
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, September 19, 2024

City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission met September 4

City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission met September 4.

Here are the agenda provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

II. Welcome

      The Community Relations Commission's purpose is to foster and promote understanding, mutual respect, cooperation, and positive relations in a diverse inclusive community. The Community Relations Commission is also to promote increased participation in all aspects of community life and a sense of shared community among all residents.

III. Welcome

IV. Roll Call

V. Approval of Minutes

      a. Approval of minutes from August 7, 2024

VI. Old Business

VII. New Business

      a. Festival of Cultures (WCRC program)

            i. Committee Reports

            ii. Day of Plan/Logistics (September 15)

            iii. Budget review

      b. Wheaton Gives Back (WCRC-led program with partners: Peoples Resource Center, Downtown Wheaton Association, and Wheaton Park District)

            i. Stuff-a-Truck unloading is scheduled for Friday, October 25

            ii. Wheaton Gives Back runs from October 1-31

                1. Meg has confirmed participation with our partners

                2. Identify a commissioner to take the lead on kicking off this program

VIII. Public Comment

IX. Adjournment
