
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Robling struggles with Springfield leadership


Robling worries about where things might go from here as many of Gov. J.B. Pritzker's COVID-19 shutdown restrictions remain in place. | File Photo

Robling worries about where things might go from here as many of Gov. J.B. Pritzker's COVID-19 shutdown restrictions remain in place. | File Photo

Veteran republican political strategist Chris Robling still struggles to believe what he’s seeing coming from Springfield.

“It is stunning to me that our leadership is so comprehensively insensitive to the needs of regular people,” Robling told Chicago City Wire. “To not have jobs, income and security is the most tragic failure of Gov. Pritzker’s time in office.”

All the shortcomings are coming at a steep price for the cash-strapped state, with the latest Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) data showing Illinois is quickly becoming an island all of its own, losing jobs in two of the last three months while much of the rest of the country is showing signs of recovery to the tune of seven straight months of job growth.

Robling worries about where things might go from here as many of Gov. J.B. Pritzker's COVID-19 shutdown restrictions remain in place. 

“Illinois needs to address reality and stop living in a fiscal dream world,” he told Chicago City Wire. “We cannot be considered a barely insolvent state and instead of addressing issues in a way that inspires confidence and spurs job growth have Pritzker and state leadership take almost every opportunity to alienate investors.”

Not surprisingly the bulk of the losses here in Illinois have come in the leisure and hospitality industry, which lost some 27,400 during the month of November alone.  With the governor’s ban on indoor dining still in effect, Moore worries things may get worse before they get better.

All of this is coming at a time when the governor continues to entertain the thought of increased taxes, which many argue could serve as a final death knell for many of the businesses that have somehow managed to survive up to this point.