
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Prospect Heights Police Pension Board met July 11

City of Prospect Heights Police Pension Board met July 11

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order 

2. Roll Call 

3. Approval of Minutes 

A. April 11, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes 

4. Public Comments 

5. Approval of Expenditures 

A. Richard Reimer Pension Board Legal Counsel Payment 

a. Quarterly Retainer plus General Matters - $750.00 

B. Karen Schultheis, Recording Secretary July 11, 3rd Quarter Meeting  $125.00 

C. Invoices 

a. Invoice 76895 - Accounting and Benefits Administration (March, 2023) - $740.00 

b. Invoice 78265 - Affidavits of eligibility - $250.00 

c. Invoice 77857 - Accounting and Benefits (April, 2023) - $740.00 

d. Invoice 2717-001 Quarterly Retainer April-June, 2023 - photocopy - $751.35 

D. Payment of Expenditures 

6. Pension Board Legal Counsel Report 

A. Review/amendment to cash management policy 

7. Pension Board Lauterbach and Amen Monthly Financial Report 

A. Global Cash Movement - Crista Birkenheier 

B. Review of Actuarial Valuation - Kevin Cavanaugh 

8. Old Business 

A. Pension Refund - Carlos Collazo 

B. Annual verifications of eligibility for beneficiaries - Tabled from April 11, 2023 Meeting 

9. New Business 

A. Semi-annual review of closed executive session minutes to determine what needs to remain  confidential 

B. Election of Board Officers 

C. Potential selection of independent enrolled actuary for recommended tax levy 

D. Review status of Trustees' annual training requirements 

E. Discussion of Presentation to City Council 

F. Review of Investment Statement 

G. Todd Godair Military Time Transfer 

10. Next Meeting Date - Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 9 AM - City Hall. 8 North Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070 

11. Adjournment