
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission met Nov. 2

City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission met Nov. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm Laura motioned, Meg seconded.

II. Welcome

III. Roll Call

In Person: Rachel Bautista, Meg Beasley, Scott Chedister, Erica Nelson, Laura Peccarelli, David Sohmer

Zoom: Saleha Jawaid, Marco Scola, and Angie Welker

Absent: Mike Hodel and Ben Waterman

IV. Approval of Minutes

Meg motioned that minutes be approved with minor corrections; Erica seconded

V. Old Business

a. Michelle Duster program

1. 40 attended in person; 60 virtually

2. Members of the WPL Board and City Council present

b. Wheaton Gives Back Update

1. PRC truck unloading

a. Filled all volunteer spots and unloaded 10,300 lbs

2. Winter clothing drive

a. In 2023, finalize participants in August; flyers up in early September

b. Follow-up report on Wheaton Gives Back to be submitted to the city

3. Veteran’s Day Update

a. Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans

i. Unable to reach contact

ii. Is likely too late for 2022 participation

b. Will hone in on partner and plans for 2023

VI. New Business

a. 2023 Program Planning and Budgeting

i. Budget was submitted at $16,600

ii. Rachel and Erica met with Mayor Suess

1. Consensus reached on budget and plan

2. Areas of additional outreach and collaboration identified

a. Special needs community

b. Veterans

c. Senior Citizens

3. Budget meetings: November 12 and 14

a. Level-set budget items

4. When working with schools, WCRC will include all schools (CUSD 200, Parochial, and Private)

5. Alignment on criteria for Good Citizens will remain

a. Nominees must live in Wheaton

b. Must not be political candidates at the time of nomination

c. May not earn or receive payment for the work the nominee is recognized for

6. Promote WCRC as highlight for monthly newsletter (bicycle commission was last highlighted)

iii. Planning document

1. Chairs for each of the flagship events

a. Wheaton Gives Back - Laura and Meg

b. Good Citizens - Angela and Scott

c. Festival of Cultures - Erica and Rachel

i. Subcommittees to be assigned point person - will further discuss & assign in upcoming meetings

1. Operations - Prep and day of event

2. Donations and fundraising (First Trust)

3. Volunteer coordination

4. Info booth

5. Facility Management

6. Working with City Council

7. Photographer

8. Entertainment

9. Communications

ii. 2023 - Goal is to re-energize event with larger number of cultural booths and food booths/trucks

1. Goal: 1000 attendees; 30 cultural booths

2. Conduct informal survey to gather community feedback on ways we can improve and what the community would like to see.

d. Panel discussions - Partner programs continue and expand i. Five programs as a goal

ii. Expand focus to include Veterans, Senior Citizens, and Special Needs residents

e. We Are Women Art Exhibit

i. Broaden participants to include students and special need artists; host an artist meet & greet; and focus on business owners

ii. Goal: 25 businesses and artists

f. Wheaton Gives Back

i. Online volunteer opportunities for community

1. Expand to include Prairie Path clean up and Senior Citizens activities

ii. Good Citizens

1. 2023 - goal of 50 nominations

g. Increase involvement of City Council members

i. Invite City Council to staff a booth at Festival of Cultures

ii. Invite district representatives to write letter congratulating Good Citizen recipients

h. Sister Cities

i. Booth at FOC

ii. Evaluate future of program

2. Motion to approve annual report; Erica, seconded by Laura

b. Downtown Wheaton Association “Joy” Trees replacing reindeer topiaries

i. Cost is $150 (participation fee and decorations)

ii. Rachel made a motion to approve tree program and budget; Laura seconded; approved by all

c. Festival of Cultures - Date of 9/10 or 9/17 at Memorial Park

i. Groups that perform FOC are already booking. Erica will reach out to them

d. DuPage Care Center - Wishlist of items to donate for the holidays

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Adjournment: 8:32 pm Laura moved to adjourn; Scott seconded