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Cook County Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee met January 15

Webp meeting240

Cook County Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee met Jan. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:


Authorization as a public speaker shall only be granted to those individuals who have submitted in writing, their name, address, subject matter, and organization (if any) to the Secretary 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Duly authorized public speakers shall be called upon to deliver testimony at a time specified in the meeting agenda. Authorized public speakers who are not present during the specified time for public testimony will forfeit their allotted time to speak at the meeting. Public testimony must be germane to a specific item(s) on the meeting agenda, and the testimony must not exceed three minutes; the Secretary will keep track of the time and advise when the time for public testimony has expired. Persons authorized to provide public testimony shall not use vulgar, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate language when addressing the Board; failure to act appropriately; failure to speak to an item that is germane to the meeting, or failure to adhere to the time requirements may result in expulsion from the meeting and/or disqualify the person from providing future testimony.



Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 12/18/2019


Presented by: TONI PRECKWINKLE, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners PROPOSED APPOINTMENT

Appointee(s): Commissioner Kevin Morrison Position: Member

Department/Board/Commission: Small Business and Supplier Diversity Commissioner Effective date: Immediate

Expiration date: 12/19/2022

Legislative History : 12/19/19 - Board of Commissioners - refer to the Legislation and Intergovernmen


Presented by: TONI PRECKWINKLE, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners 


Appointee(s): Rick Riesterer

Position: Trutee

Department/Board/Commission: Addison Creek River Conservancy District Effective date: Immediate

Expiration date: 7/1/2024

Legislative History : 12/19/19 - Board of Commissioners - refer to the Legislation and Intergovernmen





BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, VI Boards, Commissions, and Committees, Division 2 - Cook County 2-502 - Section 2- 505 of the Cook County Code, is hereby enacted as follows:

Chapter 2 Administration, Cannabis Commission,

Article Section

Sec. 2-501 - Short title.

This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the “Cook County Cannabis Commission” (Cannabis Commission).

Sec. 2-502 - Definitions.

Disproportionately Impacted Area means a census tract or comparable geographic area satisfying the following criteria as determined by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:

(a) Meets at least one of the following criteria:

(1) Area has a poverty rate of at least 20% according to the latest federal decennial census; or

(2) 5% or more of the children in the area participate in the federal free lunch program according to reported statistics from the State Board of Education; or

(3) At least 20% of the households in the area receive assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; or

(4) The area has an average unemployment rate, as determined by the Illinois Department of Employment Security, more than 120% of the national unemployment average, as determined by the United States Department of Labor, for a period of at least 2 consecutive calendar years preceding the date of the application.

(b) Has high rates of arrest, conviction, and incarceration related to the sale, possession, use, cultivation, manufacture, or transport of cannabis.

Social Equity Applicant means an applicant who is an Illinois resident meeting one of the following criteria:

(a) An applicant with at least 51% ownership and control by one or more individuals who have resided for at least 5 of the preceding 10 years in a disproportionately impacted area; or

(b) An applicant with at least 51% ownership and control by one or more individuals who; or

(1) have been arrested for, convicted of, or adjudicated delinquent for any offense eligible for expungement under the Cannabis Act; or

(2) Is a member of an impacted family;

(c) For applicants with a minimum of 10 full-time employees, an applicant with at least 51% of current employees who: or

(1) Currently reside in a Disproportionately Impacted Area; or

(2) Have been arrested for, convicted of, or adjudicate delinquent for any offence eligible for expungement under the Cannabis Act or member of an impacted family.

Sec. 2-503 - Policy and Purpose.

(a) Policy.

This Ordinance hereby creates the Cook County Cannabis Commission to assist in determining the economic, legal, and social impact of the recreational cannabis industry on Cook County and its residents. It is imperative Cook County takes a proactive approach regarding this new industry and the potential primary, secondary, and tertiary effects the recreational cannabis industry will have on Cook County and its residents. The Commission will solicit input from various subject matter experts and focus strategically on; (a) analyzing and addressing the economic impact of the emergent cannabis industry in Cook County, specifically the Social Equity Applications and recreational cannabis licenses and businesses in Cook County; (b) addressing services provided and/or lacking in identified Disproportionately Impacted Areas throughout Cook County; (c)the social and economic impact of the automatic expungement initiative; and (d) other recreational and medicinal cannabis industry issues within Cook County.

(b) Purpose.

(1) To solicit input from various subject matter experts;

(2) To analyze the potential impact of the recreational and medicinal cannabis industries on economic development throughout the County;

(3) To analyze potential opportunities resulting from the recreational and medicinal cannabis industries throughout Cook County;

(4) To analyze potential tax revenue and allocation resulting from the recreational and medicinal cannabis industries;

(5) To analyze potential effect on property value and assessment resulting from the recreational and medicinal cannabis industries throughout Cook County;

(6) To analyze potential impact of the recreational and medicinal cannabis industries on Cook County Health and Cook County’s current health care programs and services;

(7) To analyze the social and legal ramifications of the recreational and medicinal cannabis industries, specifically the automatic expungement initiative of Cook County’s State’s Attorney’s Office; and

(8) To ensure the collection and analysis of this data goes towards prudent and rational decisions by the Cook County Board of Commissions, President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners and subsequent offices under the president, all other Cook County bureaus, offices, and/or departments, and Cook County’s separately elected officials for the benefit and prosperity of Cook County residents.

Sec. 2-504 - Cook County Cannabis Commission.

(a) Commission Members. The Cook County Cannabis Commission will comprise of eleven members.

(1) The Cannabis Commission will include seven (7) Commissioners. The Vice-Chair of the Litigation Sub-Committee, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee, the Chair of the Zoning and Building Committee, the Vice-Chair of Business and Economic Development Committee, the Vice-Chair of the Criminal Justice Committee and the Chair of the Rules Committee. The Vice-Chair of the Litigation Sub-Committee shall serve as the Chair of the Commission and the Chair of Finance Committee shall serve as the Vice-Chair of the Commission.

(2) The Cannabis Commission will also include an employee representative of the Department of Public Health, the Justice Advisory Council, the Bureau of Finance and the Bureau of Economic Development; said employee representatives will be appointed by the President.

(b) Duties of the Cook County Cannabis Commission and Its Members.

(1) The Cannabis Commission shall meet no more than twice a quarter with no meeting scheduled during regularly scheduled week of Cook County Forest Preserve Board meetings, Cook County Board of Commissioners committee and sub-committee meetings, Consent Calendar, and the Cook County Board of Commissioners board meetings; unless, the Cannabis Commission Chairperson issues prior written notice of no later than five (5) business days prior to the regularly scheduled Cook County meetings to all Cannabis Commissioners. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Cannabis Commission Chairperson shall have the ability to call a special meeting should the Chairperson determine new information and/or issues require a meeting to discuss, analyze, and offer recommendations regarding the new information and/or issues. In case of an emergency meeting, the Cannabis Commission Chairperson shall provide written notice of the special meeting no later than two (2) business days prior to the meeting. No special meeting shall take place during the regularly scheduled week of Cook County Forest

Preserve Board meetings, Cook County Board of Commissioners committee or sub-committee meetings, Consent Calendar, and the Cook County Board of Commissioners board meetings; unless, the Cannabis Commission Chairperson issues prior written notice of no later than five (5) business days prior to the regularly scheduled Cook County meetings to all Cannabis Commissioners.

(2) The Cannabis Commission members shall serve through November 30, 2022.

(3) The Cannabis Commission shall collaborate and solicit information and data from various Cook County bureaus, offices, and departments; specifically, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, Cook County Office of the Public Defender, Cook County Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Economic Development, Cook County Sheriff’s Department, and the Office of the Chief Judge of Cook County to collect data regarding the impact of the recreational cannabis industry on Cook County and its residents.

(4) The Cannabis Commission shall collaborate and solicit information and data from community stakeholders, not-for-profits, academic centers, research groups, domestic and/or foreign business, business associations, local law enforcement, legal bar organizations and other third-party entities to collect data regarding the impact of the recreational cannabis industry on Cook County and its residents.

(5) The Cannabis Commission shall secure testimony and information from various subject matter experts, said subject matter experts shall include but not be limited to individuals representing Social Equity Applicants or Disproportionately Impacted Areas, recreational and/or medical business community, higher education or academia, healthcare industry, and legal community.

(6) The Cannabis Commission may make recommendations regarding:

a. allocation of tax revenue generated by Cannabis sales;

b. creation of Cook County programs, zoning and other opportunities associated with retail and medicinal cannabis industries;

c. policies affecting economic, social and legal initiatives, proposed and/or continued by Cook County, related to the recreational and medicinal cannabis industry;

d. economic impact of the cannabis industry in Cook County, specifically the Social Equity Applications and recreational cannabis licenses and businesses in Cook County;

e. the social and economic impact of the automatic expungement initiative; and

f. other recreational and medicinal cannabis industry issues within Cook County

(7) The Cannabis Commission shall advise, through written reports and other appropriate media, the President of the Board of Commissioners and the Cook County Board of Commissioners quarterly, beginning March 2020 and every quarter thereafter until this Commission sunsets.

(8) The Cannabis Commission shall review, analyze, and report its conclusions, findings, and recommendations based on and in correlation to the State of Illinois’ Cannabis Regulation Oversight Officer’s published disparity and availability study, which the State of Illinois anticipates publishing by March 1, 2021.

(9) The Cannabis Commission shall have the power to make sub-committees, based upon the needs of the Commission to achieve its objectives and duties, pursuant to a vote by Commission members.

(10) All Cannabis Commission meetings shall be open to the public.

Sec. 2-505 Cook County Cannabis Commission Sunset. The Cannabis Commission shall sunset on November 30, 2022.

Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption.

Legislative History : 12/19/19 - Board of Commissioners - refer to the Legislation and Intergovernment




WHEREAS, Cook County Commissioners serve on boards created under the Cook County Code of Ordinances as ex officio members and serve as liaisons between such boards and the Cook County Board of Commissioners; and

WHEREAS, it is valuable to the Board of Commissioners to receive information related to meetings attended by the ex officio Commissioner of the outside board to which they are appointed;

BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Commissioners, that Chapter 2 - Administration, Article III - County Board, Division 2 - Rules of Organization and Procedure, Section 2-110 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as follows:

Secs. 2-110 - Committee Roles and Responsibilities, Specified.

(f) Duties of Cook County Commissioners as ex officio members. A Cook County Commissioner serving as an ex officio member of a board created under the Code of Ordinances of Cook County shall:

(1) Attend all meetings of the board created under the Code of Ordinances of Cook County. If an unavoidable conflict exists, the ex officio member shall send a representative to document the proceedings of the meeting. The representative shall not serve as a proxy.

(2) After the conclusion of the outside board meeting, the ex officio member shall provide a written report to the Cook County Board of Commissioners by filing said report at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Cook County Board of Commissioners. The report shall include:

a. A summary of significant issues discussed at the board meeting;

b. Confirmation of attendance or the name of the representative sent;

c. An explanation of issues voted on by the board;

d. The result of a board vote, including how the ex officio member voted;

e. Significant concerns of the board and/or the ex officio member regarding matters discussed at the meeting; and

f. A copy of the agenda and additional documents distributed in connection with the meeting. Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption.

Legislative History : 12/19/19 - Board of Commissioners - refer to the Legislation and Intergovernment


Sponsored by: TONI PRECKWINKLE (President), BRIDGET GAINER and SCOTT R. BRITTON, Cook County Board of Commissioners



BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that CHAPTER 2. ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, DIVISION 5. INSPECTOR GENERAL SECTION 2-287 and 2-289 of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:

Sec. 2-287. - Quarterly reports.

No later than the 15th day of January, April, July and October of each year, the Independent Inspector General shall submit to the President and the County Board a publicly available report, accurate as of the last day of the preceding month, indicating:

(1) The number and type of investigations initiated, concluded, or pending since the date of the last report.

(2) The number and type of investigations of the conduct (corruption, fraud, waste, mismanagement, unlawful political discrimination or misconduct) of any County employee, appointed officials, elected officials, contractors, subcontractors, persons seeking County contracts, or persons seeking certification of eligibility for County contracts or other County programs (subject to any appropriate redaction).

(3) The number of and types of investigations conducted by the OIIG regarding employees under the separately elected officials.

(4) The number and type of recommendations made to any department heads or elected official and whether or not the recommendation was followed.

(5) A summary of the ultimate jurisdictional authority’s response to and final decision (subject to any appropriate redaction) on the Independent Inspector General’s recommendation.

(5)(6) The number of concluded investigations that have not yet been responded to within the 45-day requirement or, if approved, the 30-day extension.

(6)(7) Upon receipt of such reports, the Cook County Board may take appropriate action, such as referring the report to the Litigation Subcommittee for further consideration, receiving and filing, approving or rejecting such report.

2-289. - Confidentiality; public statements.

Investigatory files and summary reports concerning alleged corruption, fraud, waste, mismanagement, unlawful political discrimination or misconduct by any person shall be confidential except as provided below or required pursuant to the Supplemental Relief Order entered in the Shakman Case.

(a) Summary reports shall not be divulged by the Independent Inspector General to any person except to the President, the head of any department or bureau to whose office the investigation pertains, the Chief of the Bureau of Human Resources, accused, Purchasing Agent Chief Procurement Officer where applicable and to the separately elected official to whose office the investigation pertains. If the investigation involves violations of the Cook County Ethics Ordinance, the Independent Inspector General also shall submit the confidential summary report to the Cook County Board of Ethics.

(b) Investigatory files shall be confidential, however said files may be divulged with the summary report to the Board of Ethics, the Chief of the Bureau of Human Resources and the head of any department or bureau and elected official to whose office the investigation pertains in order to effectively address matters of discipline or ethical violations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, information or evidence obtained by the Independent Inspector General which pertains to possible criminal activity may be promptly provided to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

(c) The Independent Inspector General is authorized to issue public statements concerning:

(1) An investigation that exonerates an individual who is publicly known to have been under investigation, where the subject requests such a statement.

(2) An investigation that concerns inefficient or wasteful management, as opposed to individual misconduct or illegality.

(d) Before issuing a public statement pursuant Section 2-289(c)(2) of this Ordinance, the Independent Inspector General must first:

(1) Share the summary report and public statement with the head of the department o r bureau and elected official to whose office the investigation pertains;

(2) Allow the head of the department or bureau and elected official to whose office t h e investigation pertains a period of 10 business days in which to provide the Independent Inspector General with a response to the proposed public s t a t e m e n t ;


(3) Attach any such response (subject to appropriate redaction) to the Independent Inspector General’s public statement whenever the Independent Inspector General issues the public statement.

Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption

Legislative History : 12/19/19 - Board of Commissioners - refer as amended in the errata to the Legisl
