage Cragin, West Chicago Avenue, Bessie Coleman and Chicago Lawn.

Harold Washington Library Center – CPL will be working on the relocation and redevelopment of a number of service areas including Circulation, Computer Commons, Newspapers & General Periodicals, Assistive Services, and Materials Movement in the coming months. Milestones and Current activity: Relocation of 5th floor workspaces for Newspapers & General Periodicals and the Assistive Resource Center are nearing completion.

Chicago Public Library Foundation Report (info only)

Brenda Langstraat, President of the Chicago Public Library Foundation, provided an update on behalf of the staff and Board of the Chicago Public Library Foundation and highlighted the following:

In late 2018, the James and Madeleine McMullan Family Foundation gave a major grant supporting signature partnership programs at the Library

Gifts, grants, and pledges to the Library Foundation since January 1 total nearly $1 mil

The Night in the Stacks event in April raised $170,000

National Library Week (April 7-13) raised awareness and support through email and social media and generated over 100 new leads

The annual Carl Sandburg Literary Awards Dinner will be held on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at the UIC Forum; this year’s honorees will be announced tomorrow

On April 24, the Library Foundation will partner with the Museum of Science and Industry to host a breakfast event about legacy and planned giving

Other Business

After nearly thirty years of leading library and branch operations at Chicago Public Library, Andrea Telli, Deputy Commissioner of Neighborhood Services announced that she will retire in June of this year.

Public Comment

The Board addressed comments from representatives of the Washington Park Community requesting a new branch; the Friends of Woodson group suggesting the Summer Learning Challenge be called “Lori’s Learners” or “Lori’s Literates”; they also recommended Maud Martha by Gwendolyn Brooks for CPL’s One Book, One Chicago program and additionally, plans to work with local schools to encourage students to learn the namesake of schools attending and visit the Harsh Collection at Woodson.

Next Board Meeting

The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at the Independence Branch located at 4022 N. Elston Avenue.
