
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Chicago Police Department Takes Pledge to Join 30×30 Initiative


Join 30×30 Initiative | CPD

Join 30×30 Initiative | CPD

CPD joins initiative to increase the representation of women in law enforcement nationally 

CHICAGO — Chicago Police Department (CPD) Superintendent David O. Brown today signed the 30x30 Pledge as part of a nationwide initiative to advance women in the policing profession.

"Through this pledge, we are making it a priority to strengthen equity and create pathways to success and leadership for women in law enforcement," said Superintendent Brown. "We will work to break down the barriers for women as we champion them through their careers."

Within CPD, women represent 25% of sworn officers and 27% of command staff leadership. Across the nation, women make up 12% of sworn officers and 3% of police leadership. The goal of the 30x30 Initiative is to increase the representation of women in police recruit classes to 30% by 2030.

“CPD is above average in terms of the number of women in the department and those holding command staff members, proactively signing the pledge shows the commitment that the agency has to diversity, equity and inclusion," said National Association of Women in Law Enforcement Executives (NAWLEE) Executive Director Kym Craven. “NAWLEE looks forward to supporting the efforts of CPD and our affiliate, the Chicago Association of Women in Law Enforcement (CAWLE) as they move forward with efforts to continue to increase the representation in the agency”.

CPD worked closely with CAWLE to join the 30x30 initiative. CAWLE shares in CPD's dedication to advance the platform women have in policing.

“It is imperative that we continue to advocate for the diversity and inclusion of women in policing, provide opportunities for advancement, mentorship in all ranks,” said CAWLE President and Founder Janice Brown. “Policing is still an honorable and noble career. We must continue to show our young women that they too can serve and protect their communities and beyond.”

CPD joins fellow law enforcement agencies in taking the pledge and committing to strengthening inclusivity and diversity for women. This pledge is just one step CPD is taking as it continues to broaden opportunities for women across all ranks and within senior leadership.

"We are taking this pledge for every woman who has served, is currently serving and will serve as a CPD officer," said CPD Chief of Recruitment and Retention Yolanda Talley. "I am honored to see firsthand our dedication to creating a brighter future for women in the law enforcement profession."

The 30x30 Initiative is a collaboration between NAWLEE and the Policing Project at NYU School of Law. Police leaders, researchers and professional organizations have joined together through this initiative to advocate for women in policing across the nation. 

Original source can be found here