
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Lake County Public Works, Planning & Transportation Committee met Feb. 23

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Lake County Public Works, Planning & Transportation Committee met Feb. 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call of Members

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda)

6. Chair's Remarks

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.5)


8.1 22-0290

Minutes from February 2, 2022.


8.2 22-0252

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Cardno, Inc., Brookfield, Wisconsin, in the amount of $55,100 for ecological restoration management of wetland and upland buffer areas requiring native landscape maintenance.

∙ There was a public call for bids, and a total of three bids were received, ranging from $55,100 to $120,600, and the lowest responsible bidder is Cardno, Inc., in the amount of $55,100.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 22-00000-14-GM.

8.3 22-0253

Committee action memo to approve the Spring 2022 Adopt-A-Highway Program.

∙ In accordance with the Lake County Adopt-A-Highway Ordinance, Spring open enrollment is between January 1 and January 31, and 63 applications have been received for the application period.

∙ This volunteer program removes approximately 200,000 pounds of trash and debris from roadsides and bike paths annually.

∙ Forty-seven renewal group applications and sixteen new group applications were received during open enrollment.

∙ Ninety-one percent of the Adopt-A-Highway sections are currently adopted.

∙ A listing of available Adopt-A-Highway sections, including an interactive map, can be found online at the Lake County Division of Transportation’s website.

8.4 22-0254

Joint resolution appropriating $1,480,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for ice control salt materials needed for the 2022-2023 winter season.

∙ The Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) will participate in the County’s joint procurement process for the acquisition of ice control salt for the 2022-2023 winter season.

∙ Before a letting can be held, an appropriation of funds is required.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 23-00000-05-GM.

8.5 22-0255

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with H&H Electric Company, Franklin Park, Illinois, in the amount of $514,969.28 for the installation of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) PASSAGE Field Elements along various routes in Lake County, and appropriating $620,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

∙ The ITS PASSAGE Field Elements includes installation of 12 Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) cameras, 10,000 feet of fiber optic cable, two wireless connections, and one cellular connection to expand the Lake County PASSAGE network along various routes.

∙ There was a public call for bids, and a total of three bids were received, ranging from $514,969.28 to $733,483.68, and the lowest responsible bidder is H&H Electric Company, Franklin Park, Illinois, with a contract amount of $514,969.28.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program with construction planned to begin in 2022, and designated as Section 21-00268-24 -TL.



8.6 22-0256

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $566,286.30, for the resurfacing of Audrey Nixon Boulevard, from Jackson Street to Sheridan Road, and appropriating $680,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

∙ There was a public call for bids, and a total of four bids were received, ranging from $566,286.30 to $734,441.01, and the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $566,286.30.

∙ This resurfacing improvement is included in the Transportation Improvement Program with construction planned to begin in 2022, and designated as Section 17 -00260-02-RS.

8.7 22-0257

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $861,366.47 for the resurfacing of York House Road, from Delany Road to Illinois Route 131, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 1.39 miles, and appropriating $1,035,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

∙ There was a public call for bids, and a total of two bids were received, ranging from $861,366.47 to $1,082,524.78, and the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $861,366.47.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program with construction planned to begin in 2022, and designated as Section 21-00155-08 -RS.

8.8 22-0259

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with TranSystems Corporation, Schaumburg, Illinois, to provide Phase II design engineering services for improvements to the intersections of Russell Road with Kilbourne Road, Kenosha Road, and Lewis Avenue, at a maximum cost of $1,204,887 and appropriating $1,450,000 of Matching Tax funds.

∙ TranSystems Corporation, Schaumburg, Illinois, will be utilized to complete the Phase II design engineering services for intersection improvements along Russell Road at the intersections with Kilbourne Road, Kenosha Road, and Lewis Avenue along with the resurfacing and drainage improvements.

∙ Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.

∙ The Lake County Division of Transportation’s (LCDOT) Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.

∙ LCDOT received and evaluated Statements of Interest and Qualifications from 17 professional firms, of which three were short-listed and presented to a consultant selection committee.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 18-00999-57-EG.

8.9 22-0260

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Civiltech Engineering, Itasca, Illinois, for professional engineering services related to the Phase I Study of the Old McHenry Crossings improvement project, at a maximum cost of $243,315, and appropriating $295,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

∙ The current Phase I Study is evaluating possible improvements along Old McHenry Road, from Abbey Glenn Drive to Bonnie Lane, and along Quentin Road, from Old McHenry Road to Illinois Route 22, including a possible grade separation at the Canadian National railroad tracks and non-motorized improvements.

∙ Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.

∙ The Lake County Division of Transportation’s (LCDOT) Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.

∙ The selected firm has a satisfactory relationship with the Lake County Division of Transportation.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 19-00999-65-ES.

8.10 22-0261

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with TranSystems Corporation, Schaumburg, Illinois, for professional engineering services to design a multi-use path along Butterfield Road, from Gregg’s Parkway to Golf Road, at a maximum cost of $643,993, and appropriating $775,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

∙ The 2010 Non-Motorized Travel Study identified priority gaps for non-motorized facilities along County highways. A multi-use path gap was identified along Butterfield Road, from Gregg’s Parkway to Golf Road.

∙ A consulting firm will be utilized to provide these professional engineering services.

∙ Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.

∙ The Lake County Division of Transportation’s Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.

∙ The selected firm has a satisfactory relationship with the Lake County Division of Transportation and was used to study the feasibility of a path along this segment of highway.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 21-00137-19-BT.

8.11 22-0262

Division of Transportation: Annual Department Update. Attachments: 22-0262 DOT Annual Update

8.12 22-0022

Director's Report - Division of Transportation.


8.13 22-0024

Director's Report - Public Works.


8.14 22-0023

Director's Report - Planning, Building and Development.

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Executive Session

11. Members' Remarks

12. Adjournment

Next Meeting: March 2, 2022
