
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Lake County Board met March 8

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Lake County Board met March 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:







1 22-0319

Special recognition honoring March 2022 as Women’s History Month.

2 22-0320

Special recognition promoting March 2022 as National Problem Gambling Awareness Month.

3 22-0391

Special recognition of 2022 Olympic U.S. Women’s Hockey Team Player, Megan Bozek, for her success and contributions to the Lake County community.





CONSENT AGENDA (Items 4 - 28)


4 22-0383

Minutes from February 8, 2022.


5 22-0390

Report of Claims Against Lake County, Illinois for the month of February 2022. Attachments: February 2022 Claims Agenda


6 22-0269

Report from Robin M. O’Connor, County Clerk, for the month of January, 2022.

7 22-0271

Report from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of January 2022.

8 22-0315

Report from John D. Idleburg, Sheriff, for the month of January 2022.

9 22-0247

Treasurer Holly Kim’s Cash and Investment Report September 2021.

10 22-0248

Treasurer Holly Kim’s Cash and Investment Report October 2021.

11 22-0335

Treasurer Holly Kim’s Cash and Investment Report November 2021.


12 22-0287

Resolution providing for the reappointment of John Idleburg as a member of the Lake County Housing Authority.


13 22-0234

Joint Resolution approving the Sixth Amendment to the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Program Year 2019 (PY 2019) Annual Action Plan (AAP).

∙ HUD requires the submission of an AAP and associated amendments to govern expenditure of federal housing and community development funding for each program year.

∙ Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus relief funds (CDBG-CV) and Emergency Solutions Grant Coronavirus relief funds (ESG-CV) reporting elements are included in the PY 2019 AAP regardless of the program year the activities are initiated.

∙ The sixth amendment to the PY 2019 AAP proposes the following changes:

o Reallocation of ESG-CV program administration funds for $100,000 to PADS Lake County - Emergency Shelter.

o Reallocation of ESG-CV funds for $100,000 from A Safe Place - Rapid Rehousing to A Safe Place - Emergency Shelter.

o Allocating unspent CDBG-CV funds for $60,000 to United Way 211 - Information and Referrals and for $20,000 to Community Development for 211 system administration.

14 22-0317

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) grant; and approving an emergency appropriation in the amount of $32,907.24.

∙ The TAA federal program provides funding for reemployment services to displaced workers who have lost their jobs as a result of increased imports or shifts in production outside the United States.

∙ The grant award of $32,907.24 is used for expenses associated with occupational training and transportation of the displaced workers and payment processing.

∙ The grant period is October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022.


15 22-0336

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Menoni and Mocogni, Inc., Highland Park, Illinois, for the purchase of sand, gravel, stone, and spoil removal services in an estimated amount of $272,150.

∙ The Purchasing Department prepared a shared-services bid to purchase materials including sand, gravel, stone, and spoil removal services for Lake County Public Works, Lake County Division of Transportation, the Village of Lincolnshire and the Village of Libertyville.

∙ The current contract expired on February 28, 2022.

∙ An invitation to bid was issued and extended to 15 qualified vendors, and sealed bids were received from two vendors, ranging from $272,150 to $304,057.

∙ Menoni and Mocogni, Inc., was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder who best meets the needs of the County in an estimated amount of $272,150, based upon unit pricing.

16 22-0242

Joint resolution authorizing emergency appropriations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 for the Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) capital funds, for projects previously approved and for additional revenue that has been received for the previous fiscal year.

∙ These projects and revenue were not included in the FY 2022 budget because the funds were allocated or made available in previous fiscal years.

∙ Without this action, these projects and revenue will not have the budget authority required.

∙ Due to the nature of transportation project work occurring over multiple years, this is a routine annual appropriation request to carry forward previously appropriated funds into the current fiscal year.

17 22-0252

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Cardno, Inc., Brookfield, Wisconsin, in the amount of $55,100 for ecological restoration management of wetland and upland buffer areas requiring native landscape maintenance.

∙ There was a public call for bids, and a total of three bids were received, ranging from $55,100 to $120,600, and the lowest responsible bidder is Cardno, Inc., in the amount of $55,100.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 22-00000-14-GM.

18 22-0254

Joint resolution appropriating $1,480,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for ice control salt materials needed for the 2022-2023 winter season.

∙ The Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) will participate in the County’s joint procurement process for the acquisition of ice control salt for the 2022-2023 winter season.

∙ Before a letting can be held, an appropriation of funds is required.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 23-00000-05-GM.

19 22-0255

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with H&H Electric Company, Franklin Park, Illinois, in the amount of $514,969.28 for the installation of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) PASSAGE Field Elements along various routes in Lake County, and appropriating $620,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

∙ The ITS PASSAGE Field Elements includes installation of 12 Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) cameras, 10,000 feet of fiber optic cable, two wireless connections, and one cellular connection to expand the Lake County PASSAGE network along various routes.

∙ There was a public call for bids, and a total of three bids were received, ranging from $514,969.28 to $733,483.68, and the lowest responsible bidder is H&H Electric Company, Franklin Park, Illinois, with a contract amount of $514,969.28.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program with construction planned to begin in 2022, and designated as Section 21-00268-24 -TL.

20 22-0256

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $566,286.30, for the resurfacing of Audrey Nixon Boulevard, from Jackson Street to Sheridan Road, and appropriating $680,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

∙ There was a public call for bids, and a total of four bids were received, ranging from $566,286.30 to $734,441.01, and the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $566,286.30.

∙ This resurfacing improvement is included in the Transportation Improvement Program with construction planned to begin in 2022, and designated as Section 17 -00260-02-RS.

21 22-0257

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $861,366.47 for the resurfacing of York House Road, from Delany Road to Illinois Route 131, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 1.39 miles, and appropriating $1,035,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

∙ There was a public call for bids, and a total of two bids were received, ranging from $861,366.47 to $1,082,524.78, and the lowest responsible bidder is Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $861,366.47.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program with construction planned to begin in 2022, and designated as Section 21-00155-08

22 22-0259

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with TranSystems Corporation, Schaumburg, Illinois, to provide Phase II design engineering services for improvements to the intersections of Russell Road with Kilbourne Road, Kenosha Road, and Lewis Avenue, at a maximum cost of $1,204,887 and appropriating $1,450,000 of Matching Tax funds.

∙ TranSystems Corporation, Schaumburg, Illinois, will be utilized to complete the Phase II design engineering services for intersection improvements along Russell Road at the intersections with Kilbourne Road, Kenosha Road, and Lewis Avenue along with the resurfacing and drainage improvements.

∙ Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.

∙ The Lake County Division of Transportation’s (LCDOT) Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.

∙ LCDOT received and evaluated Statements of Interest and Qualifications from 17 professional firms, of which three were short-listed and presented to a consultant selection committee.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 18-00999-57-EG.

23 22-0260

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Civiltech Engineering, Itasca, Illinois, for professional engineering services related to the Phase I Study of the Old McHenry Crossings improvement project, at a maximum cost of $243,315, and appropriating $295,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

∙ The current Phase I Study is evaluating possible improvements along Old McHenry Road, from Abbey Glenn Drive to Bonnie Lane, and along Quentin Road, from Old McHenry Road to Illinois Route 22, including a possible grade separation at the Canadian National railroad tracks and non-motorized improvements.

∙ Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.

∙ The Lake County Division of Transportation’s (LCDOT) Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.

∙ The selected firm has a satisfactory relationship with the Lake County Division of Transportation.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 19-00999-65-ES.

24 22-0261

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with TranSystems Corporation, Schaumburg, Illinois, for professional engineering services to design a multi-use path along Butterfield Road, from Gregg’s Parkway to Golf Road, at a maximum cost of $643,993, and appropriating $775,000 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.

∙ The 2010 Non-Motorized Travel Study identified priority gaps for non-motorized facilities along County highways. A multi-use path gap was identified along Butterfield Road, from Gregg’s Parkway to Golf Road.

∙ A consulting firm will be utilized to provide these professional engineering services.

∙ Lake County selects professional engineering firms in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.

∙ The Lake County Division of Transportation’s Consultant Selection Process has been approved by the Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the firm selected for this project was selected in accordance with this approved process.

∙ The selected firm has a satisfactory relationship with the Lake County Division of Transportation and was used to study the feasibility of a path along this segment of highway.

∙ This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 21-00137-19-BT.


25 22-0338

Resolution authorizing emergency appropriations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 in various funds for certain projects, items, and activities budgeted in the prior year and not completed.

∙ Since all unused appropriations lapse at the end of each fiscal year, it is necessary to “carry over” unspent budget authority from one fiscal year to the next under certain conditions as defined in the County's Budget Policies.

∙ These carryover requests include contracts which were unable to be completed in FY 2021 and uncompleted or ongoing projects that will not be complete until FY 2022.

∙ These items must be authorized through what is termed an “emergency appropriation” in order to transfer the budget authority that was previously granted in FY 2021 to FY 2022. The detailed accounts are included in the attachment.

26 22-0327

Resolution authorizing an agreement with Warehouse Direct, Des Plaines, Illinois, for the purchase of a new industrial floor scrubber for Lake County Facilities and Construction and authorizing a line-item transfer in the amount of $40,542.

∙ There is a need to purchase a new industrial floor scrubber for the facilities maintenance division.

∙ Facilities identified a cooperative purchasing contract with Warehouse Direct, Des Plaines, Illinois, through National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance to procure the replacement equipment that was competitively solicited and awarded.

∙ Pursuant to Chapter 33.115 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative Joint Purchasing, Lake County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for the procurement of goods with one or more public procurement units in accordance with an agreement entered between the participants.

∙ A line item transfer in the amount of $30,542 from Operational Supplies to Construction and Maintenance Equipment is necessary to fund this purchase.

∙ This resolution authorizes the cooperative purchasing contract with Warehouse Direct in the amount of $40,542.

27 22-0286

Resolution authorizing an agreement with DLT Solutions, of Herndon, Virginia, for staff augmentation services for system programming and operational support for two years in an amount not to exceed $182,400 annually.

∙ Enterprise Information Technology (EIT) recommends partnering with DLT Solutions for staff augmentation services that will provide system programming and operational support for the County’s Oracle “BOSS” system.

∙ This staff augmentation will help fill gaps left by recent staff attrition to keep the system secure and at production status.

∙ This agreement will not exceed $182,400 annually and will be funded through a line-item transfer from personnel to staff augmentation within the EIT FY2022 Budget.

∙ Pursuant to Chapter 33.115 Cooperative Joint Purchasing Authorized, the County may either participate in, sponsor, conduct, or administer a cooperative purchasing agreement for the procurement of goods, services, constructions or professional services with one or more public procurement units in accordance with an

agreement between those units to do so.

∙ A cooperative purchasing contract with DLT Solution, a Tech Data Company, has been identified through the General Services Administration (GSA) 70 GS-35F 267DA to procure needed goods, services, or professional services that have been competitively solicited and awarded.

28 22-0329

Resolution re-authorizing an emergency appropriation of $300,000 of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for temporary staff to support the Federal Emergency Rental Assistance (FERA) Program.

∙ On December 14, 2021, the Lake County Board approved the use of ARPA funding for temporary staff for the FERA program. However, the necessary authorizing budget information was not provided. This resolution clarifies the specific budget of expense only, that the County Board is approving.

∙ ARPA was signed into law on March 11, 2021. On May 19, 2021 the County received $67,646,879, half of the amount the County will receive in total from the US Treasury.

∙ The funds can be used for needs associated with public health, to counteract negative economic impacts, provide services to disproportionately impacted communities, for infrastructure, to provide premium pay, to replace lost revenue, and for administrative purposes during a period from March 3, 2021 to December 31, 2024.

∙ Lake County’s Federal Emergency Rental Assistance (FERA) Program consists of $20,646,762.50 from Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) and $16,336,816.90 from Emergency Rental Assistance 2 (ERA2) for a total of $36.983.579.40.

∙ FERA staff currently consists of 2 FTE and 6 full time temporary employees. These funds would allow for temporary staff to continue into 2022 and phase out as the program winds down.



29 22-0321

Resolution extending the declaration of emergency due to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Lake County, Illinois, until the Governor of Illinois lifts the State’s declaration of emergency, but no longer than April 12, 2022.

∙ On March 9, 2020, Illinois’ State Governor announced a state of emergency decree in response to COVID-19.

∙ Lake County took immediate action to mitigate the local impact and ensure continuity of governmental operations through the issuance of a declaration of emergency proclamation on March 13, 2020. It activated community mitigation plans and expedited response time without circumventing constitutional protections of its citizens.

∙ Subsequent extensions were approved by the Lake County Board. On February 8, 2022, the Lake County Board further extended the declaration until the Governor of Illinois lifted the State’s declaration of emergency but no later than March 8, 2022. The resolution also called for the continued operation of the Lake County Emergency Operations Plan and Lake County Health Department Emergency Operations Plan, pursuant to Illinois law, for at least 14 days after the termination of the declaration of emergency proclamation.

∙ This resolution further extends the proclamation until the Governor of Illinois lifts the State’s declaration of emergency, but no later than April 12, 2022, so that Lake County, by and through its Emergency Management Agency and Health Department, may continue to coordinate county and municipal resources and response activities. It suspends certain provisions and procedures for the conduct of county business in an effort to protect the health and safety of persons and provides emergency assistance pursuant to Illinois law.


30 22-0360

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Human Services Redeploy Illinois Grant; and approving an emergency appropriation in the amount of $212,493.

∙ The Redeploy Illinois Grant will provide community-based intervention services for youth in Lake County.

∙ Services include mental health, substance abuse, and delinquency intervention for youth in in underserved areas of Lake County.

∙ Contracts will be established for in-home and community-based Functional Family Therapy (FFT), and trauma informed training for all therapist and Juvenile Probation Officers.

∙ The grant period is July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

31 22-0358

Joint resolution temporarily suspending application fees charged to deputy sheriff applicants and correctional officer applicants.

∙ The Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO), in conjunction with Lake County Merit Commission, Lake County Human Resources Department, Lake County Administration and the Lake County Finance and Administrative Services Department, collaborated on methodologies to increase applications for vacancies for deputy sheriff applicants and correctional officer applicants. A consensus was reached that suspending application fees may increase the number of applicants for sheriff deputy and correctional officer’s applicants.

∙ The current application fee to apply as a sheriff deputy through the Lake County Merit Commission is $25.00 per applicant while the application fee to apply as a correction officer is $20.00 per applicant. McHenry County charges $25.00 for deputy sheriff applicants and does not charge correctional officer applicants. Kane and DuPage County charges $30.00 for deputy sheriff applicants and correctional officer applicants.

∙ Total revenue received by deputy sheriff applicants and correctional officer applicants total $7,000.00 on average per year and this revenue is used to offset approximately 80 percent of the written test costs. The offset for this loss of revenue will be a reduction of $5,000 in the Highway Patrol personnel budget:

101-3002110-51110 for Grade One Deputies and a reduction of $2,000 in Adult Correctional: 101-3007010-51110 for Correctional Officer application fees.

∙ LCSO and Merit Commission are requesting to temporarily suspend application fees for deputy sheriff applicants and correctional officer applicants to not discourage interested individuals from applying for the balance of Fiscal Year 2022.

32 22-0128

Joint resolution authorizing the acceptance and execution of a Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Violent Crime Reduction in Illinois Communities (VCRIC) grant awarded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) to the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office (LCSAO) to create a Domestic Violence Prevention Partnership (DVPP) with the North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic (NSLAC), including an emergency appropriation of $200,000 in federal funds.

∙ The LCSAO has applied for a Violent Crime Reduction in Illinois Communities grant through the ICJIA, with the NSLAC as a subgrantee.

∙ The grant term is for one year, with a period of April 1, 2022 through March 30, 2023.

∙ The LCSAO, who will act as lead agency, seeks to collaborate with the NSLAC as subgrantee, to reduce intimate partner violence by creating treatment opportunities for misdemeanor offenders and provide comprehensive services for victims.

∙ Program funding of $116,903 is allocated to the LCSAO and includes salary and benefits for a full-time DVPP Coordinator, training for staff and a laptop with accessories for the new position. The remaining $83,097 is allocated to the NSLAC for salary and benefits for a full-time Staff Attorney that has experience with domestic violence cases, marketing, and brochures to raise community awareness of this program. No match is required for this award.

∙ If funding for this program ends, and new funding is not secured, the program and the DVPP Coordinator position will be eliminated.


33 22-0384

Board of Health Report.

34 22-0297

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Comprehensive and Accessible Reemployment through Equitable Employment Recovery (CAREER) Dislocated Worker Grant and approving an emergency appropriation in the amount of $528,500.

∙ The WIOA CAREER Grant of $528,500 will fund employment and training services for dislocated workers that have been unemployed for an extended period of time.

∙ This grant will pay for training wages, tuition for occupational training and supportive services for 33 WIOA eligible dislocated workers.

∙ This grant will be used for a new position.

∙ The grant period is December 1, 2021 through August 19, 2023.

∙ If funding for this program ends, and new funding is not secured, the program and position will be eliminated.


35 22-0326

Resolution authorizing a real estate contract for the purchase of 20 North Martin Luther King Junior Avenue, Waukegan, Illinois in the amount of $205,000.

∙ The building owner at 20 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, Waukegan, Illinois contacted the County regarding the opportunity to purchase the building.

∙ There is an existing need to provide additional office space for the Coroner’s Office adjacent to the structure.

∙ Staff was provided direction by the Finance and Administrative Committee to negotiate a real estate contract with the owner.

∙ The funding will be reallocated within the FY2022 Capital Improvement budget and will be charged to 106-1103599-82010 (Capital Improvement Program - Long Term Capital Unallocated - Buildings and Structures).

∙ Staff has negotiated a real estate contract in the amount of $205,000 with the closing set on or before May 25, 2022.

36 22-0374

Resolution authorizing emergency appropriations totaling $40,590,433 of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to be distributed across ARPA categories in support of Lake County residents, communities, businesses, and County-wide operations and services related to COVID-19 Public Health Emergency recovery.

∙ The ARPA was signed into law on March 11, 2021. On May 19, 2021 the County received $67,646,879, half of the amount the County will receive in total from the US Treasury.

∙ The funds can be used for needs associated with public health, to counteract negative economic impacts, provide services to disproportionately impacted communities, for infrastructure, to provide premium pay, to replace lost revenue, and for administrative purposes during a period from March 3, 2021 to December 31, 2026.

∙ Project requests were provided to the County ARPA Staff Team and were reviewed, scored, and prioritized based on criteria that aligns with the US Treasury Guidance.

∙ County Administrator ARPA Phase I investment recommendations were reviewed on February 10, 2022 with the F&A Special Committee on COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery and Investment, with subsequent action on February 23 to bring the appropriation forward to the County Board.

∙ Authority to spend appropriated funds and execute any and all agreements with partners related to this allocation and distribution of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds is delegated to the County Administrator or their designee(s).

37 22-0378

Resolution suspending Section 8.8 COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Policy to the Employee Policies and Procedures Manual (Approved October 12, 2021).

∙ The County has made significant progress in reducing transmission of COVID-19 and increasing vaccination rates.

∙ Ongoing testing procedures impose costs on County resources that are not necessary in light of current pandemic conditions.


38 22-0288

Resolution providing for the appointment of Charles Nozicka as a member of the Lake County Housing Authority.


Adjourn this Regular September 2021 Session of the County Board of Lake County until April 12, 2022.
