Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook
Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook
Village of Brighton Village Board will meet on March 3.
Here are the agenda provided by the board:
A. Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance:
B. Attendance Roll Call:
C. Approval of Board Minutes 2/3/25 (Voice Vote):
D. Approval of Treasurers Report (Voice Vote):
E. Approval of Bills (ROLL CALL):
F. Mayor Report:
G. Public Comment:
Committee Reports
A. Clerk Committee-2/12/25 Meeting Canceled
B. Economic Development Committee-2/4/25 No Quorum
C. Park Committee-2/13/25 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):
1. Action Item: Permission to spend up to $4,000 on Lent Fish Fry.
2. Action Item: Permission to spend up to $700 on Easter Egg Hunt.
D. Planning Committee- 2/6/25 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):
E. Public Safety-2/17/25 No Quorum
F. Public Works-2/24/25 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):
1. Action Item: Purchase two heaters for the sewer plant garage not to exceed $2,400.
G. Zoning Committee-2/18/25 Meeting Canceled:
Old Business:
A. Discuss/Possible Action: Derelict property on 103 School St.-Ordinance violation ticket issued.
B. Discuss/Possible Action: Ongoing Municipal building repairs
1. Discuss/Possible Action: Bid notice published and posted. Due March 12, 2025
2. Update lighting to LED:
3. Replace hot water heater: Quotes attached
4. Mold remediation: Duct cleaning/sanitizing quotes attached
New Business:
A. Discuss/Possible Action: Water Rate Increase Ordinance 2025-02