
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cook County Health Board of Directors Finance Committee met Aug. 15

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Frank J Aguilar, County Board Commissioner, 16th District | Cook County Website

Frank J Aguilar, County Board Commissioner, 16th District | Cook County Website

Cook County Health Board of Directors Finance Committee met Aug. 15

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

I. Attendance/Call to Order 9:00 A.M./Chair Reiter

II. Public Testimony 

Members of the public can submit written testimony to be included in the official meeting record, or can register to present in-person or virtual oral testimony at the meeting. The written testimony or registration to testify should be submitted prior to August 14, 2024 at 3:00 P.M. Testimony is limited to three (3) minutes per person. Further information on how to submit written testimony or register to provide in-person or virtual oral testimony is included in the Meeting Notice and on the CCH website at https://cookcountyhealth.org/about/board-of-directors/

III. Action Items

A. Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting, July 18, 2024

B. Any Action Items listed under Sections III, IV, V and VI

IV. Proposed CCH FY2025 Preliminary Budget

A. Action Items: Minutes of the Special Finance Committee Meeting, convened July 26, 2024 for the purpose of introducing the proposed CCH FY2025 Preliminary Budget and conducting public hearings on August 2, 2024 and August 5, 2024 (informational meeting, no action taken)

B. Action Items: Review and consideration of proposed CCH FY2025 Preliminary Budget

V. Items under Chief Procurement Officer

A. Action Items: Contracts and Procurement Items (backup to follow)

B. Report of emergency purchases

VI. Items under Chief Financial Officer

A. Action Items: Receive and file CCH grant award-related items 

B. Report – June 2024 Financials

VII. Adjourn

The next regular meeting of the Finance Committee is scheduled for Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 10:00 A.M.

Committee Members:

Chair: Reiter

Members: Board Chair Taylor (Ex-Officio) and Directors Harrington and Robinson
