After being accused of sexual harassment by activist Maryann Loncar today -- and a day after he helped pass the Equal Rights Amendment in the state House -- Rep. Lou Lang (D-Skokie) resigned from his leadership role as deputy majority leader.
Sen. Paul Schimpf (R-Waterloo), Senate Minority Leader William Brady (R-Bloomington) and Gov. Bruce Rauner reminded Illinoisans of the ultimate sacrifice made by soldiers at a Memorial Day Wall of Remembrance ceremony last week.
Popular in the House, a Republican-based bill to broaden the Developmental Disability and Mental Disability Act failed in committee due to Democrats' denial.
A debate over a resolution directing the auditor general to perform an assessment of the Ford Heights Public Library District brought harsh words during House debate May 10.
Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard) asked Rep. Marcus Evans (D-Chicago) if he found it ironic that the House chastises private businesses over thievery when lawmakers are the No. 1 entity stealing the most from taxpayers.