
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

City of Winchester Board met Jan. 3

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Stephen A. Douglas Statue in Winchester Square | City of Winchester

Stephen A. Douglas Statue in Winchester Square | City of Winchester

City of Winchester Board met Jan. 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Winchester City Council held their monthly meeting January 3, 2024 at City Hall. 

Mayor McIntire called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the following council in attendance: Bill Jacquot, Terry Gregory, Ron Bell, Jeff Pittman, Melinda Hembrough, and City Clerk Teri Little. Tina Brown was absent. 

Also, in attendance were Wanda Cody, City Treasurer; John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney; Carmen Ensinger, Scott County Times; Steve Doolin, City Police Chief. 

Mayor McIntire led those attending the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer presented bills for approval. 

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to pay the bills as presented. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

Mayor McIntire asked for any corrections for the regular meeting minutes of December 6, 2023. 

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular December 6, 2023 meeting. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

Mayor McIntire asked for any corrections for the special meeting minutes of December 11, 2023. 

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Melinda Hembrough seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Special December 11, 2023 meeting. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

Greg Hillis was not present due other obligations. Mayor McIntire stated that Bids for the water main project will be opened on 01/18/2024 and will schedule a special council meeting to be held on 01/24/2024 to read and accept bid. 

Waiting on bids for library additional work. 

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer, passed out financial reports. 

The Miliken library CD will come due on 02/09/2024. She will get quotes from all 3 banks to see what options are. 

Terry Gregrory, Alderman, asked if TIF money could be utilized to demolition buildings in need in the area. Attorney Coonrod stated that there is a process to get to that point. There is a process to condemn, such as going to court to prove the building is not worthy of updating and a danger to safety to the public. This was in regards to the Hotel. Mayor McIntire stated he will get in contact with Mr. Whewell on his intentions for the property going forward. Will revisit. 

John Simmons, Supt of Public Works, Monthly report - Grave opening -3; Locate tickets — 7; Work order tickets - 7; Derik re-certified on gas OQ; Water leaks – 1; Cleaned streets; Cut brush on some side roads; Painted several gas meters sets, also painted and taped Regulator station piping; Work on water and gas valve locations; Installed new top light on backhoe; Haul several loads of rock to stock pile; Locating several abandon water services to cut off or charge services; Pre-bid meeting with Greg from Benton's several contractors showed up. 

Advised had total of 43 grave openings for 2023. 

Several areas in town that need attention. Need to get into contact with Hap Dawson's granddaughter about property. 

Also, want to see what can be done with hotel and maybe Brandts to get cleaned up. 

Right now, they are on a 4-man rotation for on call. Will need to look at personnel down the road. 

Wanting to send Jim and Randy to a water class as continued education. It is $190.00 a person and hotel are $120.00 a night for 3 nights. Randy is wanting to reacquire his water license. 

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve sending Randy and Jim to water class @ $190.00 a person and hotel at $120.00 per night. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

Would like to get high resolution jackets for each person. It is dangerous when working on the streets and workers not being visible. Council requested to get prices for next meeting. 

Public Emergency Meeting will possibly be on 02-14-2024. 

Steve Doolin, Police Chief, passed out December report. 

Animal complaint - 2; Assist EMS - 1; Assist outside agency (Police) – 4; Child exchange — 1; Domestic disturbance - 3; Fight - 1; Gas station drive off - 1; Harassment - 1; Property exchange - 1; Speak to an Officer - 24; Suspicious person - 1; Suspicious vehicle - 3; Theft – 1; Traffic control - 3; Traffic stops - citations - 1; Traffic Stops - verbal warnings - 3; Trespassing -2; Well-being checks - 6. 

Rex McIntire, Mayor, advised that the mowing contracts are due. Seems everyone is very happy with the Willis Mowing and Green Works past work. Recommended we stay with them for same contract prices. Will request current certificate of liability. 

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Ron Bell seconded to approve same contract price for mowing and request current certificate of liability. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

Been a busy month with Dorsey's hardware closing, Pa Paws restaurant has opened and the Papa's Subs is going strong. 

Scott County lost another long upstanding resident this month. Hank Gregory passed away. He was prominent in many things including and not limited to, family farming, working for Illinois Valley Paving and later UCM. Was also instrumental in opening the Morgan County Community Bank in Jacksonville. Hank wore many hats in his lifetime and will be truly missed. 

Joseph Hamilton has decided he would like to return to the city crew. The job he had taken was not what was expected. Mayor McIntire recommended re-hiring Hamilton as he is a good worker and he has the training 

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Melinda Hembrough seconded to approve the re-hire of Joseph Hamilton as city employee. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

Received annual check for $1000.00 to be used for the city from Bob Freesen. If family is ok with it will out towards the Lincoln Statue funds. 

John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney, received bids for new hay mowing contracts. 

Alex Brown $45.00 per bale cemetery only 

Chris Parker $45.00 per bale lagoons only 

Joseph Hamilton  $52.00 per bale for cemetery 

$52.00 per bale for lagoons 

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve bid for hay contract to Joseph Hamilton cemetery @ $52.00 and lagoons @ $52.00 for a 3-year period. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

No updates for municipal court. 

No Public Comments 

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Jeff Pittman second to adjourn 8:50 pm. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.
