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City of Prospect Heights City Council met June 10

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Patrick Ludvigsen, City Mayor | City of Prospect Heights Website

Patrick Ludvigsen, City Mayor | City of Prospect Heights Website

City of Prospect Heights City Council met June 10

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - At 6:31 PM, Mayor Ludvigsen called to order the Regular Meeting of the Prospect Heights City Council at City Hall, 8 N Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070. 

City Clerk Prisiajniouk called roll. A quorum was present. 

ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT - Mayor Ludvigsen, Alderman - 

Mayor Ludvigsen, Alderman - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan- Adams, Dash, Dolick, Treasurer Tibbits, City Clerk Prisiajniouk 

ABSENT - None 

OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT - City Administrator Wade, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Director of Building and Development Peterson, Public Works Director Roscoe, Police Chief Caponigro, Assistant Finance Director Tannehill, Deputy Clerk Austin, Attorney Jim Hess, Digital Communication Technician Colvin. 

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Ludvigsen led the Pledge of Allegiance 


A. May 13, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 

B. May 13, 2024 City Council Executive Session Minutes (not for public release) – Alderman 

Morgan-Adams moved to approve the May 13, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes and Executive Session Minutes as presented; seconded by Alderman Anderson. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick 

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0 


A. Police/Fire Commission Annual Report to the City Council Presented by Chairperson Sharon Hoffman - Chairman Hoffman speaks on the highlights of the past year for the Fire/Police Commission. This past year's meetings were all held in person which was a great achievement after failing to do so in the past years since covid. Convened in 14 meetings the past year with 6 being in special session. The department responded to 12,533 service calls the past year which comes down to 35 calls a day which shows the dedication of the Police Department and all those involved. Chairman Hoffman shouts out Social Worker Rosangela Maldonado for her direct support to 527 families during this time frame, and for her compassion she always shows. With the revisions to the Public Safety Act Chairman Hoffman says how good of a job the department has done upholding the Public Safety Standards. She also states the importance of handling mental health services and how they are training for those specific services. Chairman Hoffman also highlights the implementation of body cameras and being active with community events. She also notes how staffing has been done with strategy and how that has made transition seamless. She mentions a few officers that have received and deserved promotions. To keep staffing where it needs to be there is a search for officers going on in which 28 interviews were completed this past weekend. In conclusion she thanks and appreciates the support of the council and is steadfast in continuing to help support the residents of Prospect Heights. 


A. Re-appointment of Scott Saewert to the Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors – Alderman Anderson moved to approve the re-appointment of Scott Saewert to the Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors; seconded by Alderman Cameron. There was unanimous approval. 

Scott spoke briefly on how the airport is doing and his appreciation for the city and all the work that they do. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5 - 0 



A. R-24-22 Staff Memo and Resolution Approving the Roszkowiak Subdivision - 201 W Kenilworth B. R-24-23 Staff Memo and Resolution Appointing Director and Alternate for the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County - Alderman Dolick moved for an omnibus motion to approve R-24-22 Staff Memo and Resolution Approving the Roszkowiak Subdivision - 201 W Kenilworth and R-24-23 Staff Memo and Resolution Appointing Director and Alternate for the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County; seconded by Alderman Cameron. 

Alderman Morgan-Adams asks a clarifying question about an item further on the agenda since both are dealing with the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County. City Administrator Wade explains the difference between the two and that one just gives the City the ability to add a director in the case that one is needed. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0 


A. Tabled from May 13, 2024 Meeting R-24-19 Staff Memo and Resolution Approving Bid Submission from J&K Painting for Police Department Station Remodeling and Painting Not to Exceed $30,500 – Alderman Dolick moved to approve R-24-19 as presented; seconded by Alderman Cameron 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5 - 0 

This meeting will be recorded and made available on your local Cable Channel, Prospect Heights Television, and our PHTV YouTube Channel via a link on the City website 


A. Requested Waiver of First Reading O-24-14 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations to create a buildable lot at 309 E. Palatine Rd., Prospect Heights, IL (1st Reading) - Alderman Dolick moved to approve the Wavier of First Reading O-24-14 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations to create a buildable lot at 309 E Palatine Rd, Prospect Heights, IL (1st Reading); seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams; There was unanimous approval 

 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0 

B. O-24-14 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations to create a buildable lot at 309 E. Palatine Rd., Prospect Heights, IL (2nd Reading) – Alderman Anderson moved to approve O-24-14 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations to create a buildable lot at 309 E Palatine Rd, Prospect Heights, IL (2nd Reading); seconded by Cameron. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0

C. Requested Waiver of First Reading O-24-15 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving Amendments to the Agreement Establishing the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County as a Municipal Joint Action Agency and to the Bylaws of the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (1st Reading) – Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve the Waiver of First Reading O-24-15 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving Amendments to the Agreement Establishing the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County as a Municipal Joint Action Agency and to the Bylaws of the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cooke County (1st Reading); seconded by Alderman Cameron. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0

D. O-24-15 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving Amendments to the Agreement Establishing the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County as a Municipal Joint Action Agency and to the Bylaws of the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (2nd Reading) – Alderman Morgan- Adams moved to approve O-24-15 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving Amendments to the Agreement Establishing the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County as a Municipal Joint Action Agency and to the Bylaws of the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (2nd Reading); seconded by Alderman Anderson. There was unanimous approval. 

This meeting will be recorded and made available on your local Cable Channel, Prospect Heights Television, and our PHTV YouTube Channel via a link on the City website 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0

E. 0-24-16 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving Planned Unit Development Amendments and Certain Variations for the Property Commonly Known as Prospect Crossing Shopping Center 1217-1297 N. Rand Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070 (1st Reading) 

Discussion of O-24-16. Alderman Morgan-Adams asks a clarifying question of the exact location where this will be taking place. Building and Development Director Peterson speaks about how there have been talks about future redevelopment and growth opportunities for two years and that this lot offers that. He goes into the work done by the owner and architect and discusses the different variations and plans that are going to be put into place. Alderman Dash asks if the new signs will be on the buildings. And then Mayor Ludvigsen asks a clarifying question about if those signs will be blocking any other signs. Manny is present and discusses the issues that might arise with Tony's. One being parking spaces and the other of his sign being blocked. 


City Clerk Prisiajniouk- Gives a reminder about a golf outing this coming Friday with the Greater Wheeling Area Chamber 

Alderman Anderson- Also gives a reminder about a golf outing this coming Monday with SAF Dollars for Scholars 214. She also states with this organization they recently gave out fourteen, four thousand dollar scholarships and all the families were extremely grateful. 

Building and Development Director Peterson- Announced that the PZBA has published that the Chicken Ordinance will be discussed at their meeting on June 26th. Alderman Dash asked if there would be enough space in the City Hall Chambers for the meeting. 

Director of Public Works Roscoe- Gives an update about the Wolf Road sidewalk project. Explains it was slightly delayed by some paper work but materials are being delivered and it's on its way. He also talked about the people on that road and the confusion with the delay that some people haven't mowed their front yard. There has been communication on what the residents are responsible for. Director Roscoe also mentioned all the summer events that are still to come. 

Assistant City Administrator Falcone- Gives a reminder about the Shredding Event this Saturday June 15th from 9am-12pm that will be held in the Metra Train Parking Lot. He also gives a reminder of how you can register for the Independence Day Parade coming up in July. 


A. Approval of Expenditures 

General Fund $135,286.89

Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00 

Tourism District $2,117.18

Solid Waste Fund $36,963.00 

Drug Enforcement Agency Fund $1,810.18 

Palatine Road Tax Increment Financing $0.00 

Special Service Area #1 $0.00 

Special Service Area #2 $0.00 

Special Service Area #3 $0.00 

Special Service Area #4 $0.00 

Special Service Area #5 $100.11 

Special Service Area - Constr #6 (Water Main) $0.00 

Special Service Area - #8 Levee Wall #37 $0.00 

Capital Improvements $0.00 

Special Service Area - Debt #6 $0.00 

Road Construction Debt $0.00 

Water Fund $11,358.79

Parking Fund $178.70

Sanitary Sewer Fund $10,670.38 

Road/Building Bond Escrow $15,593.40 

TOTAL $214,078.63

Wire Payments 

 05/31/2024 Payroll $178,773.84 

Debt Service Payments (Series 2010, 2013, 2018, 2020) $90,087.50 

TOTAL WARRANT $482,939.97

City Clerk Prisiajniouk read the warrants. 

Alderman Anderson moved to approve the warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Cameron to include a TOTAL of $214,078.63, 05/31/2024 Payroll of $178,773.84, Debt Service Payments (Series 2010, 2013, 2018, 2020) $90,087.50, and a TOTAL WARRANT of $482,939.97. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0

PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA MATTERS (Five Minute Time Limit) – The contractor for J&K Painting came to clear his name of some allegations that were thrown his way about him and his company. He discussed how his company is different than the other in question and he has never had any issues with his work. City Administrator Wade thanked him for coming and said the easiest way to clear his name was to come and speak in person. 



ADJOURNMENT – At 7:02 PM, Alderman Cameron moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Anderson. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0

Approved by the Prospect Heights City Council on this the 24th day of June, 2024. 




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