Cook County Independent Revenue Forecasting Commission met June 27.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Present: Chair Tanya Anthony, Dr. Natalie Davila, Dr. David Merriman, Dr. Paula Worthington
1. Logistics
It was requested that all participants attending the meeting virtually stay muted, and it was noted that registered speakers would be able to comment at the end of the meeting. Individuals who were not registered could sign up to speak in the chat. Members of the public attending the meeting in person could sign up to speak using the sign-up sheet in Room G. The meeting was recorded for public record. The meeting was called to order.
2. Opening Remarks
Chair Anthony welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for their hard work.
3. Approval of the Minutes from the Meeting of 04/27/2023
A motion was made by Comm. Merriman and seconded by Comm. Worthington, to approve the minutes from the meeting of 04/27/2023. There were no changes to the minutes. The motion was approved unanimously.
4. Preliminary budget forecast
Lindsay Hollander provided an overview of the recently released preliminary budget forecast for the General and Health Funds.
5. Long-term forecast updates
Ray Furlong presented the long-term forecast for the General Fund, including significant changes since the prior meeting, an update on sales tax forecast performance, and changes in economic trends. Lindsay Hollander presented the long-term forecast for the Health Fund, highlighting CountyCare membership and NPSR projections.
6. Upcoming meeting schedule and next steps
Lindsay Hollander provided future IRFC meeting dates. The dates are below.
July 26, 2023 3rd Quarter
August 24, 2023 IRFC Recommendations
October 26, 2023 4th Quarter
7. Public Comment
There were no registered public speakers in person or in the virtual chat. Chair Anthony opened it up to speakers that wanted to address the commission. None came forward.
8. Adjournment
A motion was made by Commissioner Merriman and seconded by Commissioner Davila to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously.