City of Wheaton Public Library Board met June 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
The Board of Trustees of the Wheaton Public Library held their regular Board meeting on Monday, June 19, 2023. Board President Laurie Metanchuk called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Members present in person at roll call: Christine Fenne, Al Herbach, Laurie Metanchuk, Simone Morton, Steve Siemer, Kathryn Staron and Vallari Talapatra. Absent: Bob Lyon and Robert Rammer. Betsy Adamowski, Library Director, and Ed Sirovatka, IT/Facilities Manager, were also in attendance. In the absence of Lisa Christell-Sandri, Mrs. Adamowski took the minutes for the meeting.
II. Citizens to be Heard
III. Minutes for the May 15, 2023 Board Meeting
IV. Financial Reports for May 2023 and Bill Listing for June 2023 Payment
Mr. Herbach moved and Mrs. Fenne seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Mrs. Morton
Ms. Talapatra
Mr. Herbach
Mr. Siemer
Ms. Staron
Mrs. Fenne
Mrs. Metanchuk
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Lyon
Mr. Rammer
Motion Carried
V. Library Director's Board Report for May 2023
Mrs. Adamowski shared that on July 23, 2023 the Friends of the Library will host a memorial for Gail Fiene, who was a Library Friends volunteer. The date does fall on a Sunday, but Mrs. Adamowski will open the Library for this private event. The time of the memorial is 11:00 AM. The Friends are inviting staff, Gail's neighbors, family, Friends members and, of course, the Board members.
Mrs. Adamowski also reported that there is an open position for a Business Associate II. She asked the Board members to help recruit applicants.
The July 17th board meeting will be a short one. President Metanchuk will close the board meeting after all business is completed and, immediately after, open a Planning Session meeting for a Strategic Planning discussion. She asked the Board members to prepare by thinking on the following 3 questions:
What do you want to continue?
What do you want to add?
What do you want to "sunset"?
The WPL 100 Year Celebration, which is scheduled for Oct. 14, 2023, is in the planning stages. At this time, the music is secured. Mrs. Adamowski hopes to have the food and beverages secured start of July. The Butterfly Donor wall continues to be a primary focus. A painter is coming this Friday to finalize the color of the paint for the youth floor, where the butterfly wall will be installed.
Mrs. Adamowski shared that WPL is a recipient of the 2023 Public Library Per Capita Grant in the amount of $79,605.75, given by the Office of the Secretary of State. This grant support is provided pursuant to Title 23 Illinois Administrative Code Part 3035: Section 3035.115; Public Library Per Capita and Equalization Aid Grants. Lastly, Mrs. Adamowski reported that she received a memorial donation for $33,333.33, which will go into the WPL Agency Endowment Fund.
VI. Unfinished Business: None
VII. New Business:
A. Motion to Approve Non-Resident Card Participation
Ms. Talapatra moved and Mrs. Morton seconded to approve the above motion.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Mrs. Fenne
Ms. Talapatra
Mr. Siemer
Ms. Staron
Mr. Herbach
Mrs. Morton
Mrs. Metanchuk
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Rammer
Mr. Lyon
Motion Carried
B. Motion to Approve Tax Method to Calculate Non-Resident Fees for Both Homeowners and Renters
Mr. Herbach moved and Mrs. Fenne seconded to approve the motion.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Mrs. Morton
Mr. Siemer
Ms. Talapatra
Mrs. Fenne
Mr. Herbach
Ms. Staron
Mrs. Metanchuk
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Rammer
Mr. Lyon
Motion Carried
C. Motion to Approve Reducing the Public Fax Fee from $1.00 to $.25 Per Page
Mrs. Adamowski and Mr. Sirovatka explained that the number of faxes done each month is decreasing and at this time the $1.00 charge far exceeds the costs of the actual fax, therefore, decreasing the fee is an equitable decision. It was noted that the faxes that are being done are ones needed for critical reasons, such as medical, taxes, school and banking correspondence. The fax service is done with the Simple Scan machine, which is located in the Tech Center and no incoming faxes are allowed, only outgoing faxes.
D. Motion to Approve Nomination Committee
Mrs. Metanchuk stated she would like to appoint Kathryn Staron, Chair, Bob Lyon and Simone Morton as the Nomination committee. Mrs. Fenne moved and Mrs. Talapatra seconded to accept the appointments.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Mr. Herbach
Mrs. Morton
Ms. Staron
Mrs. Fenne
Mr. Siemer
Ms. Talapatra
Mrs. Metanchuk
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Lyon
Mr. Rammer
Motion Carried
E. Motion to Approve the Finance Committee
Mrs. Metanchuk stated that she would like to appoint Christine Fenne, Chair, Steve Siemer and Al Herbach as the Finance committee. Ms. Talapatra moved and Ms. Staron seconded to approve the appointments.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Ms. Talapatra
Ms. Staron
Mrs. Fenne
Mr. Siemer
Mrs. Morton
Mr. Herbach
Mrs. Metanchuk
Nays: None
Absent: Mr. Lyon
Mr. Rammer
Motion Carried
VIII. Board Member Comments (Round the Table)
President Metanchuk is looking forward to welcoming the new Board Member, Dr. Robert Rammer, at the July Board Meeting. She knows he will be a great addition to the Board. She also acknowledged that the City of Wheaton is doing a Proclamation for Pride Month and recognizing Juneteenth. It was asked if more preparation should be done for the Strategic Planning Session. Mrs. Adamowski agreed to send out materials to help with the preparation and it was encouraged by all board members to visit a few libraries in the area.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business of the Wheaton Public Library Board of Trustees, Mr. Siemer moved and Mrs. Morton seconded that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was taken and the motion for adjournment carried at 7:382 p.m.