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City of Waukegan City Council met Nov. 4

Webp 13

Sylvia Sims Bolton, 1st Ward Alderperson | City of Waukegan Website

Sylvia Sims Bolton, 1st Ward Alderperson | City of Waukegan Website

City of Waukegan City Council met Nov. 4

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor; Ann B. Taylor, City Clerk; Janet E. Kilkelly, City Treasurer; Dr. John R. Schwab & Corporation Counsel; Stewart J. Weiss were present.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: A. Roll Call

PRESENT: Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez.

ABSENT:  None.

Procedural: B. Invocation by Pastor Timothy Jones Rehoboth Church of God in Christ (COGIC) Waukegan, IL.) / Pledge of Allegiance - Ald Bolton shared invocation, in Pastor Jones absence.

Procedural: C. Mayor's Comments - At this time, Mayor Taylor shared her comments. In addition, Fire Chief Gregg M. Paiser provided an update from the Waukegan Fire Department.

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

Action: A. Moton by Ald Donnenwirth, second by Ald Bolton to approve RESOLUTION 24-R-277:  "Celebrating the Life of Daniel ‘Booner’ Dieck”


Information: B. PROCLAMATION:  "November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month"

Information: C. PROCLAMATION:  "November is Diabetes Awareness Month"

3. Audience Time

Margaret Carrasco: Shared concerns regarding tree program, and stated they are dead. COS Bridges Jr has allegedly been M.I.A., and possibly campaigning for Mayor Taylor. Spoke about application process for Fiesta Patrias, and stated her organization has not been provided communication for city sponsored events, when requested.

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately) Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Newsome to approve Consent Agenda items 4. A - D.

Action (Consent): A. Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from Monday, October 21, 2024.

Action (Consent): B. Motion to approve vendor payments dated November 4, 2024 totaling in the amount of $544,441.47.

Action (Consent): C. Motion to approve and ratify Regular Payroll dated November 01, 2024, in the total amount of $2,007,942.19.

Action (Consent): D. Motion to approve and ratify Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT Cashout and Final Payouts) dated November 01, 2024, in the total amount of $34,663.54.

Consent Agenda Vote:

AYE: Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez.

NAY: None.




5. Reports and Communication

Infromation: A. Treasurer Report by Dr. John R. Schwab

6. Old Business

Action: A. Motion by Ald Martinez, second by Ald Florian to approve a Resolution approving and authorizing the proper City Officials to renew professional services agreement with Nicole Large; per Sec. 2-458(i)(5)(Professional Services) for professional consulting services regarding researching/writing/management of local/state/federal grant funding and opportunities. (Presented and approved at Finance and Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024)

Ald Turner asked for her salary information to be provided. Mayor Taylor stated the information has been provided in their tables, and at their Aldermanic Briefings. Corporation Counsel Stewart J. Weiss provided clarification on the information within their packets, including independent contract information and salary. Ald Turner stated the last discussion highlighted a pay increase. Contractor Nicole Large provided clarification on overall information within the contract. Ald Guzman stated Ms. Large has recuperated far more in grants than her salary, over 2 million. Ms. Large elaborated further on accomplishments within the City of Waukegan, working with fellow City of Waukegan staff members. Ald Guzman stated Ms. Large is well worth the money.

AYE: Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez.

NAY: None.




7. New Business Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Florian to omnibus vote New Business items 7. A-R, excluding items 7. C(Held-Over in Committee),  F(Held-Over in Committee),  L, O(stricken from agenda),  &  R.

Action (omnibus): A. Resolution approving the Amendment of the 2024 CDBG Annual Action Plan

Action (omnibus): B.  A Resolution Approving a HOME Partnership Agreement

Action: C. Ordinance Amending Chapters 14 and 20 of the Waukegan Code of Ordinances regarding Short-Term Rentals. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 4, 2024]

HELD OVER IN COMMITTEE - held over until the December 2, 2024 Community Development Committee meeting.

Action (omnibus): D. Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 with Deigan Group for the Fansteel soil remediation project engineering. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 4, 2024]

Action (omnibus): E. Resolution approving Change Order No. 3 with Lake County Grading Company, LLC, for the Fansteel soil remediation project. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 4, 2024]

Action: F. Resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement with Outshaped, LLC, for the manufacture of a public art installation. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 4, 2024]


Action (omnibus): G. Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Northern Illinois Land Bank and appointing a community representative and alternates. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 4, 2024]

Action (omnibus): H. Resolution authorizing Amendment No. 2 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Waukegan and the Regional Transportation Authority Contract No. IGA-2017-62 for Pace Bus route improvements to expire on December 31, 2028. [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 4, 2024]

Action (omnibus): I. Resolution Approving a Settlement and Release of all Claims for Police Department Workers' Compensation Claim Numbers 24WC012299, 24WC012294, and 24WC012296 for an amount not to exceed $18,937.43. [This matter was presented to the Government Operations & Oversight Committee on November 4, 2024]

Action (omnibus): J. Resolution approving a settlement and release of all claims in Tina Shannon, et al. v. City of Waukegan, et al. for an amount not to exceed $320,000 [This matter was presented to the Government Operations and Oversight Committee on November 4, 2024].

Action (omnibus): K. Resolution approving the purchase of two Kubota UTV's from McCullough Implement Company per Sec. 2-458(i)(3)(Joint Purchasing) through Sourcewell for a not to exceed amount of $46,105.64. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on November 4, 2024.]

Action: L. Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Newsome to approve a Resolution Authorizing the City of Waukegan to Enter into a Two-Year Sub-Lease Agreement with Signature Flight Support LLC for a Tenant Space at the Waukegan International Airport for the Purpose of Establishing and Operating a 9-1-1 Call Answering and Dispatching Facility in an annual amount of $38,301.72[This matter was presented at the Special Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on November 4, 2024]

Mayor Taylor provided a breakdown on the cost of the space, elaborating on the deal that was well negotiated. Ald Guzman stated this should be free, as they are doing multiple upgrades and explained. Mayor Taylor stated this is currently not owned by the Port Authority, and at this point, she does not feel we would get this any cheaper.  In addition, Mayor Taylor stated we are receiving some money toward construction. Mayor Taylor called staff to provided clarification, including 911 Director Perfect, COS Bridges Jr, and IT Director Gardella. Ald Guzman stressed that it should be free. Director Perfect stated you would then be asking a city business to provide free property. Debate took place between Ald Guzman, Ald Florian, and Ald Turner, regarding Port District's involvement / alleged conflict, per Ald Guzman.

Motion by Ald Guzman to HOLD OVER item 7. L.

Ald Florian, Mayor Taylor, and Ald Hayes objected to this holdover.

Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Hayes to override Ald Guzman's Aldermanic hold-over.

Ald Martinez stated we need to do something quick, as this is facility is way overdue and outdated.

Corporation Counsel stated a two-thirds majority vote (7, including Mayor Taylor, is required - Aye to override, Nay to hold it over).  

AYE: Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Martinez, Mayor Taylor.

NAY: Ald Turner, Ald Guzman.




AYE: Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Martinez.

NAY: Ald Guzman.




Action (omnibus): M. Resolution approving the award of the 911 Communications Dispatch Consoles bid to Xybix Systems Inc. for a not to exceed amount of $267,084.15. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee Meeting on November 4, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): N. Resolution approving the purchase of Radio Dispatch Consoles from Motorola Solutions per Sec. 2-458(i)(1)(Sole Source) for a not to exceed amount of $1,559,834.08. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on November 4, 2024.]

Action: O. Resolution approving the purchase of SolaCom Technologies Inc. phone systems per Sec 2-458(i)(1)(Sole Source) for a not to exceed amount of $42,089.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on November 4, 2024.]  Item was stricken from the Committee/City Council Meeting Agenda.

Action (omnibus): P. Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Memorandum of Intent Regarding Establishment of a Joint Emergency Telephone System Board and Provision of Emergency Call Services between the City of Waukegan and its Prospective Client Communities, including the Villages of Winthrop Harbo and Tower Lakes and the City of Park City [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on November 4, 2024.]

Action (omnibus): Q. Ordinance amending sections 21-63 and 21-64 of the Waukegan Code of Ordinances to establish a four-way stop controlled intersection at West Ridgeland Avenue and Yeoman Street and a three-way stop-controlled intersection at Shields Drive and White Oak Drive. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on November 4, 2024.]

Action: R. Amendments to Special Events provisions and fees of City Code of Ordinances [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024]

Ald Newsome asked for clarification on the timeline for applications.  Mayor Taylor provided clarification, and discussion took place. Ald Newsome raised concerns regarding the timeline period (e.g. 90 days, and certain months for events). Discussion took place between Alderpersons, Mayor Taylor, and Corporation Counsel - at this time, it was ultimately decided to hold this item over until further attention is given to this amended ordinance. 

ITEM 7. R HELD OVER - held over until the November 18, 2024 main City Council meeting. Corporation Counsel will be addressing the comments provided, regarding (i) specifically excluding block parties from these requirements and (ii) addressing special events that may be scheduled during the first three months of the year given the 90 day application period.

New Business omnibus Vote:

AYE: Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez.

NAY: None.




8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

Alderperson Time

Ald Felix: Provided an update within his 4th Ward, and shared that he spoke with Waukegan Park District staff for their assistance within one of their properties to address concerns. Stated that Public Works has been doing a fantastic job with these requests, including but not limited to tree trimming concerns, for example, Butrick and Washington.  Shared that this helps people feel safe, and thanked COS Bridges Jr for his assistance. Spoke about his efforts on communication within his 4th Ward, and shared some of the changes he would like to implement within the 4th Ward, including more lighting for safety.  Mentioned 'Equal Hope' a resource within our community. Shared that he joined Nicole Large with tree planting efforts, and addressed comments about them being 'dead trees'. Shared information on the Guitar over Guns event that he attended.

Ald Newsome: Shared information regarding LRS efforts for leaf pick-up, and shared parking concerns with leaf pick-up. Asked residents to please abide by the alternate parking ordinances, and to use driveway during leaf pick-up dates. 

Ald Turner: Spoke about break-ins within the City of Waukegan, 6th Ward, and asked residents to secure their property the best they can. Spoke about large bonfire within the 6th Ward, which caused an issue where Fire Department responded. Encouraged residents to put the guns down during altercations. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Guzman to hear discussion regarding outside council for Alderpersons. Mayor Taylor stressed that Corporation Counsel represents the city, not the mayor directly. Corporation Counsel Weiss stated this cannot be voted on, but can be brought forward for discussion at a later meeting.

Ald Donnenwirth: Thanked City of Waukegan staff for their responsiveness and he truly appreciates their efforts. Spoke about City of Waukegan tree efforts, including residents who want them and don't want them. Spoke about LRS leaf pick-up efforts. Asked residents to stay safe, and if they see something, to please call the Waukegan Police Department.

Ald Florian: Spoke about leaf pick-up in the 8th Ward. Shared that tomorrow is an important day, Election Day.  Make an effort to get out and vote.

Ald Hayes: Pass - No Comment.

Ald Bolton:  Thanked City of Waukegan staff for their efforts, including Public Works and Human Resorces. Spoke about an event she attended within the 1st Ward at Umma Center. Spoke about their expansion efforts within the City of Waukegan. Acknowledged multiple anniversary dates for multiple houses of worship. 224-607-8445 please reach out to her with any concerns.

Ald Guzman: Apologies to Antonio and Jesus for the name mix-up earlier. Shared his satisfaction with grant writer Ms. Nicole Large and her efforts - glad it passed unanimously. Thanked Public Works Director Garland for his efforts addressing leaf pick-up hiccups in the 2nd Ward. Shared that he is going to inform residents to move their cars so leaves can be picked-up. Shared upcoming leaf pick-up dates with LRS, and stated they are doing a fantastic job. Shared that Halloween went well, and he gave out multiple bags of candy at his house. Shared that he is happy everyone had a Happy Halloween. Shared that tomorrow is Election Day and hopes that everyone goes out and votes. Shared information on upcoming Veteran's Day Holiday, November 11, 2024. Shared that he voted no on the 911 lease and would have been happy on a $0 dollar amount. Stated it still moves forward. November 16, 2024 from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM he will have a Ward Meeting at his home, 2300 Pearsall Parkway to discuss issues in the ward. Spoke about Revenue Allocation discussions during Committee of the Whole, and shared details within the presentation. Motion Ald Guzman, second by Ald Felix to place RAP money discussion on agenda, with details. Corporation Counsel Weiss asked Ald Guzman to put your plan in writing, and we can work on this together - place this into a resolution, and get two others to support it and it will go on the agenda for consideration and a vote. Corporation Counsel Weiss stated this won't go on the next agenda, but the following.  Ald Guzman continued his comments, and shared that Daylight Savings Time ended, and it is getting darker sooner, so please use caution and be vigilant when children are out, getting off buses, etc. Wished everyone a good evening.  

Ald Martinez: Thanked LRS for their efforts with leaf pick-up, and thanked Public Works Director Garland for his report on leaf pick-up within his 3rd ward, and shared examples on situations within the report. Shared upcoming dates for leaf pick-up within the 3rd Ward.  Recognized Grand Appliance on their 'Best Friend in Illinois Parks' Award. Thanked the Waukegan Park District for nominating Grand Appliance, who has been around since 1930. Shared his contract information with residents, should they need to get ahold of him. Encouraged residents to get out on Election Day, and vote. Asked residents to be safe, mindful and a good neighbor.

10. Adjournment

Procedural: A. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Florian to ADJOURN at 8:54 PM.

