
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, March 2, 2025

City of Wheaton City Council will meet March 3

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Erica Bray-Parker, City Council, At-Large | https://www.dailyherald.com

Erica Bray-Parker, City Council, At-Large | https://www.dailyherald.com

City of Wheaton City Council will meet March 3

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

• Join by computer/smartphone:

○ https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yQXPLKQCTjylvqwtSmzp4A 

○ Please register using the link above. After registering with your email address, you will receive a confirmation email containing a meeting link for access.

○ You will be automatically muted. If you would like to speak, click on the “Raise Hand” button to let the meeting administrator know you would like to speak. When it is your turn to speak, you will receive a notification that the meeting administrator is asking you to press “unmute.” Please announce your name and address before commenting and ensure you are in a quiet place.

• Join by phone: 312-626-6799, Meeting ID: 871 3440 4340 and Password: 591747

○ You will be automatically muted. If you would like to speak, you need to press *9 to raise your hand and let the meeting administrator know you would like to speak. Once it is your turn to speak, you will receive a notification asking you to press *6 to unmute yourself. Please announce your name and address before commenting and ensure you are in a quiet place.

• Public comments can be made by: 

○ In person at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 2025, during the Citizens to Be Heard portion of the meeting.

○ Virtually at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 2025, during the Citizens to Be Heard portion of the meeting.

○ Email the City Council at allcouncil@wheaton.il.us before 5:00 p.m. Monday, March 3, 2025. 

Pledge of Allegiance: Councilman Barbier

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Report of City Manager

IV. Report of City Attorney

V. Citizens to Be Heard

The opportunity to speak to the City Council is provided for those who have a specific question or comment on an agenda item or generally about the City of Wheaton. Please note that civility and a sense of decorum will be strictly followed. All speakers must address their comments to the Mayor. Speakers shall be courteous and should not make statements that are personally disrespectful to members of the City Council.

To make a public comment, you must request to be called on. When called upon, please announce your name and address before commenting. All public comments are limited to five (5) minutes, and each citizen will be permitted to speak only once. 

Members of the public were also given the opportunity to provide written comments prior to this meeting. Written comments will be recorded into the minutes and filed with the meeting record. 

VI. Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Minutes

1. 02 18 25 Draft Minutes

Wheaton City Council Regular Meeting Minutes – February 18, 2025, as submitted.

2. 02 24 25 Draft PH Minutes

Wheaton City Council Public Hearing Minutes – February 24, 2025, as submitted.

B. Consent Unfinished Business

C. Consent New Business

1. Consent Agenda New Business #1

A Resolution Authorizing the Approval and Release of Closed Session Minutes

2. Consent Agenda New Business #2

A Resolution Authorizing the Destruction of Audio or Video Recordings of Closed Session Meetings

3. Consent Agenda New Business #3

Application for a Class A Liquor License – Tequila Limon LLC d/b/a Tequila Limon – 230 W. Front Street

VII. Regular Agenda

A. Regular Unfinished Business

B. Regular New Business

1. Regular Agenda New Business #1

Reappointment to City Commission

2. Regular Agenda New Business #2

An Ordinance Authorizing the Signing of an Annexation Agreement 1703 N. Stoddard Avenue – Kretz (Five Votes Required)

3. Regular Agenda New Business #3

An Ordinance Annexing a Certain Property to the City of Wheaton, Illinois 1703 N. Stoddard Ave - Kretz

4. Regular Agenda New Business #4

An Ordinance Amending the Wheaton Zoning Map on Certain Property Commonly Known as 1703 N. Stoddard Avenue - Kretz

VIII. Council Comment

IX. Approval of Bills

A. Warrant No. 891

Warrant No. 891 - $1,498,216.90

X. Adjournment
