
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chicago GOP Chairman expresses disappointment after staffer is denied access to headquarters

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A Chicago GOP staffer was denied access to the Illinois Republican Party headquarters, prompting the Chicago Republican Party to express their disappointment.

The Chicago GOP staffer was told by a Rauner staffer that he was no longer permitted to use a desk within the office of the headquarters because of a press report that Chris Cleveland, Chairman of the Chicago GOP, was under consideration as a potential running mate for Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton), who is considering a gubernatorial bid.

"It's an unfortunate situation, but it arises because the Rauner campaign and the state party are one and the same," Cleveland told Chicago City Wire. "They need to be separated."

Chris Cleveland | http://www.43rdwardrepublicans.com/chris_cleveland

Ives started circulating candidacy petitions in October to challenge Gov. Rauner (R- Chicago) in the Republican primary in March. Ives will need 5,000 signatures by early December. She selected Rep. Rich Morthland to run with her as lieutenant governor, according to a letter Ives sent to supporters.

In a letter from Cleveland to the IL GOP’s State Central Committee, he says the state party also cut off access to the GOPDataCenter from members of the Chicago GOP, according to the Illinois Review.

“Consider what has happened here: the Rauner campaign has ordered the state party to cut off an elected, regular Republican organization, based purely on the rumor that the head of the organization *might* be working with a candidate in a primary against him,” Cleveland said in the letter. “To the best of my knowledge, the state central committee has neither endorsed nor slated Bruce Rauner. And given the widespread doubt within the Republican Party over his policy choices and his ability to execute, it seems to me that some dissent is warranted.”

According to the letter, this is not the first time the Chicago GOP has had discrepancies with the IL GOP.

“Our difficulties with the state party go beyond this recent behavior,” Cleveland said. “It has long been the position of senior staffers in the state party that the Chicago GOP should not be running candidates in the city. The theory is that this just 'activates' the other side and reminds them that there is an election. We in the Chicago GOP have rejected this position, and believe that a vigorous attack in the belly of the beast has many benefits.”

But whether you love him or hate him, this behavior is abusive, and the state central committee should not stand for it.

Cleveland succeeded Adam Robinson after Robinson resigned in 2016. Cleveland was the 43rd Ward Committeeman and served as the Vice Chairman of the Chicago GOP from April 2012 to May 2015.