
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Illinois Liquor Control Commission met February 7.

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Illinois Liquor Control Commission met Feb. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Call the Roll:

Constance Beard, Chair

Donald O’Connell, Commissioner

Cynthia Cronin Cahill, Commissioner

Maria Saldana, Commissioner

Patricia Pulido Sanchez, Commissioner

Also Present:

Donovan Borvan, Executive Director

Sean O’Leary, Chief Legal Counsel

Dusanka Marijan, Licensing Administrator

Kevin Glinski, Special Agent I

Joseph Z. Jones, Enforcement Division

Lee Roupas, BASSET Manager

Meagan Sharkey, Acting Commission Secretary

I. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Commissioner O’Connell to approve the release of the minutes of the October 18, 2017 Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Saldana. The motion was unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Commissioner O’Connell to approve the release of the minutes of the December 13, 2017 Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cahill. The motion was unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Commissioner Saldana to approve the release of the minutes of the January 10, 2018 Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner O’Connell. The motion was unanimously approved.

II. Director’s Report

a. In January, the Illinois Liquor Control Commission sent out 837 Cease & Desist letters for illegal shipment of alcohol into the State of Illinois. To date, we have had 222 responses. The licensing department is currently in the process of licensing eligible shippers.

b. There are approximately 45,000 shipments monthly into Illinois by way of FedEx and UPS.

c. Of Value Regulations final draft will be provided to the Board of Commissioners at the March 2018 Board Meeting.

III. Enforcement Division

a. The ILCC completed 20 SAM compliance checks, 18 passed and 2 failed. None of the failures were repeat violators. This gives a compliance rate of 80%.

b. There were three new LC-13 partners, covering 1,066 licenses. The licenses covered are expected to be inspected by 6/30/2018.

c. The ILCC anticipates 3 new LC-13 training partners in January, which will include 17 inspectors and 229 licenses to be trained. These licensees are expected to be inspected by 6/30/2018.

d. From July 1, 2017 – January 31, 2018, LC-13 partners performed 1,864 inspections resulting in 519 licensees with violations and 839 total violations.

This a compliance rate of 72%.

IV. Licensing Division

a. Dusanka Marijan stated that the percentage of online renewals is 78%. Mrs. Marijan also provided a report of all new licenses issued for January 2018.

b. As of January 2018, the ILCC has issued 28,764 licenses.

c. All licensees will soon receive an email notification indicating the liquor license is due for renewal. The emails will be sent 60 in advance days and again 30 days

in advance of expiration.

V. Industry Education

a. The total number of BASSET applicants trained in January 2018 was 4,614.

b. The total number of trainees in the BASSET system is 241,164.

c. The ILCC 2017-2018 Winter Newsletter will be emailed to approximately 28,000 individuals.

VI. Legal Division

a. Club Suavee was continued to the ILCC’s March 2018 Board Meeting due to retaining counsel.

b. Richton Liquors was continued to the ILCC’s March 2018 Board Meeting due to retaining counsel.

c. Lastly, the Commission was asked to vote on a Petition for Rehearing for Stix Bar LLC. Commissioner Saldana made a motion to deny the Petition for Rehearing.

Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cahill. Motion unanimously approved.

VII. ALJ Recommendations

a. A motion was made by Commissioner O’Connell to approve the Administrative Law Judge tax recommendations. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cahill. The motion was unanimously approved.

b. The ILCC sent out twenty-two Sale to Minor letters, twenty of them were first time offenders, 2 were second time offenders.

VIII. Closing Remarks and Adjournment to Hearing

a. Chair Beard made a motion at 1:38P.M. to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cahill. Motion unanimously approved.
