
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake County Public Works, Planning & Transportation Committee met Dec. 8

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Lake County Public Works, Planning & Transportation Committee met Dec. 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order 

2. Pledge of Allegiance 

3. Roll Call of Members 

4. Addenda to the Agenda 

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda) 

6. Chair's Remarks 

7. Unfinished Business 

8. New Business 



8.1 21-1909 

Presentation of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Schedule of Income and Expenses for the  County’s Northwest System, Northeast Central System, and Southeast Sanitary  Sewer Systems. 

∙ An annual audit of the Public Works Department’s income and expenses was  conducted by an independent auditor. 

∙ In addition to the annual audit, RSM US LLP also prepared an Independent  Auditor’s Report on the Supplementary Information for the County’s Northwest  

System, Northeast Central System, and Southeast Sanitary Sewer Systems for FY  2020 in relation to the Public Works financial statements as a whole. 

∙ The information was subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the  Public Works financial statements and other additional procedures in accordance  with generally accepted auditing standards. 

∙ RSM issued an opinion that the information for the year ended November 30, 2020  is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a  whole. 

∙ This audit report provides a review of the financial statements and is presented for  informational purposes only. No committee or board action is required. 

∙ A copy of the respective regional audit report will be transmitted to the wholesale  contract municipalities.

8.2 21-0053 

21-1909 LCPW Northeast Central Wholesale Sewer System 2020 21-1909 LCPW Northwest Wholesale Sewer System 2020 21-1909 LCPW Southeast Wholesale Sewer System 2020

Director’s Report - Public Works.


8.3 21-0051 

Director’s Report - Division of Transportation. 


8.4 21-1910 

Committee action to amend an agreement extending the Final Plat approval date for  the Wanish Park Planned Unit Development (PUD).  

∙ The Final Plat for Wanish Park Planned Unit Development, originally approved by  the Planning, Building and Zoning Committee in 2008, contains 94 townhome and  condominium units with ownership/occupancy age-restricted to individuals 50+ and  sets aside approximately 50% in permanent open space. 

∙ On July 13, 2010, per Section 151.191 of the Lake County, Illinois Code of  Ordinances, the Planning, Building and Zoning Committee entered into an  agreement with the developer (Wanish, LLC) suspending the County’s approval of  the Final Plat for Wanish Park PUD which enabled the release of the  development’s performance assurances. The agreement with the developer  included terms for completing or terminating the subdivision process. Due to  economic constraints, the original agreement has been extended multiple times  and is currently set to expire on December 31, 2021. 

∙ Wanish, LLC is requesting a two-year extension of the agreement to retain the  viability of the subdivision approval. This extension will provide the time needed for  the property owner to negotiate sale of the property to a developer. The sixth  amendment to the agreement extends the expiration date to December 31, 2023.  Staff recommends approval of the agreement amendment, as attached.

8.5 21-1881 

Discussion of franchise agreement highlights for residential waste collection service  for non-exempted unincorporated areas in Lake County. 

∙ As part of the landscape waste open burning and landscape waste disposal  discussion over the past 2 years at the PWPT Committee, staff identified  residential waste franchising (including landscape waste hauling) in non-exempted  unincorporated areas as a practical opportunity to provide residents an alternative  to open burning of landscape waste.  

∙ Per Committee direction, a Request for Proposal was extended to 14 vendors, and  sealed proposals were received from 4 vendors, while 1 vendor was determined to  be non-responsive. 

∙ Based on the criteria set forth in the Request for Proposals, the evaluation  committee selected two vendors as the most favorable proposals. Vendor 1 will  service the northwestern and northeastern quadrants of Lake County and Vendor 2  will service the southwestern and southeastern quadrants of Lake County. Waste  collection services would start June 1, 2022. 

∙ Staff will discuss key details from the waste hauling franchise agreements and  bring those agreements forward to PWPT and F&A for action on January 5, 2022,  and January 6, 2022, respectively. 

8.6 21-1882 

Discussion of an ordinance amending Chapter 94: Public Nuisances of the Lake  County, Illinois Code of Ordinances regulating open burning of landscape waste. 

∙ Over the past 2 years, the Planning, Building and Development Department have  explored options for permanent open burning restrictions and landscape waste  disposal and has sought and received significant public input on this topic. 

∙ Based on direction received at the August 4, 2021 Joint Public Works, Planning &  Transportation (PWPT) and Energy & Environment (E&E) Committee meeting,  staff presented a draft set of text amendments restricting the open burning of  landscape waste in the unincorporated areas to the PWPT Committee for  consideration at its September 1, 2021 meeting. 

∙ Staff will present the details on the revised amendments for Committee discussion  prior to bringing the amendments back to Committee for recommendation and  forward to the County Board for final action. 

∙ If the County Board approves the ordinance, the regulations would take effect June  1, 2022.: 

8.7 21-0052 

Director’s Report - Planning Building and Development. 9. County Administrator's Report 

10. Executive Session 

11. Members' Remarks 

12. Adjournment 

Next Meeting: January 5, 2022 
