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City of Waukegan City Council met Oct. 2

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City of Waukegan City Council met Oct. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Council of the City of Waukegan met in regular session on Monday, October 02, 2023 at 7:14 PM

Ann B. Taylor, Mayor | YouTube

City Council Chambers, City Hall. 100 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, Waukegan.

Mayor; Ann B. Taylor, City Clerk; Janet E. Kilkelly, City Treasurer; Dr. John R. Schwab, & Corporation Counsel; Stewart J. Weiss, were present.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: A. Roll Call

PRESENT:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman.

ABSENT:  None.

Procedural: B. Invocation by Pastor Eugene Roberson (First Corinthian Baptist Church North Chicago, IL.) / Pledge of Allegiance

Procedural: C. Mayor's Comments - At this time, Mayor Taylor shared her comments.  It should be noted that at this time, Mayor Taylor also announced her intention to do a Mayoral Veto on Ordinance 23—O—288.

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

Procedural: A. Proclamation - “Waukegan Fire Prevention Week, October 8 - 14, 2023 ”

Procedural: B. Proclamation - "October is Crime Prevention Month"

Procedural: C. Proclamation - "October is Women's Small Business Month in Waukegan"

Procedural: D. PLACEHOLDER - Proclamation for Miguel Angel Albarran - Will be presented October 16, 2023.

3. Audience Time

Rayon Edwards:  Nice to see Mayor finally leading City Council.  Shared his thoughts on Ordinance 23-O-288, and called the city council's decision nuts, and continued to share his thoughts on the legislation.  Encouraged the Aldermen to learn their jobs, and shared that he is tired of the politics and games.  Stated he is disappointed in the Mayor's Comments on Violence, and how she read them from a paper.  Spoke about the drive-by shooting near Edith Smith School.  Called our Waukegan Police Department's work 'trash' and spoke about all the money put into training.  Spoke about Downtown Waukegan and what he has witnessed. 

Brother Blanks:  B.A.M.M.  Spoke about a Pillar in the Community and peace on his transition.  Spoke about the efforts of the Waukegan Civilian Office of Police Accountability, and reiterated the importance to the Aldermen and Administration. 

Marc Schinton:  Resident for 31 years.  Shared that everytime something happens, they always have to reach out to other public entities.  Shared that District 60 and the City of Waukegan never work together and spoke about a few shooting related incidents, including one outside Edith Smith Middle School.  Shared that his wife was outside with another employee.  Explained that years go by and their actions go by without conquiences, and shared that everyone wants the violence to stop. Stressed that people will not move into the city if these actions of violence keep happening.  Stated that the ones getting hurt are the innocent bystanders.  

Cathy Charity:  Encouraged the Aldermen to do their homework.  Spoke about individuals seeking asylum.  Stated that Church of Joy is allegedly harboring illegal immigrants.  Shared that she hopes the city will not allow this activity.  Shared concerns regarding gunshots in the community.  Stated that nobody knows what they are doing, and these criminals have masks on.  Called the actions of these criminals part of a 'plandemic'.  Shared that on October 14 at 1:20 PM, FEMA will conduct a Nation Wide Test Alert. 

Clyde McLemore:  Stated that he sees the Mayor is allegedly paying off her campaign workers with high paying jobs.  Shared comments regarding certain personnel salaries and benefits, including those of an Assistant Finance Director, Former HR Director, and Chief of Staff.  Added that the Chief of Staff, George Bridges Jr, currently drives a city car which he stated is a 2020 Volkswagen registered to the City of Waukegan.  Referenced Mayor Taylor's 2021 campaign literature.  Stated when the COVID money runs out, which was a one time deal, Mayor Taylor will have to raise taxes. 

Carlos Smith:  223 Washington St.  Owner of 'A Crazy Place'.  Shared that he has never been scared, but is now scared hearing that there are talks of taking away his liquor license.  Stated he is hearing things, and would like discussions to happen face to face and speak to leadership.  He would like to have a meeting with the proper leadership at the city, so he knows what needs to be done regarding the liquor license or any hearing.  Spoke about the Waukegan Police Department, and touched base on a fight on Clayton and Genesee. 

Margaret Carrasco:  Stated it is a lie, regarding the Mayor having transparency at the beginning on the meeting.  Called Mayor Taylor a 'Fat Cat Mayor' and spoke about spending, including 3 luxury Chevrolet Tahoes.  Shared where the money should be allocated.  Shared that Mayor Taylor just decided to put cameras on Genesee St, and it shows how 'stupid' the mayor is.  Stated that it took her 2 years to realize there needed to be cameras down there.  Stated that the icing on the cake is Mayor Taylor slammed the new Aldermen in a demeaning way for lack of experience, but stated Mayor Taylor's experience is lacking as an alleged 'Lousy Dental Technician'.  Continued on comments about experience, and stated if Mayor Taylor keeps insulting them, they will keep insulting her. 

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)  Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Newsome to approve Consent Agenda items 7. A – D.

Action (Consent): A. Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from Monday, September 18, 2023.

Action (Consent): B. Motion to approve Regular Payroll dated September 22, 2023 in the total amount of $1,890,938.47. 

Action (Consent): C. Motion to approve Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT Cashout & Final Payouts) dated September 22, 2023 in the total amount of $43,393.54.

Action (Consent): D. Motion to approve vendor payments dated October 2, 2023 in the amount of $3,731,785.94. 

Consent Agenda Vote:

AYE:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman.    

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



5. Reports and Communication

6. Old Business

Action: A. Motion by Ald Bolton, second by Ald Guzman for Reconsideration Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement with the Waukegan Chamber of Commerce for office space at 100 N Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue - Extended Lease End Agreement Date of December 31, 2025 - yearly rent amount of $10.00 per year. [Motion to Reconsider by Ald. Bolton approved at September 8, 2023 Meeting] 

The resolution for reconsideration had a first and second, discussion and clarification provided by Ald Felix, Ald Martinez, Ald Turner, and Ald Bolton.

Mayor Taylor also invited Waukegan Chamber of Commerce Chairman Dr. Michael J. Reed to provide clarification to Aldermen.

Lease end date was reiterated: December 31, 2025 with the yearly rent rate of $10.00 per year.

AYE:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman.

NAY:  Ald Turner,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: B. Motion by Ald Bolton, second by Ald Florian to approve a Resolution approving amendments to the City of Waukegan's Purchasing Policy. [This matter was held over at the September 18, 2023 City Council meeting.] 

Corporation Counsel Weiss provided background on the proposed amendments for approval and addressed the concerns raised at the last meeting. 

Ald Guzman stated that the changes are there, and he is ready to move forward. 

AYE:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman.    

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



7. New Business

Action: A.  Motion by Ald Guzman, second by Ald Martinez to approve a Resolution Approving the Retention of an Interim Human Resources Director from GovTempsUSA, LLC. [This matter was heard by the Government Operations & Oversight Committee on October 2, 2023]

Mayor Taylor introduced Catherine Romanowski, HR Director.  Romanowski shared an introduction and comments.

Ald Turner asked Mayor Taylor about the length of this Resolution.  Mayor Taylor stated 3 months.  Ald Turner welcomed Romanowski.

Ald Martinez welcomed Romanowski.

AYE:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman.    

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: B.  Motion by Ald Bolton, second by Ald Florian to approve an Ordinance approving Zoning Calendar # 2730, an Amendment to an existing Conditional Use Permit for a revised parking and landscape plan at 2015 N. Lewis Avenue. [This matter was heard by the Community Development Committee on October 2, 2023.] 

Ald Guzman asked for clarification from the petitioner.  Petitioner provided clarification.  Planning and Zoning Director Noelle Kischer-Lepper also provided clarification to the Aldermen.  Ald Felix raised a question regarding the process, and asked the petitioner about how the process was for him.  Petitioner responded and shared his experience with the City of Waukegan regarding this process.  Ald Turner raised questions about the timeline of the process, asking the petitioner how long it look.  Petitioner stated 6 years.  Ald Florian made Aldermen aware of the cell-tower on the property.  Petitioner and Kischer-Lepper responded providing additional information.  Ald Felix asked petitioner if he was aware that some of the process he had to go through will be address in the Committee of the Whole on Oct 19, 2023.  Ald Martinez shared that this business is a staple in the community and he commended them for doing this work. 

AYE:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman.    

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: C.  Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Turner to approve a Resolution approving a settlement and release of all claims for Police Department Workers Compensation claim number 221103W015 for an amount not to exceed $37,550.50.

Risk Management is recommending the City Council approves the accepted settlement for $37,550.50. 

AYE:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman.    

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



Action: D.  Motion by Ald Martinez, second by Ald Donnenwirth to approve An Ordinance Amending the Waukegan Code of Ordinances Concerning Fees for Zoning Certificates and Closing Letters 

Ald Guzman raised concerns regarding the fee amount, and shared that he was rethinking his earlier thoughts, and would like to increase to $200 a piece.  Ald Turner disagreed with the proposed amendment. 

Proposed Amendment:  Motion by Ald Guzman, second by Ald Bolton to approve an Ordinance Amending the Waukegan Code of Ordinances Concerns Fees for Zoning Certificates and Closing Letters to $400 

Ald Bolton asked for further explanation for the audience benefit.  Building Commissioner Sellas provided clarification.  Ald Turner shared why he is not in favor of voting for fee increases.  Ald Hayes shares his comments on the recommendation of increases from Aldermen, and encouraged fellow Aldermen to use caution.  Ald Guzman responded to Ald Hayes comment, and explained he is looking to cover staff time and actions with the $400.00.  Ald Florian commented that Building Commissioner Sellas runs that department and did not ask for this amendment, and stressed that $400 is a lot for some people. 

Proposed Amendment Vote:

AYE:  Ald Felix,  Ald Guzman.    

NAY:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton.  

ABSENT:  None.



Mayor Taylor explained that we are now returning to the original motion.  Mayor Taylor called for the question: 

Original Motion Vote:

AYE:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Guzman.    

NAY:  Ald Turner,  Ald Bolton.  

ABSENT:  None.



Action: E.  Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Florian to approve a Resolution Approving and Authorizing Local Share Contribution for USDOT Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program Community Planning Grant. [This matter was heard by the Community Development Committee on October 2, 2023]

Ald Bolton asked for clarification, for the audience.  Mayor Taylor provided clarification, and invited Planning & Zoning Director Noelle Kischer-Lepper to provide further clarification from the committee.  Ald Turner asked for clarification regarding the connection with North Chicago.  Kischer-Lepper provided clarification.  Mayor Taylor explained there are two communities impacted by the Expressway.  Kischer-Lepper explained that it makes sense as it goes through both communities, and when you work together there is a better chance on this grant being more successful.  Mayor Taylor shared that working together is part of this grant process.  Ald Bolton confirmed these comments provided clarification.  

AYE:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman.    

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

Action A. Alderperson Time 

Ald Martinez: Spoke about 3rd ward having construction and Berwick boulevard starting construction this fall. Thanked Public Works Francisco and Alonso and asked residents to call him with any questions regarding potholes at 847.390.2689. Spoke about LRS, the new garbage company, welcomed Cafe Euforia and encourage everyone to visit, Homecoming parade having a great success and the Business Committee happening 3rd week of November.

Ald Felix: Spoke about NPR, PBS News interview he did regarding the Coal Ash and thanked Sen. Johnson Rep. Mayfield and Ald Bolton and other guests for taking part on this. Shared 4th ward clean-up happening October 7 location: Sheridan/Water Street and spoke about creating a new Committee. Addressed the Mayor about being new alderman and seeing things differently, spoke about the new Interim HR director and closing letter fees.

Ald Newsome: Shared about the a gas leak that happened on Glen Flora earlier during the day and asked for an update. She thanked everyone who helped. Jane Ferry from Public Relations shared that everyone was still working and trying to get the issue resolved.

Ald Turner:Spoke about the Chamber of Commerce contract and asked to receive a quarterly report from them.  Asked residents to take down signs for garage sales, lost pets and more. Asked people to reach out to him with any Public Works projects, spoke about LRS, and his attendance in IML. He shared that he represents the residents at large, he is an agent of the people, spoke about the Tahoes that were purchased by the city and said that his comments are not politically motivated.

Ald Donnenwirth: Thanked his constituents for calling. Asked everyone to keep their eyes open on the road, stay safe and call the police. Shared his dumpster dive happening on October 21st at Bowen Park.

Ald Florian:Thanked everyone who attended her ward meeting along with McCall School for hosting meeting. Shared that at her meeting, the following discussions took place: Airport runway replacement, apartment complex coming to 8th ward, marijuana, and casino revenue. Shared that she also attended the IML, met many great people including speaker Donna Brazil and water rates were discussed. Spoke about the success of Harbor Fest and shared that she supports the mayor’s veto decision.  

Ald Hayes: Agrees with Ald Turner regarding the Chamber of Commerce. Shared that he does not think that the city should be subletting space within City Hall. Supports mayors veto and spoke against the increase of Closing letter fees.

Ald Bolton: Ward clean up happening October 28th  between 8-12PM location: 8th/Adams street. Spoke about NPR, PBS News interview she did with alderman Felix regarding the Coal Ash. Shared the increase of hospital visits due to Coal ash issues, thanked previous administration and current mayor for doing something about this issue. Invited everyone to attend the Faith base community round table that meets every Thursday at 9:00AM and shared that she also attended IML.

Ald Guzman: Spoke about the mayor’s veto, imposing fees, property taxes, bonds with high interest, not wanting to raise property taxes and more. Spoke about Dunlay Ct parking, told everyone to be careful with pace and school buses. Shared his ward clean up October 14 from 8-12 location: Dugdale by the baseball field. Talked about streets being repaired in the ward this fall and told everyone Carl Schuman is a veteran liaison who can help residents. Told everyone to contact him so he can provide Mr. Schuman’s information.

Mayor Taylor shared closing remarks at this time.

10. Adjournment

Action: A. Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Florian to Adjourn at 9:23 PM.

AYE:  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman.

NAY:  Ald Turner.

ABSENT:  None.


