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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Wheaton Public Library Board met July 17

City of Wheaton Public Library Board met July 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order 

The Board of Trustees of the Wheaton Public Library held their regular Board meeting on Monday, July 17, 2023. Board President Laurie Metanchuk called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Members present in person at roll call: Christine Fenne, Bob, Lyon, Laurie Metanchuk, Steve Siemer, Kathryn Staron and Vallari Talapatra. Absent: Al Herbach, Simone Morton and Robert Rammer. Betsy Adamowski, Library Director, Dawn Kovacs, Deputy Director and Ed Sirovatka, IT/Facilities Manager, and Lisa Christell-Sandri, Library Finance/Business Office Manager and recording secretary for this meeting, were also in attendance.

II. Citizens to be Heard 


III. Introduction and Swearing-In of Newly Appointed Board Member Robert Rammer 

Due to the absence of Robert Rammer, his swearing in will occur at the August Board meeting.


IV. Minutes for the June 19, 2023 Board Meeting 

V. Minutes for the June 26, 2023 Finance Committee Meeting 

VI. Financial Reports for June 2023 and Bill Listing for July 2023 Payment 

Ms. Talapatra moved and Mrs. Fenne seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items. Mr. Lyon noted an error on the date of Gail Fiene's memorial. It was corrected from June 23 to July 23.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Ms. Staron

Ms. Talapatra

Mr. Lyon

Mr. Siemer

Mrs. Fenne

Mrs. Metanchuk

Nays: None

Absent: Mr. Herbach

Mrs. Morton

Mr. Rammer

Motion Carried

VII. Library Director's Board Report for June 2023 

Mrs. Adamowski stated that the Friends donated to the Wheaton Library Endowment fund in memory of Friends volunteer, Gail Fiene. A gold butterfly with an inscription will be placed on the Giving Tree at the memorial in July. Mrs. Adamowski also reported a new Business Office Associate has been hired.

VIII. Unfinished Business: None 

IX. New Business: 

A. Election of Officers for July 2023 – June 2024 

Mrs. Metanchuk stated that the election will have to be tabled until the August meeting as the Nomination Committee wasn't able to meet. Mr. Lyon moved and Mr. Siemer seconded to table the election of officers until the August meeting.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Mr. Siemer

Ms. Talapatra

Mr. Lyon

Ms. Staron

Mrs. Metanchuk

Nays: None

Absent: Mrs. Morton

Mr. Herbach

Mr. Rammer

Motion Carried

B. Motion to Approve Studio GC Proposal for Architectural and Interior Planning for the Library in  the Amount of $8,500 

Mrs. Fenne moved and Mr. Siemer seconded to approve the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Mrs. Fenne

Ms. Talapatra

Mr. Siemer

Mr. Lyon

Ms. Staron

Mrs. Metanchuk

Nays: None

Absent: Mr. Herbach

Mrs. Morton

Mr. Rammer

Motion Carried

X.  Board Member Comments (Round the Table) 

Mrs. Adamowski responded to a question about the timetable for the plaza project, saying that she has no update as of now, but approval of the architectural contract will be on the agenda in August. Ms. Talapatra said she enjoyed visiting the city library in Princeton, New Jersey.

XI. Adjournment 

There being no further business of the Wheaton Public Library Board of Trustees, Mrs. Metanchuk moved and Ms. Talapatra seconded that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was taken and the motion for adjournment carried at 7:21 p.m.
