
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Illinois Liquor Control Commission met January 18.

Illinois Liquor Control Commission met Jan. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Call the Roll: Constance Beard, Chairperson Cynthia Cronin Calhill, Commissioner Maria Saldana Commissioner Thomas Gibbons, Commissioner

Also Present: Ivan Fernandez, Director, Enforcement Division Dusanka Marijan, Licensing Administrator Richard Haymaker, Administrative Law Judge Kristen Sweat, Industry Education Manager Lee Roupas, Industry Education Mary McNulty, Commission Secretary

I. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Commissioner Cahill to approve and release the minutes of the December 8, 2016 Business Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gibbons and unanimously approved by the Commission.

II. Licensing Division

DuSanka Marijan stated that online renewals are continuing to increase exponentially. There will also be a vacancy at the Springfield office for a licensing position. Tara Womack was promoted to Office Administrative Assistant Supervisor and has been extremely instrumental in licensing division. Gentax has been upgraded; version 10 is active and staff is responding well to the transition.

III. Enforcement Division

Ivan Fernandez stated that the LC-13 Program is currently partnered with 31 local

agencies and has trained 158 inspectors. Coles, Mercer County and Morton Grove will be trained in the coming months.

Staff was able to complete to SAM details in December due to weather (some were cancelled); We currently have 26 contracted minors.

Commissioner Cahill requested that a hearing be held for any SAM violation that occurred downstate.

IV. Industry Education

Kristie Sweat stated that there are currently 124,244 individuals who are BASSET certified. She and Lee Roupas are in the process of planning the College Town Summit which will be hosted by Western Illinois University.

V. Legal Division

Sean O'Leary stated that a draft of the "of value' regulations have been released to interested parties. In the upcoming year, staff will review coupons and trade practice policies.

VI. ALJ Recommendations

See attached for approved ALJ recommendations.

VII. Adjournment

Commissioner Saldana made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded

by Commissioner O'Connell. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 1:41 pm.
