
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Winchester City Council Met July 1

Meeting 06

City of Winchester City Council met July 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Winchester City Council held their monthly meeting at City Hall relocated at 1 East Market St.

Mayor McIntire called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the following council in attendance: Lawrence Coultas, Terry Gregory, Bill Jacquot, Sandy Long, Jeff Pittman, and City Clerk Brenda Robinson. Ron Bell was absent.

Also in attendance were Wanda Cody, City Treasurer; George Lindsey, Police Chief; John Simmons, Supt. of Public Works; John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney; Carmen Ensinger, Scott County Times; Greg Hillis, Benton & Associates; Jim Dobson, Sewer Supt; and Ben Cox, WLDS Radio.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Bill Jacquot seconded to pay bills as presented. Roll call resulted in all yeas Motion carried.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Lawrence Coultas seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Mayor McIntire wanted to bring up that Bill Milliken passed away. He was 100 years old and was born in 1919. He was a 1937 graduate from Winchester High School and Gem City Business College in 1939. He was inducted in the army in 1941 & served honorably in the South Pacific until the end of the war. He worked at Illinois Electric Company until his retirement. He was one of the last living World War II veterans. John Rutherford is the last living veteran of World War II. Bill's funeral will be tomorrow July 2. McIntire wanted to Proclaim July 2 as Bill Milliken Day.

Greg Hillis, Benton & Associates presented pay request for Doyle Plumbing & Heating phase I.

This work is for all the work and all Neff Colvin work has been completed as well to as Scott Brothers Electric. When looking at the Pool Renovation Phase I they are almost 100% completed. They are further along and would like to change the retainage to 5% since they are near completion. The balance to finish is $27,610.52 which includes the $7,000 retainage fee. It is Benton's recommendation to reduce the retainage to 5% and make the pay request on line 8 current payment due of $49,962.55.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Lawrence Coultas seconded to reduce the retainage from 10% to 5% and pay current payment to Doyle Plumbing & Heating for $49,962.55. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Hillis reported June 26, they opened the bids for Phase II of the bath house and pool liner. The put in some other items such as additional deck area to the East of pool (approximately 30 X 50) this includes all plumbing and electrical work. Also included to remove & replace pool liner and remove and replace approximately 80 LF of caulking in the existing pool. There were three (3) bidders. Trotter General Contracting, Inc, Industry, IL; Laverdiere Construction, Inc, Macomb, IL; and Neff-Colvin, Inc, Jacksonville, IL. The lump sum total bids were as follows: Trotter's bid was $399,667; Laverdiere's bid was $434,000; and Neff-Colvin's bid was $406,930. Total bids for Phase I & Phase II will be around $575,000. Hillis suggested awarding the bid to Trotter General Contracting, Inc, Industry, IL. He suggested having John Simmons look at pool liner to if there was any life left to it before moving on. It was suggested after awarding the bids and get things finalized, they can start demolition soon, there should be plenty of good weather to get things going. Then next spring can have a grand opening.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Terry Gregory seconded to accept the low bid of $339,667.00 from Trotter General Contracting, Inc, Industry, IL. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Hillis presented the MFT program estimated of maintenance costs. John Simmons and Mike McEvers rode the streets in June. Some will be 50% oil and water to help with the bleeding through. The bid came in at $59,092.00. Engineering fees will be $3,324.00. Total will be $62,416.00. This will be done in September instead of August and will have to be bid by IDOT standards.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve expense of $63,000 for MFT maintenance program. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Hillis gave an update on the library grant. The application was turned in the latter part of June. He received a call from the Illinois Historical Preservation Association stating the letter turned in for the 2013 grant had expired so they need a new letter from the IHPA to proceed. Everything is ready to go for the grant. The Mayor sent a letter stating it was the consensus of the council to assist the library in any needed funding with the grant.

Michael Hill had been on the agenda but since last week his problem has been resolved. As of last Friday a neighbor purchased the Gross house next door with plans salvage what they can and demolish at a later date. It is an eyesore on West Cherry.

George Lindsey, Police Chief passed out his monthly report as follows: Speak to officer - 14; Domestic complaints - 6; Burglar alarm - 1; Well-being check - 1; Assault with deadly weapon – 1; Search warrant – 1; Suspicious person – 4; Noise complaint – 1; Arrest by warrant – 2; Property line dispute – 1; Fireworks complaint - 4; Ordinance violation paper service - 5.

Chase Burk gave his two week's notice with the guard and was told he may have to go overseas for six (6) to nine (9) months. He should know something by July 10. He is home with pneumonia right now, but they are making him come to work. Lindsey would like for him to start riding along as soon as possible. He had done a lot with the guard but need to learn to write tickets and do crash reports. Burk is set up for October 22 to do the power test and October 4 for part-time training. He went to gun school and completed that.

The fire department would like to cut a hole in the north west wall in the old council office so fire chief Andrews can use that room for his office and they will fill up the outer wall so his office will be secured.

MOTION: Sandy Long moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to allow the fire department to cut a door way & put a door with a lock in the North West wall of the old conference room into a cell in the old police department for the fire chief to have a secured office. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer passed out her monthly report. She said last month the numbers for the pool were $2,270 which was an excess from the transfer of fund. The pool grant had not posted $55,081.12 to come out of this. The infrastructure fee at the end of the fiscal year was $33,603.84 which was deposited into the general fund total to date was $41,065.79. The infrastructure fee should be kept separate from general fund. This was supposed to be kept separate because it is to be used for infrastructure needs only. McIntire will check with Angie about this as it needs to be kept separate. The biggest payment was for $100,000 from the gas fund.

Mayor McIntire talked to City Attorney Coonrod and stated they had received half of the pool grant money from IDNR for $167,500. He wondered if they could request the second half before the start on the other phase of the pool so we are sure we have the money from them. Coonrod will contact Greg Hillis (he is the one who submitted the grant) and see if this can be done. This way when phase II starts we can use their money before having to use ours and hold off on interest as long as we can.

TIF – the COVID 19 application states if someone has a loan or rent payment the money would be applied to that first. If there is no rent or loan payment they can apply the $1,000 to their city utilities. Angie will keep track of this. There are only a number of checks that can be written on the TIF account. So, if there are 10 application a check for $10,000 will be written then Angie will disperse or credit the money to each business. McIntire says giving them the credit they will unless they stay in business. If they do not provide payment for mortgage or rent the money will go toward city utilities. Lawrence Coultas suggested giving them $500 up front and use the other $500 toward future city utilities. It was stated in ordinance the money could be used for one (1) or two (2) mortgage or rent payment and the rest would be a credit toward future utilities. Everyone who applied has city utilities. Coultas wanted the finance committee to meet and go over all the applications again. If they submit a lease or mortgage, we can make check out to the lender for payment. Currently there are 13 applicants and McIntire thought there would be somewhere between 25 to 30 applications. There is one application that may not be affected by the COVID.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Terry Gregory seconded a motion to have finance committee determine the amount of payment on the Business Relief Program COVID 19 TIF applications. Have the finance committee review those and come up with the appropriate amount to pay to the business owners with any amount under $1,000 going as a credit to the city for utilities bills to total $1,000. The committee would have authority to direct those payments. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

John Simmons, Supt. of Public Works passed out his monthly report as such: Poured 2312 yards concrete; Brush pick up; Trimmed trees on Green & Pleasant St.; MFT street ride with Mike McEvers; Monthly oderant reading; Monthly sniff test; USDI – Cathodic survey with Lindsey Enlow; 28 Julie locate tickets; 10 Zoning permits; 21 Ordinance violations, 9 were cleaned up and 5 will go to court end of the month; Street patching; 3 Gas leak reports, 3 new gas meters; 1 Gas leak repaired, replace a new service meter; 17 Work orders; 1 grave opening; 3 days monthly meter readings; 22 disconnect orders; Emptied water shed, June 1 - $228.25 and June 19 - $292.00; 2 Water leaks or new service meters; Trevor added chlorine to water at pool to help with mosquitoes; Replace Chalmer Herring's water service and installed all new; Chipped several oil bleeding streets; Mowing all other city properties; Change filter at blower building; Tilled up flower area at library; Vandevanter pump inspections sewer plant and Villa Court lift station; Part-time girl and boys painted curbs; Ordered chlorine tank $434.95 + shipping. 100-gallon tank water plant old one was leaking $518.70 total; Gas testing and Installed backwash drain line from South manhole to North manhole at pool.

Simmons said they put in new conduit for new light poles on square which will be dusk to dawn lights. There is a lot on construction going one and new swimming pools going in or up.

Simmons said the next item is to purchase a new flow meter for the sewer plant. The cost is $3,000 installed. It had been invaded by ants. This is a must and tells the amount of sewer water that goes through the sewer plant and this is needed for the report.

MOTION: Jeff Pittman moved and Sandy Long seconded to purchase a new flow meter for the sewer plant installed not to exceed $3,200. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Simmons he would like to demolish the water plant and clean up to make it safe. There are open pits and the fences are falling down. It is a dangerous area and some of the pits are very deep. He would like to keep the old building (1914) to store things in. He would like to fill in the holes and level off. He received two (2) bids. Whewell Construction bid $10,150.00 and Gerald Moore bid $7,310.00. Gerald Moore was the low bidder. There is an old cemetery behind the old building

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve demolition of old water plant cleaned up and hauled off with the low bid of $7,310 from Gerald Moore. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Simmons a couple of months ago a guy on N. Main asked for two (2) dying trees to be removed and they would pay half. They got a bid and council approved it. The gentleman that won the bid hasn't cut the trees, he is supposed to start on Monday. Then another gentleman on N. Main asked for one of his dying trees to be cut down and he will pay half. Simmons received a bid from Powell's Tree Trimming & Removal for $1,400 to remove the tree, stump & clean up. There are four (4) tree on the boulevard north of Liener's that are dangerous and should come out.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Terry Gregory seconded to accept the bid from Powell's Tree service to remove the tree on the boulevard at Fred Liener’s with the city paying 1/2 of the $1,400 for a cost of $700 to the city. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Simmons would like to look into grants to get automatic reads that can sent into the office. Right now we are still having to read all the meters. The handsets are new but are junk. They read meters and get to the end it goes off and they lose everything. It takes three (3) days for the guys to read them. He had asked Jamie Headen about these. Bluffs has them and got a grant to replace them. He doesn't know the price but he said there are grants out there but they are maybe 50/50 grants. The grant would only cover the meters. There are about 800 customers with about half of them being changed. You can update the new meter. It was suggested John Coonrod look at the grants. You might be able to find a small plumbing outfit to do it. Simmons is to get an estimate on the cost for next month. Some towns hire a part-time person just to read meters once a month. Simmons gave an update on the sewer plant. Jim Dobson will become the new superintendent of the sewer as soon as classes resume due to COVID. Dobson gave an update on what he is currently treating with BUGS. The bugs are doing a great job. The packets cost about $24 a packet. The sludge is not a problem anymore. They are only using one (1) pump now instead of the three (3). All pumps at the lagoons have been replaced. He keeps track of the pumps and when it is cooler they might have to run pumps only eight (8) hours. The latter part of August he will go & take the test to become a licensed sewer manager. They started the BUGS about a year and going through the distributor now instead of going through Benton's is saving the city money. Lawrence Coultas said he appreciated the job Jim Dobson for all the things he has done.

McIntire said next on the agenda was monthly fee for Ordinance Policing for John Simmons and Angie Doolin for all the citation violations they do. He would like the finance committee to meet with them and decide if the need an increase in pay. With the municipal court there is a lot more paperwork involved. They had court last week and it was a success.

Mayor McIntire said Turf World Mowing crew, have been doing a great job. He has had several people call and say how nice the parks look. He also said the Rick Willis was doing an awesome job at the city cemetery. He thought the city should retain these guys until we have problems with them.

McIntire said they passed out scholarships in the past week. The council gave a $500 scholarship to Eli Evans. He passed out the two (2) mayoral scholarships last week, Whitney Kunz, daughter of Krista and Abe Kunz won a $500 scholarship and will be attending University

Hailey Daniels won the other $500 scholarship. Hailey has enlisted in the Air Force. He has given a scholarship for the last eight (8) years this year. He had a local man wanting to give out a scholarship and wanted to be anonymous.

McIntire said he had been talking to Darlene Smith and she would like to reopen the library Monday July 6. She would like to have Phil Pratt come back and help clean because he does such a good job. She will need him more once they reopen.

McIntire had a gentleman that wants to build a mini house on one of his lots in town. A few years ago he had been asked about theses and the council didn't want to get it started.

McIntire signed an agreement with Pehlam and Dold and Dorinda Fitzgerald will have a crew here July 13 and thought they would do a great job. Angela is to have everything ready for them.

McIntire said John Paul & I received word from Dwight Reynolds that our grant applicant for the city hall improvement had been approved for $41,300. They are going to get started soon with new awnings, lighting & windows upstairs to improve this property. The grant was 55/45 with some extra funds were thrown in because of the cost of the windows. McIntire said we were going to have one of the finest city halls in the area. We need to plan in the next couple of months to hold a grand opening. Jeff Pittman will contact Janis Dappert to get some pictures for the walls. Pittman reported on what had been done: the break room is complete except for the light above the sink the refrigerator was in as well as a soda machine. The new door needs to be put in so we can lock and let people can have access to both rooms. Everything is going pretty good. McIntire said we have made some improvement in the community and I hope people appreciate it. I think showing the place off will be amazing. We are going to have less than $100,000 in this building when it is complete. It is something to be proud of.

McIntire said Day Pitney, lawyer hired to fight the Panhandle increase, as of June 11 the city had been billed $4,316.10 and we had agreed to $7,000. We will keep an eye on the invoices.

McIntire asked Coonrod if he had heard anything about the grant application for the square and he hadn't. He said DECO only had about 50 employees working in that office and with Governor Pritzker issuing grants they have been swamped. Hopefully any day.

John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney passed out the annual appropriation ordinance for fiscal year 2020-2021 and anticipated revenue. He had passed it out last month and didn't make any changes to the ordinance but upped the anticipated revenue a little.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to pass Ordinance 901, Annual Appropriations Ordinance Fiscal Year 2020-2021 of the City of Winchester, Scott County, Illinois. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Coonrod said John Simmons would be passing out pictures of violations for council approval. Simmons takes pictures of property and issues ordinance violations to property owners giving them 10 days to start cleaning up & have property cleaned within 30 days. If this is not done they will receive a summons to appear in the municipal court. The next court date is July 27. A couple of the properties were extended. One is getting a loan to clean up. They have to show up for court, no excuse. Work is not an excuse, only medical. Some people do not answer their doors so have to post something on the door. There have been nine (9) to ten (10) people who have cleaned up. Coonrod originally understood the cost for administrative hearing officer would be $300 per case but it was $300 for the day. They had five (5) cases that were cleaned up. The next court day will be July 27 at City Hall. It is a win-win situation. In the ordinance it was stated that any other town wanted to join them they would share in the cost. Coonrod just went over to Bluffs to explain to them. The following attended the last court: Toby Hammond, Kaylee

Sanders and Ruth Wickenhauser. Lloyd Camerer had a medical condition and Cheryl Drake had the citation posted. Both should appear later this month. There are six (6) currently in violation. Jesse Pittman - debris; Jessica Holmes - debris; Jeff & Tracy Armstrong - debris; Tracy Reed - debris, weeds & inoperable vehicle; Glen Carmean - debris and weeds; and John Knott - debris and inoperable vehicle. Simmons said he had five (5) more citations to serve tomorrow.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Sandy Long seconded to cite the following with citation violations: Jesse Pittman - debris; Jessica Holmes - debris; Jeff & Tracy Armstrong - debris;

Tracy Reed - debris, weeds & inoperable vehicle; Glen Carmean - debris and weeds; and John Knott - debris and inoperable vehicle. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.


Bill Jacquot last December the girls 7AA and SAA each placed 2nd in state basketball. McIntire signed the letter going to IDOT requesting the signs. The state used to give out champion and state runner up signs. Now they only give out champion signs. The signs were made by Lomelino Sign. They will be place on State Route so the state will install them. The four (4) signs cost $480. Jacquot will ask the sports boosters and school district to share in the cost of the signs. No decision needs to be decided tonight. They leave the signs up for two (2) years then place them on the fence around the football field.

Lawrence Coultas said the police department had money from drug busts & it was setup & deposited in a checking account at UCB. Signatures will be Mayor McIntire, Police Chief George Lindsey and City Treasurer Wanda Cody. The auditors need minutes from the council meeting for UCB bank.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve a checking account at UCB Bank for the Police Department with Mayor Rex McIntire, Police Chief George Lindsey and City Treasurer Wanda Cody as signatures. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Lawrence Coultas said under the TIF assistance the Dog House is asking for assistance doing some masonry work, total was $23,595 and we only give up to $5,000 or 25% of the bill for renovations. Can't approve it because it was not on the agenda he will bring it up next month. Part of this is because of the concrete work in front of the business, the awning needed to go.

The purchase of the 2004 truck for the fire department is still up in the air.

Jeff Pittman first is the golf cart/UTV. Golf carts are charged $50 and UTV were $100. They wanted to have everyone pay $50 each. Bill Jacquot asked if everyone has their stickers up to date. Police Chief wants the sticker on the back so if they come up behind the vehicle they can see if they are current. Coonrod thinks it would be best to write a new ordinance. It was suggested going to $75 per item. Lindsey wanted to put the sticker on the slow-moving vehicle sign. Jacquot said he thought it was against the law to do anything to the signs. It will be discussed next month.

Pittman said new dehumidifier are needed in the basement. Water is getting in when it rains bad and it is smelly down there. Commercial dehumidifier cost around $1,700 - $2,200. He checked at Home Depot and a 244 gallon (which they do not a carry anymore) was $296. There is one for $399 which automatically dumps out and you don't have to empty it. For $499.99 you get a 4% gallon with built in memory that if power goes out it will automatically remember where it was at.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Lawrence Coultas seconded to give Jeff Pittman authority to purchase the number of dehumidifiers needed for the basement. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Pittman reporting on glass shields for the city hall. Tim Sanders can make 2 - 18x24 and 1 - 48x24 for $475 and he will install them. He has made them for the abstract office and courthouse.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Sandy Long seconded to hire Tim Sanders to make face shields for city hall at the cost of $475 installed. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Pittman received bids for the gutter work for the back room. Leo Anslyn, Anslyn Home Improvement bid was $925 for new 6-inch gutters and two (2) 30-foot downspout. Jeff Wallace, STA-BILT Enterprises LLC bid $490 for 30-foot 6-inch gutters and two (2) 50-foot downspouts.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Terry Gregory seconded to accept the bid of $490 from Jeff Wallace with 6-inch gutters and two (2) 50-foot downspouts installed. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. NO PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor McIntire wanted to introduce Ben Cox from WLDS and asked him to come back.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to go into closed session to discuss employee wage rate & discussion of sale of city property. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. Went into closed session at 10:10 p.m.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Lawrence Coultas seconded to come out of closed session. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. Came out of closed session at 10:40 p.m.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to pay all part-time police officers $15.00 per hour effectively immediately. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Terry Gregory seconded to authorize the mayor to offer one (1) acre of the Coultas property for a commercial building for $15,000, subject to state laws. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.
