Mike Quigley tweeted the following:
"The voices of women veterans are vital to informing reproductive healthcare policy in the post-Roe landscape. Share your past experiences and future hopes for accessing reproductive healthcare at VA: veterans.house.gov/reproductive-c"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Quigley:
"Banning abortion is dangerous.Today and every day, we must defend women's rightsthat means the right to reproductive care like contraception and abortion. #WomensEqualityDay"Read on Twitter
"Criminalizing abortion and contraception is designed to hurt women of color, women in poverty and women in dangerous, abusive relationships. The GOP isn't pro-life, they're pro-bodily control. #WomensEqualityDay"Read on Twitter
"While extreme MAGA Republicans try to punish & control women, Im taking action to defend womens rights. Thats why I voted to pass: 1) Womens Health Protection Act2) Ensuring Womens Right to Reproductive Freedom Act3) Right to Contraception Act#DefendWomensRights"Read on Twitter