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City of Wheaton City Council met Aug. 5

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Mayor Philip J. Suess | City of Wheaton Website

Mayor Philip J. Suess | City of Wheaton Website

City of Wheaton City Council met Aug. 5

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call 

The regular Wheaton City Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Philip J. Suess. Upon roll call, the following were: 

Physically Present: Mayor Suess 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilman Brown 

Absent: Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

City Staff Physically Present: Michael Dzugan, City Manager 

Dawn Didier, City Attorney 

Jim Kozik, Director of Planning & Economic Development 

Joseph Tebrugge, Director of Engineering 

Robert Brill, Chief of Fire 

Vince Laoang, Director of Public Works 

Princeton Youker, Chief of Police 

Samuel Webb, Fleet Superintendent 

Susan Bishel, Public information Officer 

Andrea Rosedale, City Clerk 

City Staff Electronically Present: Nathan Plunkett, Street Superintendent 

2. Presentation 

Mayor Suess presided over the swearing-in ceremony for Police Officer Carlos Pliego, preceded by remarks from Princeton Youker, Chief of Police, who reported Officer Pliego is the City’s 16th lateral police officer to be sworn in. 

3. Citizens to be Heard 

Jennifer Fabian, CEO of People’s Resource Center, 201 S. Naperville Road, expressed gratitude to the City of Wheaton for their help and support throughout their project of planning and construction. She expressed appreciation of efforts from the Planning & Zoning Department and Building Department as well as the Milton Township Tax Authority. She stated they’re pleased to be on schedule to open next month to service thousands of neighbors in Wheaton and across DuPage County and plan to extend invitations to a grand opening celebration to be held in early 2025. 

4. Consent Agenda 

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilwoman Robbins seconded that the following action be taken on the Consent Agenda items:

1. Approve the minutes of Wheaton City Council Regular Meeting —July 15, 2024, as submitted. 

2. Adopt Resoiution R—2024—60, A Resolution Accepting the As-Constructed Above Ground Pubiic Improvements for Harwarden Crossing Subdivision. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Counciiman Barbier 

Counciiman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray—Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

5. First Reading of Ordinance, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wheaton Chapter 30, Article III & Appendix B (Fee Schedule) Relating to Fees for Emergency Medical Services City Manager Dzugan stated the ordinance increases the rate for emergency medical services/ambulance transports. He reflected upon past planning sessions which discussed new methodology used to calculate the rate of $2,910 which is based upon the Ground Emergency Medical Transport cost report for Medicare. He detailed the ordinance includes not billing residents for costs not covered by insurance sources, called no balance billing for residents. 

6. Adopt Resolution R-2024-61, A Resolution Approving the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Dated May 8, 2024 

Councilman Brown moved and Councilman Weller seconded that R—2024—61, A Resolution Approving the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Dated May 8, 2024, be adopted. 

City Manager Dzugan stated the recommendation from the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners amends certain provisions of the rules and regulations to reflect compliance with state statutes, updates to training and certification requirements, and to enhance the hiring of first responders includes updates to hiring requirements. 

In response to Councilman Weller, Chief Youker stated in terms of the educational requirements for police officers, the four-year degree is required in order to be promoted within the department. 

in response to Mayor Suess, Chief Youker stated Police Officers may come in with a four—year degree or through the newly adopted rules, complete their degree within two years of being employed. He detailed this allows the City to pursue great applicants prior to securing their degree. He detailed the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners reserves the right to waive educational requirements in some situations where a waiver is requested. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

7. Receive Planning and Zoning Board Report Re: ZA #24-10/ Corner Side Yard Setback Variation/ 1926 N. Summit Street/ Cynamon-Murphy 

Councilman Welier moved and Councilwoman Robbins seconded that Planning & Zoning Board Report Re: ZA #24-10/ Corner Side Yard Setback Variation/ 1926 N. Summit Street/ Cynamon—Murphy, be received. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilw0man Robbins 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

Pass Ordinance 0-2024-22, An Ordinance Granting a Corner Side Yard Setback Variation on a Certain Piece of Property Commonly Known as 1926 N. Summit Street - Cynamon-Murphy 

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilman Brown seconded a motion that Ordinance 0-2024-22, An Ordinance Granting a Corner Side Yard Setback Variation on a Certain Piece of Property Commonly Known as 1926 N. Summit Street — Cynamon-Murphy, be passed. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Barbier 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

8. Adopt Resolution R-2024-62, A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One (1) Replacement Aerial Bucket Truck from Altec Industries, Inc. through the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $122,845

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Weller seconded that R-2024-62, A Resoiution Authorizing the Purchase of One (1) Replacement Aerial Bucket Truck from Altec Industries, Inc. through the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $122,845, be adopted. 

City Manager Dzugan stated the current vehicle has 16 years of service with over 72,000 miles and the replacement truck is slightly under budget. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray—Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

9. Adopt Resolution R-2024-63, A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Up to Seven (7) Replacement Vehicles 

Councilman Brown moved and Councilman Barbier seconded that R—2024-63, A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Up to Seven (7) Replacement Vehicles, be adopted. 

In response to Councilman Barbier, $uperintendent Webb confirmed delivery of the vehicles within four to six months. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray—Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

10. Adopt Resolution R-2024-64, A Resolution Ratifying the Police Chief’s Execution of Quote No. Q 575636-45471.86ZJS with Axon Enterprises, Inc. for a One Year Lease of Fusus Camera Integration Software and Core Network Appliances for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $150,000 

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilwoman Robbins seconded that R-2024—64, A Resolution Ratifying the Police Chief’s Execution of Quote No. Q-575636-45471.862JS with Axon Enterprises, Inc. for a One Year Lease of Fusus Camera Integration Software and Core Network Appliances for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $150,000, be adopted.

City Manager Dzugan reported $50,000 has been received from a grant. He reported there is a pending application forthe remaining $100,000. He stated that depending upon the results of the grant, the item will return to Council as part ofthe budget process to discuss strategies to continue or end the program. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Counciiman Barbier 

Counciiman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

11. Adopt Resolution R-2024-65, A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One (1) 2024 Toyota Corolla LE Hybrid from Lombard Toyota for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $26,082.03 

Councilman Brown moved and Councilman Weller seconded that R-2024—65, A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One (1) 2024 Toyota Corolla LE Hybrid from Lombard Toyota for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $26,082.03, be adopted. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

12. Council Comment 

Councilman Barbier reflected upon his attendance at the Warrenville Days and Taste of Roselle. He reported he looks forward to the upcoming National Night Out in Wheaton on Tuesday. 

Mayor Suess reflected upon the 95m season of the Wheaton Municipal Band and thanked both the Band and Band Commission for their hard work. 

13. Approvalof Warrant 

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilman Brown seconded that Warrant No. 877 in the amount of $3,823,626.47, be approved. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Barbier 

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray—Parker 

Councilman Clousing 

Motion Carried Unanimouslv

14. Closed Session 

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Brown seconded a motion to go into Closed Session for the purpose to discuss the Review of Closed Session Minutes 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2l) and Personnei - City Manager Evaiuation 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) at 7:23 p.m. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Welier 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray—Parker 

Councilman Ciousing 

Motion Carried Unanimously

The City Council returned to the open portion of their meeting at 8:20 p.m. 

15. Adjournment 

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Brown seconded that the reguiar Wheaton City Council Meeting be adjourned at 8:21 p.m. 

Voice Vote: 

Ayes: Counciiwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weiler 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Nays: None 

Absent: Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Clousing

Motion Carried Unanimously
