Village of Cherry Valley Committee of the Whole met Jan. 24.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Village President David Schroeder called the Committee of the Whole Meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll call was taken by Deputy Village Clerk Heather Riley:
Nancy Belt Absent Sally Hollembeak Present
Jeff Fustin Present Brandi Pearse Present
Mike Neville Present David Schroeder Absent
Jim Claeyssen Present
Also present: Attorney Roxanne Sosnowski, Chief Roy Bethge, Village Administrator Jim E. Claeyssen, Public Works Supervisor Steve Strasser, Village Engineer Sheri Kosmos C.E.S, and Village Treasurer Maureen Gumowski.
Village President Schroeder asked for a Change in the Order of Business be made to the agenda: • The Planning & Development Report to be before the Ordinance Report. Trustee Hollembeak moved to adopt the amended agenda. Trustee Belt seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
APPROVE THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES – January 10, 2022 Trustee Fustin moved to approve the January 10, 2022 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Library Director Jane Lesner has asked to hold her comments until the topic of the Pavilion Project for the library comes up under the Planning & Development Report.
1. Discussion regarding a variance for the construction of a pavilion at the Cherry Valley District Library, 755 E. State Street, Cherry Valley, Illinois was had. Trustee Fustin stated that this item was before the Planning & Zoning Commission on January 19, 2022 and the committee unanimously gave a favorable recommendation to send this to the Committee of the Whole.
Library Director Jane Lesner spoke explaining to the committee that the library is looking to get permission granted to construct a 12X28 pavilion. The library is hoping to get this project completed before the Spring season so that they can plan for outdoor programs to start as soon as the weather gets nicer. Director Lesner also asked that the committee send this to the Village Board to waive the rules for a first reading and to consider it a second and final reading for the variance at the February 1, 2022 Village Board Meeting.
1. Trustee Belt moved to send to the Village Board approving “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE VILLAGE OF CHERRY VALLEY, ILLINOIS SECTION 82-261(b) LIBRARY” and to waive the rules and consider it a second and final reading. Trustee Neville seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
2. Trustee Belt moved to send to the Village Board approving “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIANCE UNDER SECTION 82-55 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO SECTION 82-261 TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PAVILION UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE VILLAGE OF CHERRY VALLEY, ILLINOIS (LIBRARY)” and to waive the rules and consider it a second and final reading. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
1. Civil Engineer Sheri Kosmos of C.E.S. reported the following:
Harrison Ave Eastbound Lane Repairs –
• Design progressing
• IDOT reached out to review proposed improvements in the area and to Harrison Avenue
o IDOT is projecting that construction may start on one of the components in 2023
▪ Plans in development, multi-year/ multi contract project, schedule subject to change.
o C.E.S. is requesting further information on improvements and timeline. Genoa Sidewalk Improvements –
• Design progressing.
Vandiver Culvert Repair-
• Design progressing.
South Mill Storm Sewer-
• Determination of R.O.W and design progressing.
• Investigating if we can install storm sewer without encroaching on Railroad R.O.W. - If encroachment is needed will need to submit to the Railroad for review along with application and a fee ($3,000+/-).
- Alternative might be to remove and replace sidewalk to stay out of R.O.W. – need additional field work to confirm.
Regional Detention Improvements –
• Field work started.
• Waiting on answer if adjacent property owner will allow spoil placed on their property.
o If yes, need legal agreement? If no, hauled off spoil - additional cost to the project.
IDOT Bridge inspections -
• Met with consultant to discuss inspection schedule and scope of project.
• Proposed structure is a team approach between Infratek Engineering Investigations and Winnebago County.
o Infratek Engineering Investigations Contract presented and IGA needed with Winnebago County.
o Transition to Winnebago County performing all inspections when Don Krizan from Infratek Engineering Investigations retires.
1. Update on the Village’s Water System – Trustee Neville stated that the sub-committee met last week and discussed a new well amongst other things. Well drilling is estimated at $2 million to drill and another $2 million to build the well house. Public Works Supervisor Steve Strasser stated that he spoke with Mr. Bryan Snelten, from the Layne Company, and he believes that the Well #2 Project should be wrapping up by the end of February/early March 2022; they are still waiting on certain materials to be delivered.
1. Trustee Neville moved to send to the Village Board approval of an HVAC Service Agreement Renewal with Alpha Controls, Rockford Illinois, for 806 East State Street (Village Hall) to maintain and service the Village’s Boilers and Air Conditioning Equipment for a period of three years starting February 1, 2022 at a cost of $2,434.00 per year from line item 5170 Building and Grounds. This is a single source provider for the equipment in this building. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
2. Discussion was had regarding the village’s response letter sent to the IL EPA – Division of Public Water Supplies for Well #5 Proposed Options. Civil Engineer Sheri Kosmos stated the IEPA acknowledges that The Village of Cherry Valley is back in compliance and have agreed to remove the Village of Cherry Valley from the restrictive status list. If the Village of Cherry Valley fails, the radium testing limits again then the Village will have to go to a radium treatment system with Well #5 which is very costly.
3. Trustee Neville moved to send to the Village Board approval of a Service Agreement with Infratek Engineering Investigations, LLC for 2022 Bridge Inspections at a cost of $9,750.00 from line Item 5095 Engineering. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
4. Trustee Neville moved to send to the Village Board authorizing C.E.S. INC. to conduct a Plat of Survey for Phase II of the Armed Forces Memorial Park on South Mill Road at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00 from line item 5095 Buildings & Grounds. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Trustee Belt asked that the committee discuss shoveling in the downtown business district at the next Committee of the Whole meeting. Village Administrator Claeyssen reminded the committee that the village cleans this area, per ordinance, from 3AM to 6AM after a snowfall of 2 inches or more occurs. All sidewalks, stamped paved areas and handicap ramps are cleaned as well in the 200 block of East State Street.
1. Trustee Fustin moved to send to the Village Board approval to send Officers Mike Rach and Morgan Macias to Crash Investigation 1 training from April 25 to May 6, 2022 at a cost of $1200.00 each from line account 5195P. Trustee Neville seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
2. Trustee Fustin moved to send to the Village Board approval to purchase an LTI 20 20 Tru Speed LR laser speed measuring instrument from Laser Tech at a cost of $1,995.00 from line account 5375P. This item is only available direct from the manufacturer and matches our existing device. Trustee Belt seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
• Met with numerous police chiefs and sheriffs from the region. We are in the beginning stages of creating a Major Crash Assistance Team to share resources for Crash Investigation and Reconstruction. We should have an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Village Board to review in the next few months.
• On Monday, January 17th, Sergeants Pearse, Muraski and I attended the Northwest Illinois Law Enforcement Executives Meeting in Galena, Illinois. The training consisted of the legal requirements of the mandates from recent police reform legislations. Many of the mandates have been pushed back to a July 1, 2022 date for implementation. There is however a number of new training and mandatory reporting requirements which are completely overwhelming.
• The recent snow events have caused an increase in the number of traffic crashes.
• Over the past week we’ve seen an increase in retail theft cases, especially at the mall.
• We’ve had two vehicles stolen from gas stations in the past three days. Both were left running while the owner / driver went inside. One vehicle was recovered within an hour of being stolen, the other was just recovered in Rockford.
• We issued (14) winter parking citations in the past 24 hours.
1. Trustee Pearse moved to send to the Village Board approval to purchase a new Laptop computer with Docking Station and Display for Village President Schroeder from CDW G, Chicago, Illinois at a cost of $1,466.30 from line item 5375 Capital Improvements. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
ADMINISTRATION REPORT: On file with permanent record. Trustee Pearse asked for consensus from the trustees to place a request on the Village Board Agenda for February 1st for Treasurer Gumowski to attend the 2022 GFOA 116th Annual Conference in Austin Texas from June 3rd – June 8th 2022. (This was accidently left off tonight’s agenda). All agreed.
Trustee Belt made a motion to go into Execution Session for the following: (5 ILCS 120/2) (C)(2) (Collective negotiating) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. Trustee Neville seconded. A roll call was taken:
Nancy Belt Aye Sally Hollembeak Aye
Jeff Fustin Aye Brandi Pearse Aye
Mike Neville Aye David Schroeder Aye
Motion carried 6-0.
President Schroeder excused Deputy Village Clerk Heather Riley, Public Works Supervisor Steve Strasser, Trustee Brandi Pearse, Treasurer Maureen Gumowski and Village Administrator Jim E. Claeyssen from the meeting at 7:34 PM.
The Committee of the Whole was in Executive Session from 7:34 PM to 8:05 PM.
A roll call was taken to reconvene into Open Session by President Schroeder:
Nancy Belt Aye Sally Hollembeak Aye
Jeff Fustin Aye Brandi Pearse Absent
Mike Neville Aye David Schroeder Aye
Motion carried 5-0-1.
ADJOURNMENT: Trustee Hollembeak moved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:05 PM. Trustee Belt seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.