
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

3rd Ward E-News for 3/4/22

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Contributed photo | www.cityofchicago.org

Clean and Green Day Announced, Chicago Public Safety Town Halls, Easter Egg Hunt, Park District Jobs.
In This Issue:
  • Citywide Clean and Green Day Announced
  • Chicago Public Safety Town Hall Meetings
  • PDNA South Loop Easter Egg Hunt
  • Park District Teen Opportunity Fair
  • Training to Serve on Police District Councils
  • LSC Application Deadline Extended
  • Intonation Spring Showcase
  • One Earth Film Festival
Training to Serve on Police District Councils
The Empowering communities for Public Safety ordinance that passed through City Council this past Summer creates the structure through which we will establish community control of the police. District Councils are the local arm of that structure, with the power to address local public safety concerns. There will be 22 District Councils, one for each police district, with 3 district councilors serving on each, making for a total of 66 positions.
We are beginning a series of workshops for those who are interested in running for their local District Council in the February 2023 elections. These workshops will go in depth into what running for your local District Council will look like, preparing people to gather the needed signatures in their police district, fundraise for their campaign, and successfully take up this position within their neighborhood. If you are seriously interested in running for your local district council, please fill out the information below.
The qualifications to run for your local District Council are:
  • Must satisfy qualifications for elected office under the Illinois Municipal Code
  • Must have resided in their police district for 365 days on the day of the election
  • Must not be a member of the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability
  • Must not have been employed by CPD, COPA, IPRA, or the Police Board in the past three years
  • Must gather signatures for a petition of 0.5% of the total number of registered voters in their district
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has extended the deadline for residents interested in applying for candidacy in the District’s 2022 Local School Council (LSC) elections. The new filing deadline is Wednesday, March 9 at 3 p.m. At-large community members who reside within the school's attendance area or voting district boundaries, as well as parents, staff, and students in their respective school communities can run for the opportunity to serve as a member on this important school-based council.
LSCs make important decisions about how students will be educated in their respective communities. LSCs approve budgets, select principals, renew principal contracts, evaluate a principal’s professional performance and approve the school-based academic plan. Voting will take place on April 20 for elementary schools and April 21 for high schools while student polls will take place April 18-19, 2022. New members begin their terms July 1, 2022.
Aldermanic Office of the Third Ward | 5046 South State Street, Chicago, IL 60609