
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, March 6, 2025

West Chicago Public Library District Board met July 23.

Webp meet

West Chicago Public Library District Board met July 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

A. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Conradt.

B. ROLL CALL: TRUSTEES PRESENT: Nancy Conradt, President; Richard Bloom, Treasurer; Pat Weninger, Secretary Pro Tem; Tom Tawny, Trustee.

STAFF PRESENT: Ben Weseloh, Library Director; Joan Happel, Bookkeeper; Dominique Mendez, Youth Services Manager; Michael Novy, Technical Service Manager; Amanda Ghobrial, Adult Services Manager; Gabe Cardenas, Circulation Services Manager; Jason Rock, Information Technology Librarian; Margo Burkhardt, Public Relations Specialist.

C. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: 1. Board Meeting - June 25, 2018: Mr. Tawney moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting of June 25, 2018; seconded by Ms. Weninger. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.




(Mr. Reynolds entered the meeting.)

G. TREASURER'S REPORT: 1. Approval of the Bills for final June and July 2018: Mr. Bloom moved to approve expenditures in the amount of $242,984.07. Seconded by Ms. Weninger. Items from the Claims List were discussed: front-loaded database expenses, Crum-Halsted insurance recently approved by the Board; Fitzgerald Lighting included bathroom lighting retrofit to LED, the display case lighting, and an additional outlet installed near the server for the security camera switch.

Roll Call - Yes: Richard Bloom, Pat Weninger, David Reynolds, Tom Tawney, Nancy Conradt. Motion carried.

2. Financial Statements for June 2018: The financial statements of June 2018 were covered under the Director's Report.


I. (No item listed on the agenda)

J. REPORTS: 1. President: None.

2. Library Director: A written report was provided the trustees in the board packets.

The FY 17-18 is at 100 percent, the total year completed. Total revenues were 98.99 percent; $21,000.00 under budget. The Per Capita Grant of $23,000 was not received, which would have covered the $21,352.00 short-fall. Income included interest income, memorials and donations, and program room rental. Expenditures were at 91.98 percent.

Work was performed on the server and the firewall, and the HVAC system; snow removal and exterior landscaping went considerably over the working budget. The water bill ended the year with a credit.

The auditors were at the Library on July 3 for preliminary field work. They will be back on September 11 and 12 to do additional field work.

All door sweeps were replaced on the exterior doors, to prevent air flow loss for both heat and cooling. The security camera bid package was published and is on the Library's website. Bids will be opened on August 20, 2018; and a contractor will be selected at the August 27, 2018 board meeting.

The library will be closed August 10, 2018 for an in-service. The LoveEvenMore sculpture is expected to be delivered the week of July 23, 2018; and the installation to occur during the first two weeks of August.

The budget and appropriation hearing is also on the August 27, 2018 meeting date at 6:45 p.m.

3. Department Managers: Written reports were included in the Board Packets.

Oral reports were provided by department heads for Adult Services -- an English conversation group will meet every Tuesday morning from 10:00 a.m. to noon beginning in September; Young Adult Services, Youth Services, Technical Services, Public Relations -- the readership of the e-newsletter is up from 2,854 subscribers to 5,217 subscribers; and Circulation Services -- 19,341 items were checked out, a 3.23 percent decrease from June 2017; there were 13,079 visitors; 284 new patrons were registered; and the population of library patrons in the district has reached 49.94 percent.

The library previously tracked year-over-year visitor numbers for comparison. The old door counter had broken in May 2017, and the new counter was functioning as of the first of August 2017; therefore year-over-year numbers will be available as of August 2018.

The 25th anniversary of the Library building will be celebrated with an open house night on October 5th; and a library card design contest will be held with the winner of each of three categories -- youth, teen, and adult -- receiving a $50 gift card to Amazon.

4. Policy Committee: No meeting held.


L. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Tentative Budget & Appropriation Ordinance: The information was provided for the Trustees' review.


N. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: No Closed Session held.

O. ADJOURNMENT: Business completed, the meeting was adjourned by President Conradt at 7:31 p.m.
