
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board met Aug. 23

City of Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board met Aug. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call To Order and Roll Call Vote

Chair Aranas called the Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in person and via zoom. Upon roll call, the following were:

Roll Call Vote

Present: Nicole Aranas

Chris Dabovich

Bob Gudmundson

Mark Plunkett

Cecilia Horejs

Dan Wanzung

Absent: Chris Derrick

City Staff Present: Tracy Jones, Staff Planner

Joe Tebrugge, Director of Engineering

II. Approval of Minutes - August 9, 2022

The minutes were approved as presented.

III. Public Comment

There was none.

IV. Old Business

ZA #22-19/ Special Use Permit/ 313 E. Loop Road/ WashU Real Estate, LLC

Chair Aranas reconvened discussion of this matter on August 23, 2022 (that was previously called to order on July 26, 2022 and August 9, 2022) to consider an application requesting a special use permit for a planned unit development to consider a new special use permit pursuant to Article 20.3 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance to allow the construction and use of a car wash, following the demolition of the former restaurant building (i.e., Cozymel’s), at 311 E. Loop Road. She added that approximately 100 pages of public comment were received and incorporated into the record on this matter.

Chair Aranas reminded the Board and the public that the public hearing was already closed on this matter, so no additional testimony would be taken at this meeting. Then she entertained a motion on the request.

Mr. Wanzung moved and then Mr. Plunkett seconded the motion to approve ZA #22-19, subject to the following conditions:

1. Additional shrubs shall be added in the landscaping area between Chick-fil-A and the car wash.

2. Some of the existing trees located at the southeast corner of East Loop and the access drive shall be removed (and replaced with lower shrubs) to improve safety and visibility as depicted on the revised land swap exhibit, subject to approval by the Director of Planning of Economic Development.

3. The drive lanes shall be reconfigured to improve outbound queuing as depicted on the revised land swap exhibit, subject to approval by the Director of Engineering.

4. Even though the northern portion of the property is not being redeveloped at this time, the parking lot lights, and the light remnant shall be replaced with new lights to match the parking lot lights for the car wash.

5. A mainline water valve shall be installed east of the proposed water connection to improve the City of Wheaton system.

6. The preliminary engineering plan shall be subject to further staff review prior to the issuance of a site development permit.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Nicole Aranas

Bob Gudmundson

Mark Plunkett

Cecilia Horejs

Dan Wanzung

Nays: Chris Dabovich

Absent: Chris Derrick

Motion Passed

The dissenting Board member had concerns about the traffic the proposed car wash would generate at this location. V. New Business

ZA #22-20/ Text Amendment and Special Use Permit/ 518 W. Roosevelt Road/ Hughes

Pursuant to notice duly published on August 5, 2022 and letters mailed to neighboring property owners on August 3, 2022, Chair Aranas called to order the August 23, 2022 public hearing requesting a text amendment to Article 15.1 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance to allow a “Certified Personal Training, Wellness, and Rehabilitation Business” by special use permit in the O-R Office Research District. The application is further requesting a text amendment to Article 2 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance to define a “Certified Personal Training, Wellness, and Rehabilitation Business” as “A business providing personalized physical training and rehabilitation for individuals, families, teams, and small groups in which substantially all physical training is directly supervised by Certified Personal Trainers or Licensed Physical Therapists; and classes such as Yoga and Pilates are conducted by Certified Instructors. All physical training and rehabilitation, physical therapy and instruction are for members only by appointment. No open gym. Incidental sales of water, health beverages and merchandise are permitted but no sales of supplements”.

The application is further requesting an amendment to the existing site plan and building elevations, approved by City Ordinance No. F-0259, and consideration of a special use permit to allow a Certified Personal Training, Wellness, and Rehabilitation Business to occupy a new building with thirty four (34) parking spaces to be constructed at 518 W. Roosevelt Road. This property is zoned O-R Office Research District.

Jim and Debbie Hughes, 2S474 Burning Trail, Wheaton were sworn in. Mr. Hughes stated that he and his wife were the contract purchasers, and they plan to own and operate the proposed business. He added that they both have an extensive background in personal training and wellness.

Phil Passon, 700 Lyon Avenue, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Passon stated that he was the current property owner and that in December 2000, the City approved Ordinance No. F-0542 (Original Ordinance), which rezoned the property from R-3 Residential to O-R Office Research and granted a secondary alley access and the construction of a one-story office building. Then in February 2004, the City approved Ordinance No. F-0882 (First Amended Ordinance), which omitted the secondary alley access and granted the construction of a two-story office building. Then in February 2017, the City approved Ordinance No. F-1999 (Second Amended Ordinance), which added the secondary alley access and granted the construction of a one-story office building. Then in December 2017, the City approved Ordinance No. F-2059 (Third Amended Ordinance), which omitted the secondary alley access. Thus, Ordinance No. F-2059 (with no secondary alley access and a one-story building) is considered the valid ordinance for the subject property and is attached to this staff report for reference.

Mr. Passon stated that the building is proposed at the southwest corner of the subject property in compliance with the site plan approved by Ordinance No. F-2059, with some minor modifications. The drive approach off Roosevelt Road would remain situated on the eastern edge of the property, with the main pedestrian entrance to the building on the east elevation and the secondary pedestrian entrance to the building on the north elevation as previously approved. On-site parking, consisting of 34 parking spaces, would be situated to the north and east of the building, also as previously approved. The City has no parking requirement for this type of use, only a general parking requirement of 2.75 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area. He added that the request will have more than enough parking for the proposed use and the request exceeds the parking requirement of 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area for an office use.

Mr. Passon stated that exterior building elevations were submitted as part of the request. He stated that a one-story office building, with a low pitched roof, was most recently approved for the property. He is now proposing a taller building featuring a farmhouse style design. The building would be primarily one-story, with a partial mezzanine level. The building would have a maximum height of 30 feet. The exterior would feature white horizontal siding on the first level and white vertical siding on the second level. The windows would be framed black, and a veranda is proposed on the east and north sides of the building.

Staff Planner Jones stated that on smaller lots that are contiguous to single-family residential zoning and abut Roosevelt Road, the Zoning Ordinance states that the “scaling of building mass to replicate a residential structure through the use of varied horizontal wall dimensions, varied roof heights, placement of windows and doors, etc.”. She added that staff has concerns as to whether the small awning windows and non-varied roof heights meet this requirement.

Mr. Passon stated that he was agreeable to revising the building elevations to better replicate a residential structure.

Mr. Passon stated that floor plans were submitted as part of the request. He stated that the main level of the building is 6,900 square feet and consists of a reception desk, offices, restrooms, and various workout areas. The mezzanine level of the building is 985 square feet, and the basement level of the building is 985 square feet.

Mr. Passon stated that a landscaping plan was submitted as part of the request. He stated that they are proposing a mix of shade trees, ornamental trees, evergreen trees, deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs, perennials, groundcovers, and ornamental grasses in the landscape setbacks and along the northern edge of the building. There is a row of existing trees on the adjacent property to the west, so no plantings are proposed along the west property line, only sod. Per the building elevations and floor plans, a veranda is proposed on the east and north sides of the building.

Rich Guerard, 310 S. County Farm Road, was sworn in. Mr. Guerard stated that he was the attorney working on the request. He stated that the application is requesting a text amendment to Article 15.1 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance to allow a “Certified Personal Training, Wellness, and Rehabilitation Business” by special use permit in the O R Office Research District. The application is further requesting a text amendment to Article 2 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance to define a “Certified Personal Training, Wellness, and Rehabilitation Business” as “A business providing personalized physical training and rehabilitation for individuals, families, teams, and small groups in which substantially all physical training is directly supervised by Certified Personal Trainers or Licensed Physical Therapists; and classes such as Yoga and Pilates are conducted by Certified Instructors. All physical training and rehabilitation, physical therapy and instruction are for members only by appointment. No open gym. Incidental sales of water, health beverages and merchandise are permitted but no sales of supplements”.

Mr. Guerard stated that the O-R District allows business and professional offices, and research laboratories as a permitted use. The O-R District further allows parking lots, senior housing developments, nursery schools, adult day care facilities, inns, mortuaries, private or public utility substations, licensed prepared meal service (occupying no more than 800 sq. ft. in a multi-tenant building), and cat adoption agencies as a special use. He added that they believe the proposed use of a certified personal training, wellness, and rehabilitation business is consistent with both the permitted and special uses in the O-R District and the uses provided in the recently amended Comprehensive Plan, which are based upon the current predominant zoning in each area, the character envisioned for the future, evolving market demands, and consideration of adjacent residential land uses and context.

Mr. Guerard stated that the City recently amended the Comprehensive Plan to include the Roosevelt Road Corridor Plan. The subject property is located in sector 1 of the Roosevelt Road Corridor Plan. The plan states that sector 1 “may be appropriate for new types of limited commercial or residential use, including de-conversion of current office structures back to single-family dwellings”. The proposed use mix includes “office, residential (single-family detached, single-family attached, townhouse, duplex), low intensity limited service uses with potential to encourage adaptive reuse of existing structures. While not specifically included in the proposed use mix, they believe that the proposed use of a certified personal training, wellness, and rehabilitation business as defined by the applicant is consistent with both the proposed low intensity limited service uses listed in the plan and the adjacent existing uses.

Mr. Guerard addressed the seven special use standards as required by the Zoning Ordinance. He stated that the proposed special use would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, or general welfare of the neighboring property owners.

Mr. Guerard added that his client was agreeable to all the conditions included in the staff report. Mr. Dabovich questioned the hours of operation.

Mr. Hughes stated that the facility would operate from 5:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Mr. Gudmundson questioned the sub-standard drive width to the north of the building.

Staff Planner Jones stated that this sub-standard drive width was previously approved.

Ms. Horejs questioned how the light would be controlled from the windows on the south elevation facing the residential properties.

Mr. Passon stated that he was willing to control the light from these windows, either by using shades or treated glass. Chair Aranas questioned whether the business was seasonal, and she verified that there was no open gym.

Mr. Hughes stated that the business was not seasonal like typical gyms, and it was very consistent. He added that they would operate by appointment only and there would be no open gym.

Karl Blank, 718 Warrenville Road, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Blank stated that he was an adjacent neighbor, and that he had no real complaints with the proposed use and/ or the proposed building on the property.

Mr. Wanzung moved and then Mr. Dabovich seconded the motion to close the public hearing. On a voice vote, all voted aye.

Mr. Plunkett moved and then Mr. Gudmundson seconded the motion to waive their regular rules and vote tonight. On a voice vote, all voted aye.

Ms. Horejs moved and then Mr. Dabovich seconded the motion to approve ZA #22-20, subject to the following conditions:

1. The building elevations shall be revised to better replicate a residential structure and shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Economic Development.

2. The light from the south windows shall be controlled (either by shades or treated glass) and shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Economic Development.

3. The landscape plan shall be updated to reflect the addition of the veranda on the north side of the building.

4. The proposed refuse shed shall be constructed of exterior materials to match the building. 5. The private BMP “stormceptor” is not allowed to be located in the public alley and shall be relocated to private property.

6. No part of the retaining wall along the south side of the property will be allowed to be placed in the alley right of way, which will restrict the type of wall that can be constructed at this location as shown on the preliminary plan. 7. The preliminary engineering plan shall be subject to further staff review prior to the issuance of a site development permit.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Nicole Aranas

Chris Dabovich

Bob Gudmundson

Mark Plunkett

Cecilia Horejs

Dan Wanzung

Nays: None

Absent: Chris Derrick

Motion Passed Unanimously

VI. Miscellaneous

There was none.

VII. Adjournment

Mr. Dabovich moved and then Mr. Gudmundson seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. On a voice vote, all voted aye.
