
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Waukegan City Council met July 15

Webp 13

Sylvia Sims Bolton, 1st Ward Alderperson | City of Waukegan Website

Sylvia Sims Bolton, 1st Ward Alderperson | City of Waukegan Website

City of Waukegan City Council met July 15

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

City Clerk; Janet E. Kilkelly, City Treasurer; Dr. John R. Schwab & Corporation Counsel; Stewart J. Weiss were present.

Mayor; Ann B. Taylor, was absent.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: A. Roll Call

PRESENT:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix, Ald Newsome.

ABSENT:  Mayor Taylor.

Motion by Ald Bolton, second by Ald Martinez to seat Ald Thomas J. Hayes as Chair/Presiding Officer at 7:08 PM.


Procedural: B. Invocation by Pastor Linda Ervin (Christian Faith Fellowship) / Pledge of Allegiance

Procedural: C. Mayor's Comments - At this time, Chair Hayes shared comments on behalf of Mayor Taylor. 

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

Information: A. PROCLAMATION: "Celebrating Marcelino Diaz for his 100th Birthday"

Action: B. Motion by Ald Bolton, second by Ald Guzman to Approve Alderman Felix's Draft and Sponsorship of a Resolution for Ceasefire Awareness and Advocacy in the City of Waukegan, Illinois

Ald Felix stated this was not the one that was the final one for approval, which was co-sponsored.  He read from the version he proposed. Ald Hayes said amendment should have been made during time read in. Ald Martinez suggested this item to be held over  since the Mayor isn't present.

AYE:  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Martinez.

ABSENT:  None.

ABSTAIN:  Ald Turner,  Ald Newsome.


3. Audience Time

Due to severe weather, Audience Time was postponed.

Motion by Ald Donnenwirth, second by Ald Martinez to move up consent and New Business items before Audience Time

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



At this time, disruption took place during the meeting, and a brief recess was conducted.  Alderpersons excused themselves from the chambers.

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)  Motion by Ald Donnenwirth, second by Ald Martinez to approve Consent Agenda items 4. A - H.

Action (Consent): A.  Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from Monday, July 01, 2024.

Action (Consent): B.  Ordinance approving Zoning Calendar #2750 - A Conditional Use Permit for a banquet hall in the B2 Community Shopping District, located at 1824 Audrey Nixon Blvd. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.]

Action (Consent): C.  Ordinance approving Zoning Calendar #V-1-24. the Vacation of the 500 block of South Thaxter Avenue for the amount of $30,367. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.] .

Action (Consent): D.  Ordinance approving Zoning Calendar #2753 - A Conditional Use Permit for a garage to repair and service trucks and trailers in the B3 General Commercial District, located at 525 S Thaxter Avenue. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.]

Action (Consent) E.  Ordinance approving Variances and granting a Conditional Use Permit for an auto body repair shop in the B3 General Commercial District, located at 3005 Central Avenue (Zoning Calendars #2756, 2757, 2758). [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.]

Action (Consent): F.  Motion to approve vendor payments dated July 15, 2024 in the amount of $1,827,773.23.

Action (Consent): G.  Motion to approve and ratify Regular Payroll dated July 12, 2024 in the total amount of $2,074,386.10.

Action (Consent): H.  Motion to approve and ratify Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT, EO & CS, Final Payouts and VEBA Cashout) dated July 12, 2024 in the total amount of $23,155.50.

Consent Agenda Vote:

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



5. Reports and Communication

6. Old Business

7. New Business  Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Martinez to omnibus New Business items 7.  B - J  &  L - R excluding items 7.  A,  &  K.

Action: A.  Motion Donnenwirth, second by Ald Turner to approve an Ordinance creating a Class F-1 Package Beer, Wine & Gasoline Sales Liquor license for Waukegan Bay located at 2930 Belvidere Road. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee July 1, 2024.]

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix.

NAY:  Ald Newsome.

ABSENT:  None.



Action (omnibus): B.  Resolution approving the 2024 CDBG Annual Action Plan

Action (omnibus): C.  Resolution approving the 2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)

Action (omnibus): D.  Ordinance approving to dispose of various surplus vehicles and equipment through Obenauf Auction Services, Inc. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): E.  Resolution approving change order #1 with Ciorba for construction engineering services for the repairs and replacements of three culverts for a not to exceed amount of $51,070.50. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): F.  Resolution approving engineering services from Bleck Engineering Company, Inc. per Sec. 2-458(i)(4)(Professional Services) for a not to exceed amount of $75,000.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): G.  Resolution approving the repaving of three streets by Peter Baker & Son Co. for a not to exceed amount of $159,978.25 per Sec. 2-458(i)(7)(Good Faith Waiver). [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus):H.  Resolution approving a Professional Service Agreement with Water Treatment Specialist, LLC per Sec. 2-458(i)(4)(Professional Services) for operational support services for the Water Department for a not to exceed amount of $85,000.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): I.  Resolution approving the re-award of the 2023-2025 Sludge Dewatering contract to P&H Senesac for a not to exceed amount of $167,950.00 for FY24-25. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): J.  Resolution approving the cleaning and repairs for the intakes at the Water Plant from Lindahl Marine Contractors, Inc. for a not to exceed amount of $87,750.00 per Sec. 2-458(i)(7)(Good Faith Waiver). [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action: K.  Motion by Ald Turner to approve a Resolution Approving a Traffic Calming Policy for the City of Waukegan [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Ald Hayes asked to hold this item over, due to safety concerns related to the weather.  Ald Turner stressed that he would like this item heard tonight, and voted on. Ald Felix asked what the amendments are. Ald Guzman shared that he would like to amend to the alderman's discretion. Ald Turner further explained that if the alderman requests a traffic calming device that would include speed pumps, speed bumps, rumble strips it would be up to the alderman's discretion and said that what the aldermen asked for is not on the agenda. Ald Hayes shared that this is not how the policy is drafted.   Ald Florian explained the reasoning for holding the item over, and included that other staff need to go over the procedure, including Risk Management and Public Works.

Ald Hayes asked to HOLD OVER this item.

Motion by Ald Guzman, second by Ald Felix to override the Aldermanic Hold Over:

Corporation Counsel Weiss shared that this item requires 6 votes to override.

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Felix.

NAY: Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Newsome.

ABSENT:  None.



Item will return to the Regular City Council Agenda on August 05, 2024.

Action (omnibus): L.  Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lake County Sheriff, concerning the Tactical Response Team. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): M.  Resolution approving change order #1 with Wiss, Janney, Elstener Associates, Inc. for engineering services for the Waukegan Municipal Garage Project for a not to exceed amount of $22,500.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): N.  A Resolution approving a settlement and release of all claims for Water Department Employee Compensation Claim Number 210513W002 in an amount not to exceed $300,000. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): O.  Resolution approving an LPA Joint Funding Agreement for construction work for a federally funded project to resurface North Avenue. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): P.  Resolution approving a construction inspection agreement with Baxter & Woodman per Sec. 2-458(i)(4)(Professional Services) for a not to exceed amount of $48,945.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): Q.  A Resolution authorizing a lease of MSA Gas Detection equipment from Air One Equipment, Inc. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on July 15, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): R.  A Resolution approving the procurement of scheduling and payroll software from TimeClock Plus, LLC. in an amount not to exceed $47,925.33. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on July 15, 2024.]

New Business omnibus vote:

AYE:  Ald Turner,  Ald Donnenwirth,  Ald Florian,  Ald Hayes,  Ald Bolton,  Ald Guzman,  Ald Martinez,  Ald Felix,  Ald Newsome.

NAY:  None.

ABSENT:  None.



8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

Alderperson Time

Due to severe weather, Alderperson Time was postponed.

10. Adjournment

Procedural: A. Motion by Ald Bolton, second by Ald Donnenwirth to Adjourn at 8:09 PM.

