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City of Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board met May 14

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Wheaton Mayor Phil Suess | wheatonmayorphilsuess.com

Wheaton Mayor Phil Suess | wheatonmayorphilsuess.com

City of Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board met May 14

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call To Order and Roll Call Vote

Chair Aranas called the Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in-person and via zoom. Upon roll call, the following were:

Roll Call Vote

Present: Nicole Aranas

Chris Dabovich

Bob Gudmundson

Mark Plunkett

Dan Wanzung

Absent: Chris Derrick

Cecilia Horejs

City Staff Present: Dawn Didier, City Attorney

Tracy Jones, Staff Planner

Jim Kozik, Director of Planning and Economic Development

Joe Tebrugge, Director of Engineering

II. Approval of Minutes - April 23, 2024

The minutes were approved as presented.

III. Public Comment

There was none.

IV. Old Business

ZA #24-06/ Special Use Permit Amendment/ Cosley Zoo Parking - 1351 N. Gary Avenue/ Wheaton Park District

Chair Aranas reconvened the public hearing on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Chair Aranas reminded everyone in attendance that the Board is solely a recommending body. She added that the Board’s role in conducting this public hearing is to hear testimony from the applicant, any objectors, and other interested parties and then to make a recommendation to the City Council. The Board’s recommendation is not based on whether the Board likes or doesn’t like a particular project but instead is based on specific standards established for the issuance of a special use permit. These standards are set forth in Article 5.10 of the Wheaton Zoning Ordinance, and copies of them are also available on the table. She added that the City Council will make the final decision on this matter.

Chair Aranas stated that the Board would allow continued testimony from the objectors next.

Jeff Westergaard, 742 Ralph Court, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Westergaard presented traffic accident information. Based on this information, he stated that the proposed pedestrian crosswalk on Gary Avenue, which is an arterial street, is not safe.

Mr. Luetkehans stated that St. Mikes has a parking lot on the west side of West Street for parishioners. Mr. Luetkehans added the Knoch Park in Naperville also has a parking lot on the west side of West Street for patrons.

Bill Humecke, 1323 N. Carlton Avenue, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Humecke stated that the proposed parking lot would worsen the existing flooding/ drainage issues in the area.

Jennifer Humecke, 1323 N. Carlton Avenue, Wheaton was sworn in. Ms. Humecke stated that the proposed multimodal path on the east side of Gary Avenue would worsen safety issues for pedestrians in the area.

Tom Frederick, 1212 Naper Boulevard, Naperville was sworn in. Mr. Fredricks stated that they are circulating a petition for this item to be placed on the November ballot for consideration by the City Council. He added that the Knoch Park parking lot on the west side of West Street in Naperville is an overflow parking lot that is seldom used park by patrons. He questioned the claim by the Wheaton Park District that additional parking is needed.

Mr. Luetkehans stated that the petition was not relevant. He stated that the Knoch Park parking lot on the west side of West Street is actively used by park patrons. He added that additional parking is needed at the zoo on certain days, when the weather is nice or there is a special event.

Chair Aranas stated that the Board would allow public comment next.

Chris Gould, 945 Wheaton Oaks Drive, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Gould questioned how the 300-foot distance for the special use permit was measured.

Director Kozik stated that the 300-foot distance was measured directly across Gary Avenue.

Angela Stephenson, 1300 Champion Forest Court, Wheaton was sworn in. Ms. Stephenson stated that no zoo parking data has been collected by the Wheaton Park District. She suggested that Cosley Zoo rent parking spaces from the Wheaton Oaks Office Complex during high volume days/ evenings.

Joan Wegrezyn, 218 W. Forest Avenue, Wheaton was sworn in. Ms. Wegrezyn stated that the proposed parking lot would negatively impact property values in the area.

Sherry Bowne, 27W730 Swan Lake Drive, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Bowne stated that the proposed parking lot was safe, and the parking lot would not negatively impact the adjacent property values.

Paul Dirienzo, 762 W. Hawthorne Boulevard, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Dirienzo questioned whether Ms. Bowne was an appraiser.

Ms. Bowne stated that she was not an appraiser.

Tom Johnson, 325 W. Harrison Avenue, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Johnson questioned whether Ms. Bowne was a traffic engineer.

Ms. Bowne stated that she was not a traffic engineer.

Angela Stephenson, 1300 Champion Forest Court, Wheaton was sworn in. Ms. Stephenson questioned whether Ms. Bowne researched adjacent property values from before and after the construction of the existing staff parking lot and accessory buildings.

Ms. Bowne stated that she had not researched property values from before and after the construction of the existing staff parking lot and accessory buildings.

Chair Aranas stated that the Board would allow the rebuttal by applicant next.

Mr. Luetkehans recalled Shawn Benson. Mr. Luetkehans asked Mr. Benson how they determine whether emergency vehicles can access the site.

Mr. Benson stated that they use auto turn template software.

Mr. Johnson asked Mr. Benson whether a ladder truck could access the site.

Mr. Benson stated that to his knowledge a ladder truck could access the site.

Mr. Patterson asked Mr. Benson whether the plans were reviewed by the fire department.

Mr. Benson stated that the plans were submitted to the city, but he could not say whether they were reviewed by the fire department.

Chair Aranas stated that the Board would allow closing statements next.

Jeff Westergaard, 742 Ralph Court, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Westergaard stated that the proposed parking lot and pedestrian crosswalk are not safe.

Tom Knight, 795 W. Hawthorne Boulevard, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Knight stated that the proposed parking lot and pedestrian crosswalk are not safe.

Chuck Smith, 0N236 Woodland Drive, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Smith stated that the proposed parking lot and pedestrian crosswalk are not safe.

Angela Stephenson, 1300 Champion Forest Court, Wheaton was sworn in. Ms. Stephenson stated that no zoo

parking data has been collected by the Wheaton Park District. She suggested that Cosley Zoo rent parking spaces

from the Wheaton Oaks Office Complex during high volume days/ evenings.

Tom Johnson, 325 W. Harrison Avenue, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Johnson stated that emergency vehicles would have trouble maneuvering the site. He added that the proposed entrance configuration would cause visibility and flooding issues.

Tom Frederick, 1212 Naper Boulevard, Naperville was sworn in. Mr. Frederick stated that the proposed parking lot and pedestrian crosswalk are not safe. He stated that no vehicles currently circle the existing parking lot looking for a parking space. He argued that the 300-foot distance should be the walking distance.

Chair Aranas stated that the Board would allow the rebuttal by applicant next.

Mr. Luetkehans stated the proposed parking lot and pedestrian crosswalk are safe. Mr. Luetkehans added that he has personally seen vehicles circle the existing parking lot looking for a parking space. He added the 300-foot distance is measured as a straight distance across Gary Avenue, not as the walking distance.

Mr. Dabovich moved and then Mr. Gudmundson seconded the motion to close the public hearing, with the Board deciding to vote at their next regular meeting on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 7:00 pm. On a voice vote, all voted aye.

V. Miscellaneous

There was none.

VI. Adjournment

Mr. Plunkett moved and then Mr. Plunkett seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:42 p.m. On a voice vote, all voted aye.
