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West Chicago Public Library Board of Trustees met June 24

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West Chicago Public Library Board of Trustees met June 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

A. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by President Conradt.


TRUSTEES PRESENT: Nancy Conradt, President; Frank Fokta, Vice President; Richard Bloom, Treasurer; Diane Kelsey, Secretary, and Tom Tawney, Member.

STAFF PRESENT: Ben Weseloh, Library Director; Joan Happel, Bookkeeper; Margo Burkhardt, Public Relations Specialist; Michael Novy, Technical Service Manager; Gabe Cardenas, Circulation; Dominique Mendez, Youth Services Manager; and Jason Rock, Information Technology Librarian.


1. Board Meeting - May 28, 2019: Mr. Tawney moved to approve the Board Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2019, as amended, seconded by Mr. Fokta, as follows:

i. Page 5, No. 7, Finance Committee, No. 1, remove Ms. Kelsey's name from being present, she was not.

ii. Page 5, No. 7, Finance Committee, note that Ms. Conradt entered the meeting at 12:20 p.m.

iii. Page 5, No. 7, Finance Committee, the third paragraph should end: ".HVAC system to the budget as a Special Reserve expense."

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

2. Closed Session Meeting - May 28, 2019: President Conradt informed the trustees that the Closed Session Minutes can be approved in open session as long as they are not discussed. The minutes were distributed to the trustees.

Mr. Tawney moved to approve the Minutes of the Closed Session of May 28, 2019; seconded by Diane Kelsey.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Mr. Tawney moved that the Closed Session Minutes be released to the public; seconded by Mr. Fokta.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. The minutes will be placed in the file.





1. Approval of the Bills for June 2019: Mr. Bloom moved to approve the June expenditures in the amount of $240,917.85; seconded by Mr. Fokta.

Discussion was had regarding three payroll periods occurring in June; and that the Agenda need not reflect which items will require action of the Board.

Roll Call Vote - Yes: Richard Bloom, Frank Fokta, Diane Kelsey, Tom Tawney, Nancy Conradt. Motion carried.

2. Financial Statements for May 2019: Mr. Weseloh reported on the Financial Statements during his report, Item J-2.


1. Rate Increase for Peregrine, Stime, Newman, Ritzman & Bruchner, Ltd.: The Library's legal counsel's office is increasing their rates for service by $15 to $225 per hour. It had been $210 for the last three years.

I. No item listed.


1. President:

a. President Conradt appointed Frank Fokta as Ethics Officer.

b. President Conradt appointed Richard Bloom as Parliamentarian.

2. Library Director: Mr. Weseloh reported the fiscal year elapsed is 91.7 percent. Total expenditures percentage is at 90.11 percent. Total revenues is at $73,000.00 over the budget estimate.

The final PPRT check was received in the amount of $25,955.28. Administrative technology expenses are higher than usual due to the computers purchased and installed, and the new phone system which was installed and needs some support from Sikich. The marketing and promotions category is over slightly; the Library is now publishing the program guide 4 times per year rather than 3 times per year. The snow removal, the security cameras purchase and installation, and professional services-legal contribute to higher than anticipated expenses. Total expenses are at 90.11 percent of budgeted.

The preliminary audit field work will begin Tuesday July 2, 2019. Approximately $950.00 of interest was earned during the month from the investment funds.

Mr. Weseloh met with Omar Espinosa at Republic Bank. The bank is hosting an event to exhibit a 50th Anniversary Woodstock display. The Library agreed to host the display from July 1 to July 10.

The Library's surveillance cameras assisted a couple of West Chicago police detectives in their investigation of an incident which occurred outside the library building.

The Union Pacific's Big Boy No. 4014 locomotive, the largest steam locomotive in the world, of which 25 were built, will be making a stop in West Chicago July 27 and 28 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for viewing as part of the 150th anniversary celebration of the completion of the transcontinental railroad. The Library and the West Chicago Museum will be planning some programming around this event.

The ILA Annual Conference is October 22 to 24 at the Tinley Park Convention Center. The Trustee Day is October 24 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Any trustees interested in attending should contact the Library Director or his office to arrange registration. Early bird pricing is available for registration by September 16.

The quarterly SWAN administrator and directors' meeting was held June 6, 2019. There are four additional libraries that are interested in joining SWAN; they will become members in the second half of 2020 and 2021. Three new board members were elected to the SWAN board, including Dawn Bussey, the Glen Ellyn Library Director and final president of LINC prior to it being dissolved.

3. Department Managers: Written reports were included in the board packets, and short oral reports were provided by Public Relations, Administrative Services, Adult Services, Circulation Services, Technical Services, Information Technologies, and Youth Services, and IT.

Public Relations: The Instagram account has been reinstated and currently has 147 followers.

Adult Services: Adult Services held a pop-up library at Kindred Coffee; they brought 8 Library items to demonstrate.

Young Adult Services: A free comic book day in May had 45 teens in attendance.

Circulation Services: 15,156 items were checked out, a 10.74

percent increase from May 2018. The District gained 71 new patrons for a total of 15,714 cardholders; 52.51 percent of District residents have library cards. The West Chicago Library now has a Wikipedia page. When new items regarding the Library are published in the newspaper, they can be added to the Wikipedia page.

Technical Services: 2,332 items were added; 213 items were withdrawn; 43 Kindle titles were added to the collection.

Photocopies of some book plate images were distributed to the trustees for review; one is titled "The pen is mightier than the sword." The Library has 10,000 book plate images; to date 7,000 have been scanned. They will be scanned, archived, and cataloged. Youth Services: The summer reading program kicked off with 53 children signing up the first day. Funds from the Dollar General grant were used to provide reading booklights to the first 250 children who signed up for summer reading.

IT: During May 21,609 people connected to the Wi-Fi, an average of 118 clients per day. 5,798 people visited the Library's website; popular pages: No. 1, e-books; No. 2, audio books; No. 5, Museum Adventure Passes; No. 7, Library of Things.

Discussion was had regarding the bandwidth capacity at the library and that the Wi-Fi at the outdoor seating is very popular.

4. Strategic Planning Committee: Ms. Jakacki was going to discuss the Strategic Planning Committee; however, she is out of town, and the item will be discussed at a future board meeting.



1. Final Working Budget for FY 2019-2020: The trustees were provided copies of the working budget, including the income projection.

2. Final Salary Schedule for FY 2019-2020: The final salary schedule effective July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 was provided to the trustees.

3. No item listed.

4. Ordinance 19-02: Meeting Date and Time 2020: Mr. Bloom moved to approve Ordinance 19-02; seconded by Mr. Kelsey. The Board does not meet in December.

Roll Call Vote - Yes: Richard Bloom, Frank Fokta, Diane Kelsey, Tom Tawney, Nancy Conradt. Ordinance approved.

5. Resolution 19-03: Non-Resident Library Card Participation

(Public Law 92-0166): Mr. Fokta moved to approve Resolution 19-03, Non-Resident Library Card Participation for Illinois, Public Law 92-0366, July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020; seconded by Mr. Bloom. Discussion was had regarding the nonresident library card participation program.

Roll Call Vote - Yes: Frank Fokta, Richard Bloom, Diane Kelsey, Tom Tawney, Nancy Conradt. Resolution approved.

6. Resolution 19-04: Library Closing Schedule 2020: Mr. Bloom moved to approve Resolution 19-04, Library Closing Schedule 2020; seconded by Ms. Kelsey. The Director has scheduled one staff in-service for the year; and the Library is closed on Sundays between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Roll Call Vote - Yes: Richard Bloom, Diane Kelsey, Frank Fokta, Tom Tawney, Nancy Conradt. Resolution approved.

7. Public Hearing Date for Tentative Budget and Appropriations (50 ILCS 330/3), August 26, 2019, at 6:45 p.m.: Mr. Bloom moved to approve the Public Hearing Date for Tentative Budget and Appropriations (50 ILCS 330/3), August 26, 2019, at 6:45 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Tawney.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


N. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: No Open Session held.

O. ADJOURNMENT: President Conradt adjourned the meeting at 7:52 p.m.
