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Monday, March 17, 2025

Chicago Public Library Board of Directors Met March 21

Chicago Public Library Board of Directors

Chicago Public Library Board of Directors met Tuesday, March 21.

Open Session Minutes

Physically Present:

Linda Johnson Rice, Christopher Valenti, Lynn Lockwood, Patricia Gaytan Perez, Denise Gardner, Barbara Bowman, Jodi Block, Patricia Gaytan Perez

Present by Means of Video or Audio Conference:




President Rice announced that Director Josephine Gomez has stepped down from the Chicago Public Library Board of Directors. On behalf of the Chicago Public Library and the Board, President Rice thanked Director Gomez for her service to the City of Chicago and the Library for the past five years. The Board congratulates Director Gomez on her new role and wishes her well.

President Rice also welcomed Director Dominique Jordan Turner as the newest member of the Chicago Public Library Board of Directors, appointed January 2017. Director Turner is the President and CEO of Chicago Scholars, an organization whose mission is to select, train and mentor academically ambitious students from under-resourced communities to complete college and become the next generation of leaders. Director Turner is also the co-founder of Black Girls Lead, a supportive network for African American women leading nonprofits in Chicago, and previously served on the Chicago Board of Education.

Approval of the minutes (action required)

The Board voted (8-0) to approve the minutes of the January 17, 2017 meeting.

Election of Officers (action required)

Director Jodi Block represented the Nominating Committee and proposed the following slate of officers for the Chicago Public Library Board of Directors for 2017:

Linda Johnson Rice, President

Christopher Valenti, Vice President

Lynn Lockwood, Secretary

The Board voted (8-0) to approve the Chicago Public Library Board of Directors election of officers for 2017.

Policy Amendment: Rental Rates and Fees for Event Spaces (action required)

Baronica Roberson, Deputy Commissioner of Administration and Finance, presented an amendment to the rental rates and fees policy for event spaces at HWLC. The current policy states that in instances when those eligible for the Partner rate provide valuable, non-monetary considerations such as the placement of a desired exhibit or the training of CPL staff, these services can be considered and treated as “in-kind” payment and result in the Partner only covering the costs for set-up, catering, security and/or insurance if incurred. CPL would like to amend the policy to also include Partners that will provide monetary considerations as well such as direct under support for Chicago Public Library programs.

The Board voted (8-0) to approve and amend the policy on rental rates and fees for event spaces.

CPL Capital Projects and Facilities Report (info only)

Rodney Freeman, Assistant Commissioner of Central Library Services provided an update on the Thomas Hughes Children’s Library at HWLC which is currently under construction and Andrea Telli, Assistant Commissioner of Neighborhood Services presented the Capital Building Projects and Facilities report on neighborhood libraries.

Projects Under Construction

Thomas Hughes Children’s Library – Current activity: images were presented on the current condition of THCL. Construction is estimated to be complete by April 28th; materials and Children Services staff will begin to move into the space in early May; THCL will open to the public in Summer 2017.

Projects In Planning

Early Learning Spaces – Early Learning spaces have been completed at the West Englewood, Little Village and West Pullman branches; early learning spaces at Lozano, Legler, Budlong Woods and Toman branches are in progress for Q2 completion; For Q3, early learning spaces at Sulzer, Austin-Irving and South Chicago branches are in planning; and for Q4 planning is in place for early learning spaces at Thurgood Marshall, Woodson, Sherman Park and Kelly branches are forthcoming.

CPL-CHA Partnership – New libraries are being built for the Altgeld, Northtown, Roosevelt and Independence branches. Current Activity: the design firms selected for each branch include Perkins + Will for Northtown, John Ronan Architects for Independence and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill for Rooselevet. CHA will select the design firm for Altgeld, site to be confirmed at the next CHA Board meeting. Estimated completion date for all 4 branches is Dec 2018.

Whitney Young – Scope: Renovation and addition to the existing 10,400 sq. ft. library. Current activity: design development phase is progressing; issue date for 60% design development drawings is April 12th; anticipate groundbreaking in Fall 2017.

Major Maintenance and Repair Projects

Sulzer – Complete: new ADA automatic push pad operators on two sets of entry doors; new code-compliant fire alarm system; repairs to mechanical system, including two new chillers and refurbishment of existing cooling tower; upgrades to existing elevator; skylight replacement. In progress: new heavy gauge aluminum gutters; new windows and sills; new roofing system. Current activity: Alderman and OBM have approved additional funds; new BAS will be installed to help with temperature control; interior improvements is being priced to include reconfigured circulation desk, new flooring, drywall repairs, paint, lighting upgrades, staff lounge upgrade, and upgrades to the community room and auditorium.

Legler – Upcoming activity: children’s area to be closed March 20-31 for work in relation to the early learning area in the children’s room, including plaster and trim repairs, new paint and carpet throughout and other related items.

Mabel Manning – Current and upcoming activity: installation of new exterior security cameras; addition of new exterior, aluminum windows in the Community Room; notice to proceed for window repairs and security camera is anticipated in 2 weeks.

North Austin – Current and upcoming activity: pricing is in progress for electrical power and lighting upgrades in the public areas; door replacements and repairs; repairs to the Circulation Desk; flooring upgrades in public areas, stacks and cabinets; window sealing and miscellaneous tuck-pointing.

Blackstone – Current and upcoming activity: pricing is due next week and NTP is anticipated in late April; roofing repairs will begin once 2FM has the Notice to Proceed; remaining exterior work is tentatively scheduled to begin in the spring; once exterior repairs are complete and water infiltration has been fixed, interior repairs will begin.

Projects Under Construction

Woodson – Construction Update: Contractor – Ujamaa Construction

Scope: new terra cotta façade with metal panels in the rear of the building with matching color; new energy efficient and insulated windows, exterior doors and entrance with automatic push pads for accessibility; new curtain wall which will bring natural daylighting into lobby and 2nd floor; film with digital images applied on glass on south and southeast elevations; new energy efficient and insulated roof; new modern interior and exterior security cameras; renovation and modification to the lobby and monumental stairway; construction of two new 2nd floor study rooms.

Current activity: demo to south façade is complete with new structural steel going up; windows are installed on the east façade; all masonry repairs are complete and metal panel will be going up in a few weeks; the new terra cotta panels are being shipped from Germany in early May and assuming no customs issues, anticipate they will begin going up at the end of May.

Commissioner’s Report (info only)

Jason Driver and Katie Eckert of CPL’s Children Services department announced the 2017 Rahm’s Readers Summer Learning Challenge. CPL is entering our 40th year of summer programing and as with previous years, children will be challenged to Read, Discover and Create by reading a total of 500 minutes over the summer (20 min/day); discover by learning about something new and creating one thing over the summer. To halt the decline in learning that children typically experience during out of school time, this year’s theme is Superhero Science where children will fight the Evil Dr. Brain Drain to stop the summer slide and also find a way to be a hero in their community while engaging in meaningful play. All participants in the Rahm’s Little Readers program will receive a free book courtesy of KPMG and the Museum of Science and Industry will also have Summer Brain games that are super hero themed. The Summer Learning Challenge will be held June 19th – September 1st and will be available at all CPL locations.

Commissioner Bannon also updated the Board on the following:

The City of Chicago and Chicago Public Library offer a resolution in honor of Amanda Sullivan Rudd, the first woman and only African American to serve as Commissioner of the Chicago Public Library.

CPL will host the Mayor Harold Washington Commemorative Keynote Program on Monday, May 15th. In this program, Valerie Jarrett will be in conversation with Dr. Adam Green to reflect on Ms. Jarrett’s time within Mayor Washington’s administration.

On March 11th and 12th, Chicago Public Library collaborated with Joffrey Ballet and Joffrey Academy of Dance to present the winners of the Winning Works Choreographic Competition in free public performances at the Harold Washington Library Center.

CPL has become the first public library to provide access to the HistoryMakers digital archive – the largest African American oral history collection and also adding new resources to our special collections this year. Additionally, CPL will be hosting the annual Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) conference next month.

CPL staff and members of the Board participated in the Library Legislative Luncheon on Feb 6th that allowed for librarians, staff and students to meet legislators and discuss challenges that are affecting libraries and the communities that they serve. And on Feb 16th, Commissioner Bannon participated in a panel discussion alongside Eugene Jones, CEO of the Chicago Housing Authority and Lynn Osmond, President and CEO of the Chicago Architecture Foundation on “A New Vision for Revitalizing Communities through Libraries, Housing, and Civic Architecture”.

Chicago Public Library Foundation Report (info only)

Darcy Evon, Chief Development Officer for the Chicago Public Library Foundation, delivered the Foundation report and highlighted the following:

In 2016, CPLF provided more than $5mil in budget support for a range of strategic programming at the Library.

We are in discussions with Allstate and BMO Harris regarding major support for YOUmedia

Macy’s has contributed $25,000 and a window display that will feature the Rahm’s Readers Summer Learning Challenge

Boeing has committed to $50,000 for the Summer Learning Challenge as well

The 2018 Library budget request is on track to be approved by the Foundation Board in June 2017

The Junior Board will host the Night in the Stacks event on March 31st; the event is now sold out

The Carl Sandburg dinner will be held on October 11th; an announcement on this year’s honorees is forthcoming

Other Business

Commissioner Bannon referenced the potential impact of President Trump’s recommended budget that was recently released. The draft included budget reductions to, and the elimination of, a number of government agencies including the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Launched 20 years ago, IMLS is the main federal funder of local libraries and museums across the United States. It had a budget of $230 million last year. Most of this funding is distributed through a per-capita formula to public libraries through the 50 state Libraries. For Illinois, these funds are received by the Secretary of State’s office. The funds are pooled with other state funds and then distributed to public libraries in Illinois. Given this, a portion of the Chicago Public Library annual state grant could be impacted if the federal IMLS funds are eliminated. If this grant is reduced from the state, it could impact library services. We are working with the state library and City of Chicago to better understand the implications.

Public Comment

Comments from the audience were received regarding recognition of the late Mayor Harold Washington’s Birthday, more accessibility for patrons that are visually impaired and the Summer Learning Challenge being offered at Independence Park for patrons of the Independence Library.

Next Board Meeting

The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at the Edgewater Branch located at 6000 N. Broadway.

Commissioner’s Report

Special Guests: Jason Driver and Katie Eckert

Amanda S. Rudd

The City of Chicago, Chicago Public Library and the Chicago Public Library Board of Directors, are pleased to honor Amanda Sullivan Rudd, a dedicated and passionate librarian and the first ever African American Commissioner of Chicago Public Library, for her exceptional and inspiring life. On September 16, 1981, Amanda Sullivan Rudd became the first ever African American Commissioner of Chicago Public Library, where she served until her retirement on February 27, 1985. Amanda Sullivan Rudd passed at the age of 93 on February 11, 2017, the City of Chicago, Chicago Public Library and the national library community sustained a great loss. Commissioner Rudd will be remembered as an avid lover of children's books, crossword puzzles and Bridge, and as an enthusiastic world traveler.

Harold Washington Summit Commemorative Keynote Program

On Monday, May 15 at 6 p.m., CPL will host the Mayor Harold Washington Commemorative Keynote Program: Valerie Jarrett in Conversation with Dr. Adam Green in the Cindy Pritzker Auditorium. In this program, Ms. Jarrett will converse with Dr. Adam Green to reflect on her time within Mayor Washington’s administration and ways in which his groundbreaking time in office helped pave the way to the presidency of Barack Obama. This event is presented in commemoration of the legacy of Mayor Harold Washington and in partnership with the Mayor Harold Washington Legacy Committee, The HistoryMakers and the Chicago Urban League. Valerie Jarrett has had a distinguished career, most recently acting as Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama. Prior to that, she worked in the administrations of Mayors Harold Washington and Richard M. Daley.

CPL collaboration with Joffrey Ballet and Joffrey Academy of Dance

Chicago Public Library collaborated with Joffrey Ballet and Joffrey Academy of Dance to present the winners of the Winning Works Choreographic Competition in free public performances at the Harold Washington Library Center. Three public programs were presented on March 11th and 12th. The Winning Works Choreographic Competition was created to recognize talented and emerging choreographers and to provide them with a platform to showcase their original and innovative work. Joffrey put out a national call for ALAANA (African, Latino (a), Asian, Arab and Native American) artists to submit applications and from those submissions, four emerging choreographers were selected for this honor. These choreographers' world premiere works were showcased on the members of the Joffrey Academy Trainee Program and Joffrey Studio Company in Winning Works 2017, presented in collaboration with Chicago Public Library.

Digital and Special Collections Update

CPL has just become the first public library to provide access to the HistoryMakers digital archive – the largest African American oral history collection – to all our cardholders. We’re also adding exciting resources to our special collections this year, including the Developing Communities Project (DCP) Archive – papers from the organization originally led by Barack Obama when he was a community organizer, Charlie Trotter's papers and those of Reverend Clay Evans.

We'll be hosting the annual Digital Public Library of America conference next month. The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world.

CPL Public Engagement

Commissioner Bannon, CPL staff and members of the Board attended the Library Legislative Luncheon on Feb 6, 2017, an event hosted by the Illinois Library Association. The occasion allowed for librarians, staff and students to meet legislators and discuss challenges that are affecting libraries and the communities that they serve. Commissioner Bannon was a presenter at the event alongside Scott Walter, University Librarian at DePaul University.

On Feb 16, 2017, Commissioner Bannon also participated in a discussion alongside Eugene Jones, CEO of the Chicago Housing Authority and Lynn Osmond, President and CEO of the Chicago Architecture Foundation in a panel hosted by the City Club of Chicago on “A New Vision for Revitalizing Communities through Libraries, Housing, and Civic Architecture”.

Chicago Public Library Foundation Report

The Chicago Public Library Foundation Board and Staff are pleased to present this report to the Chicago Public Library Board, bringing you up to date on the positive results of our collaborative fundraising activities since mid-November.

We have closed the books on a successful 2016, during which time we provided more than $5 million in budget support for a range of outstanding strategic priority programs at the Library.

Highlights of recent grant activity include:

We are encouraged by discussions for major support for YOUmedia from Allstate and BMO Harris; we expect an announcement to be made in the weeks ahead.

Macy’s contributed $25,000 and a window display that will feature the Summer Learning Challenge.

And, Boeing committed $50,000 to the Summer Learning Challenge.

The new budget process and timeline are going well with strong collaboration between the Library and Foundation. The 2018 Library Budget Request is on track to be approved in June 2017 by the Foundation Board.

Thanks to everyone who is supporting the Junior Board’s Night in the Stacks event on March 31; we are excited to announce that the event is now sold out. You may still purchase raffle tickets at the CPLFoundation.org website; the packages have some great items.

Finally, the Carl Sandburg dinner will be held on October 11, 2017. Watch for an announcement in early April on this year’s honorees, who are impressive.
