
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

City of Winchester City Council met May 19

City of Winchester City Council met May 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor McIntire called the special meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the following council in attendance: Lawrence Coultas, Bill Jacquot, Sandy Long, Jeff Pittman, Terry Gregory, City Clerk Teri Little.

Also, in attendance were Wanda Cody, City Treasurer; John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney.

Mayor McIntire called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

The reason for meeting is pertaining to the sale of property to Dollar General.

Illinois Department of Transportation will only allow one cut in per subdivision. This will hinder the sale of additional property. Per John Paul Coonrod per the State Plat Act a subdivision plat must be filed when a section of property is sold, but there is an exception. The city can sell by deed with a survey. This will satisfy the state portion.

Per the current city ordinance any property that is being divided and sold requires a subdivision plat map be submitted and approved by the city council. The amendment being proposed in Ordinance 937 will exempt the city from following this rule when selling city property.

The Cissell Mueller Construction Company out of St Peters MO has been hired to build the new Dollar General and this is to be completed by September 20, 2022.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved, and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve Ordinance 937 to amend the city's Subdivision Code. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Sandy Long, Alderman requested that the city have the annual city wide clean up again this year. It will be held from June 13 – 16, 2022. Mayor McIntire advised Teri Little, City Clerk to get with John Simmons to coordinate the most economic trash provider and will bring to meeting June 1, 2022.

MOTION: Sandy Long moved, and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve City Wide Clean up June 13 – 16, 2022. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved, and Jeff Pittman seconded to adjourn meeting at 6:50 P.M. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.
