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City of Prospect Heights Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors met July 20

City of Prospect Heights Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors met July 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chairman Court Harris called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll call confirmed the following present: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang and Saewert. Absent: None.

Also in Attendance: Jeff Miller - Executive Director

George Sakas – Director of Economic Development

Jason Griffith – Director of Finance

Andrew Wolanik – Director of Operations & Maintenance

Jennifer Pfeifer- Recording Secretary

Tom Lester – Attorney

II. Pledge of Allegiance

Chairman Harris led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Recognition Ceremony

Chairman Harris explained the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting which has been awarded to Chicago Executive Airport for at least the last ten years. He said the award is expected, however should be celebrated and it is due to Jason’s work. This certificate of achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and this represents a significant accomplishment. It is judged by an independent panel. He thanked Jason and the staff and Director Saewert who have supported him.

The Chairman encouraged future nominations for the Airport Spotlight program.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Director Saewert and seconded by Director Berman to approve the minutes from the June 15, 2022, Regular Board Meeting. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, and Saewert. Nays: None. Abstain: Director Lang. Absent: None.

V. Changes to the Agenda


VI. Public Comments

Tia Hanson who lives in Quincy Park in Prospect Heights which is within a mile of the airport thanked the Board of Directors for their help with noise abatement. She described the noise, exhaust smell, dirt, and dead trees in the area. She asked if an environmental study has been done in the area.

Lori Gostrom thanked the Board Members for serving on the board. She spoke about aircraft flying over her house during the night and her lost sleep hours. She said she can’t live near the airport anymore because it is adversely affecting her life. She asked the purpose of the noise hotline, claimed the jets here are getting bigger and louder and she does not believe data about airplane noise reduction.

VI. Hearing and Reports

A) Director of Finance Report

Director of Finance Jason Griffith delivered the Treasurer’s Report and said June is the second month in the fiscal year which means we should be at 16.67% of the budget. Operating revenues were at 18.67% and operating expenditures were at 13.74% for June.

B) Executive Director’s Report.

Jeff Miller reported on the following:

✈ June total operations were 9,059 which is 10% above the average June since 2010. The 12-month total is 99,652 operations.

✈ Fuel flowage was 687,969 gallons for June which is 53% above the average June since 2010. This is the eighth month over 8 million gallons for annual rolling total fuel.

✈ There were 53 U.S. Customs operations in June, 56% above the June average since 2010. Annual Customs totals are 463. The facility is operating with one full time officer and part-time officers filling in.

✈ Noise call data was displayed showing 48 noise complaints from last month. The previous month there were 24 complaints.

✈ Some of the things currently working on:

o The Residential Sound Insulation Program

▪ 576 applications received to date.

▪ Homes have received the backordered products.

▪ Two bids were received for Phase 1 construction.

o Construction Projects

▪ Airfield remarking and repairs are rescheduled for July 23rd

▪ The pre-construction meeting was held on June 22nd for the Rebuild Illinois Act which includes ramp construction and road construction in front of Atlantic Aviation.

▪ The engineering report has been folded into the Executive Director’s report to eliminate redundancy. Kyle Peabody, CMT, added that the Airfield Lighting project should start in the spring 2023. Hecker has submitted shop drawings, so the project is moving along. CMT is meeting with Hecker regularly to check on progress.

o Other items

▪ Lake in the Hills Airport will be closing their runway for maintenance and CEA has been accommodating some of their aircraft temporarily.

▪ Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University had a recruiting event at Atlantic Aviation. They will continue to work with local school districts.

▪ The Airport is working on donating an aircraft to Lewis University for the Aviation Academy located here. The aircraft started up and has good compression. It will be a good opportunity for them to have an aircraft to work on that is running.

▪ The RFPs for Hangars 5/6 and Hangar 11 are published.

▪ The RFP for the Runway 6/24 Environmental Assessment is published.

▪ The Noise Exposure Map Update RFQ has been published.

▪ We have been awarded the AIP funds for the master drainage study for $225,000 so we will be putting out an RFQ.

▪ Virtower flight tracking is working well, there are just a few anomalies and idiosyncrasies to be fine-tuned.

▪ The new security cameras will be installed on 8/1 and then the access system implemented.

▪ Construction of the Atlantic Aviation fuel farm has started.

▪ Hawthorne’s Hangar 22 permit and airspace determination are pending. Hopefully it will be completed within the next 30 days.

Steel is scheduled to be delivered for that structure in October.

▪ ProxIT has moved all the Airport files to the cloud.

▪ The new U.S. Customs facility received the GA Architectural Award for the Project of the Year.

▪ Run the Runway was a sold out event, the event went smoothly and the number of participant spots will be increased next year.

✈ Public Relations Report

o Serafin did a great job pushing out information on the 5K and achieved the highest sponsorship dollar amount ever for the event.

o Working with staff on 3rd quarter public relations planning.

✈ Upcoming Meetings & Events

o Monday, August 2 – Nation Night Out

o Monday, August 15 – Quarterly Corporate Users Meeting

o Wednesday, August 17 – Board of Directors Meeting

Director Saewert asked Kyle if the shop drawings are done for the airfield lighting project and Kyle said they are still in process, there has been a partial submittal of approximately a dozen drawings. Director Saewert also asked if there is a rescheduled date the pavement repairs and remarking? Andrew said the projects are rescheduled to August 1st and August 2nd for the overnight closure. The contractor is keeping in communication with the Airport and Kyle, there are some materials sourcing issues and there was at a big union meeting today. Hopefully we will know if it will be rescheduled or not. The project will happen before winter.

Director Kearns mentioned the solar powered obstruction lights for the circle to land procedure and asked if the flight check has been schedule? Jeff said it has already been flown and approved. It is anticipated for the procedure to be returned to service in September and everything has been done correctly.

Chairman Harris expressed his congratulations for the award on the Customs building.

C) Board Member Comments

• Director Hellyer thanked the staff and airport partners for a successful Rock n Run the Runway.

• Director Saewert agreed with Director Hellyer’s comment and said he appreciates the staff’s hard work, and that Run the Runway is an event for the community. He took part in the Prospect Heights parade with the Airport float. The Airport was well represented in the parade.

• Director Kearns agreed with the prior Rock n Run the Runway comments and said he heard great feedback on the event and the parade. He congratulated Jason and said he did great work and it is appreciated.

• Director Lang agreed with all the Run the Runway comments and said it is great to have community events. National Night Out is on Tuesday, August 2nd.

• Director Kiefer had no comments.

• Director Berman said Rock n Run the Runway was a fantastic event and he congratulated Jason.

D) Correspondence and Chairman’s Comments

Chairman Harris was thankful for Run the Runway and thanked everyone who was involved. Fun was had by all and it’s a great way to get the community involved with the Airport. He congratulated Jason for obtaining the award for the airport and thanked the entire team for the award on the Customs building. He thanked Lauren Platt and Serfin for their public relations work and getting the good news out about what’s going on at the airport.

VII. New Business

A. Resolution 22-026 – A Resolution Authorizing the Payment of Claims;

A motion to approve was made by Director Kearns and seconded by Director Kiefer. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

B. Resolution 22-027 – A Resolution Ratifying the Purchase of Snow Broom Cores;

A motion to approve was made by Director Hellyer and seconded by Director Berman. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Jeff explained that normally this purchase would be under the spending threshold but costs have increased and supplies are unpredictable. The decision was to purchase supplies for the winter to avoid any airport closures due to snow this coming winter. Andrew explained that is an annual expense, we have four snow brooms now, July pricing is better than waiting and supplies are uncertain. The supplies will be received in time for winter.

Director Saewert asked if the cores will fit all of our snow brooms and Andrew said yes. Andrew added if we don’t have a particularly harsh winter we will not have to buy additional supplies.

C. Resolution 22-028 – A Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement for Public Relations between Chicago Executive Airport and Serafin & Associates, Inc.;

A motion to approve was made by Director Berman and seconded by Director Kiefer. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Director Hellyer asked about the cost and Jeff said it remains the same as the prior agreement. Jeff added Serafin has been a good partner.

Director Lang agreed the Airport is getting better service from Serafin for the same money prior PR firms were paid.

VIII. Executive Session – Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1), (6) and (21) to discuss the appointment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, the sale or lease of property owned by the public body and the minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Act.

At 6:39 p.m. a motion to move in Executive Session was made by Director Saewert and seconded by Director Hellyer. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

At 7:47 p.m. a motion to return to open session was made by Director Hellyer and seconded by Director Kearns. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

IX. Action Taken from Executive Session

A motion to approve the exercise of the renewal option of the lease for Hangar 8 was made by Director Kiefer and seconded by Director Saewert. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

A motion to approve but not release the Executive Session minutes from January, February, March, April, May, and June of 2022 meetings was made by Director Berman and seconded by Director Kearns. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

X. Adjournment

At 7:50 p.m. a motion was made by Director Berman and seconded by Director Hellyer to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.
